
Chapter 11




SO MUCH HAD HAPPENED after Jet confronted Karyn a year earlier—despite her protests, Levi married Karyn, and Jet had problems on her job after she rejected a business proposal from Karyn and her friends. Next, she lost Dori’s affections in favor of her new mommy. Despite her resilience to bounce back, Jet admitted defeat and was ready to make major changes in her life. She called Layla.

“You landed in jail?” she screamed in Jet’s ear, then continued to scold her. “And I’m just now hearing about it? Why didn’t you tell me all this was going on with you, girl?”

“Humiliation, hurt, betrayal...” Jet had failed Diane. For everyone’s sake, she had to move. She had sold her house and packed. “You said I didn’t need an invitation to come.”

“You don’t!”

Jet’s heart ached to utter the next words. “This is a permanent relocation. Hopefully, it won’t take me long to buy a condo and find employment.”

“Whoa, so this isn’t a mini vacation? What are you saying? What aren’t you telling me?”

“I gave my two weeks’ notice. My house sold within a week after it was listed, and the mover will be here on Saturday.”

“Did something else happen besides you going to jail?” Layla asked.

If her friend bowed out, then Jet would start over in a random city somewhere. “It’s a long story, and I’ll tell you about it when I arrive.”

“You’ve got that right.”

Jet swallowed the lump in her throat before they said their goodbyes and disconnected. She pushed aside a clear spot on her bed, which was littered with clothes and accessories.

Rossi and Levi insisted she apologize to Karyn after they convinced her how unfounded the accusations were. Karyn never answered Jet’s question about being in prison. That bugged her, and her mind wandered back to a certain incident.

After the beginning of the year, Rossi made sure she kept her resolution to attend grief counseling sessions.

He became her strength and backbone. His words were kind, and he never raised his voice again like that on the day of her arrest. Most of all, Rossi was generous with his smiles and hugs, never bringing up that night again.

“Thank you for coming to my group sessions with me,” she told Rossi over the phone. “It’s been hard, and Levi can only understand some of what I am going through. He had Diane for almost three years. I had her for twenty years. Do you think he would come with me?”

“We all want you to be made whole. I’m sure he will.”

Taking a deep breath, Jet considered one more thing. “What about Karyn? Since she and Nalani are close, do you think she would want to attend? That way she can hear for herself how broken I am, and how hard it is to put the pieces back together?” She gnawed on her lips, waiting for Rossi’s take. Maybe then Karyn would understand why not answering a simple question had set her off.

“I don’t know. As a Christian, I can see her investing in your healing, but Jet, like I’ve said, you need Jesus for yourself.”

Jet blinked and returned to the present. She glanced around her room at the boxes she had packed and taped. Her mind wouldn’t let her forget the day of the group grief counseling session.

When Karyn had admitted she was an ex-felon, Jet was ashamed of her actions. Her claws did come out, and Rossi had to hold her back. Then her worst nightmare came to pass when Levi asked Karyn to marry him, despite knowing her past.

If being a Christian meant complete forgiveness, the Tollivers gave it to Karyn. “Unbelievable,” Jet whispered to herself. She screamed and kicked that this ex-felon would be around her niece. Her protests fell on deaf ears.

Rossi said she needed prayer as even he began to pull away from her. She suspected it was because he started dating Karyn’s sister, Nalani. And the woman had survived several dates. Since Jet had lost her confidant, she did pray, and God answered.

You must have faith in Me and I am a Rewarder if you diligently seek Me.

She never heard that scolding whisper from God again.

Jet hoped prison had reformed Karyn so she wouldn’t mistreat her niece as a stepdaughter. Something told her to stay and fight. She had been fighting since Diane’s death and hadn’t won a battle. Now, she was tired. Dori had a new mommy. Plus, she heard Karyn was expecting.

On this weekend, she would break the news to her niece that she was moving away, but she would be back to visit. Jet wasn’t sure how often. She suspected Dori would be as heartbroken as she was.

On Saturday morning, she went to pick up Dori as usual. Karyn opened the door. Both women were cordial for Dori’s sake, but Jet knew they could never be friends.

Her niece was standing beside Karyn with her backpack to spend the night. “You won’t need that today, sweetie. We’re going to do fun stuff and then you’re coming back home.”

“Okay, Auntie.” Dori raced away to her room and returned skipping, empty handed.

Lord, help me, Jet’s heart cried out.

I’ve been waiting for you to ask, God whispered.

Without delay, they were in Jet’s car, and she drove across the river to the children’s museum in downtown St. Louis. Afterward, they ate at McDonald’s and Dori chatted away about the baby her new mommy was going to give her. Now Jet had second thoughts about breaking her spirit. “Sweetie, Auntie is moving away like a very long vacation.”

“Okay,” Dori said, appearing unfazed as she licked on her ice cream cone. She paused, and her beautiful brown eyes looked concerned. “But you’ll bring me something back, right?”

No drama? Jet was disappointed. She witnessed more emotion when Dori had to go home after spending the weekend with her. “Look for it in the mail.” That earned Jet a grin. “But you have my number, and you can call me any time—any time.”

“Okay, Auntie.”

When Jet took Dori home, she gave her a long hug and held back tears as she smothered her niece with kisses. “I love you,” she said as Karyn opened the door.

“Love you, too, Auntie.” Dori raced toward her new mother and waved. “Bye. Don’t forget my present.” After a moment, the door closed.

The walk back to her car seemed like a mile away. Was she doing the right thing for herself and Dori by leaving? Only time would tell if her decision would close this dark chapter in her life.