NOTE: Page references in italics refer to figures.
Abri de Cro-Magnon , 65
Agassiz, Louis, 28 , 29
Aging. See Longevity
Alcohol abuse, 236–238
Amash, Mariam, 193–195
American Psychological Association, 203
Anatomically modern humans (AMHs), 43–44 , 65–67
Armour, J. Andrew, 71 , 73
Asking Your Heart a Question (exercise), 139–144
Attitude Breathing ® (Institute of HeartMath; exercise), 207–208
Australopithecus , 43
Barnard, Christiaan, 74–75
Baseline beliefs. See also Evolutionary theory; Purposeful life; “Who are we?”
changing stories about, xiii–xv , 247–250
“Establishing Baseline for Your Beliefs,” 3–4
Reassessing Your Baseline Beliefs (exercise), 248–249
rethinking, 247–250
BBC News World Edition , 46
HMS Beagle , 21
Bell, Jadin, 232–233
Blackburn, Elizabeth H., 172
Blood clotting example, 53–54
BMPR2 gene, 49
Bodhisattva, 154–156
Bohr, Niels, xv
Bradbury, Ray, 111–112
Braden, Gregg
The Divine Matrix , 150
Human by Design , xvi–xviii
Brain. See also Heart-based wisdom
brain anatomy, overview, 65–67
role of, 67–69
Brave New World (Huxley), 210–213 , 243
Brecheen, Josh, 25
Bremer, John, 70
A Brief History of Time (Hawking), 223–224 , 240–241
attitude toward aging, 188–189
bodhisattva of, 154–156
on compassion, 148–154
geshe title, 164
Mahayana tradition, 70 , 154
Bullying, 232–233
Byrd, James, Jr., 234
California State University, 227
Camel (cigarette brand), 12
Caregiving, patterns of, 16–17
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 217
Carson, Rachel, 238–239
Case Western Reserve University, 91
Cell division, 170–172
Change, working at, 252–253
A Change of Heart (Sylvia), 76–77
Chante ishta (“life force”), 127–128 , 136
Chicken eggs, 176
Childre, Doc, 207
Chimpanzees, human relationship to, 44–52
Choices, guidelines for, 246–247
Cholesterol, 176
creation story of, 10 , 102
on longevity, 166–168 , 186
cell division and, 170
chromosome 2 (HC2) fusion, 47–52 , 97 , 99
defined, 39–40
Chronic stress, 182–183
Cilia example, 54–55
Circular reasoning, 81–82
Coconut oil, 176–177
Coherence. See also Intuition
defined, 130
psychophysical coherence, 132–137
Quick Coherence ® Technique (Institute of HeartMath), 140–144
Compassion. See also Connection
empathy and, 145–148
global nature of, 153–154
intuition for, 120–127
longevity and, 165–166
as physical force and human experience, 148–153
wisdom and balance of, 154–156
Connection, 119–156
Asking Your Heart a Question (exercise), 139–144
compassion and, 148–156
empathy for, 145–148
energy and, 89–91
heart-based intuition for, 120–121
heart’s wisdom for, 127–128 ( See also Heart-based wisdom)
identifying with others for, 144–145
as impulse, 121–123
intuition as intentional, 128–130
intuition compared to instinct, 123–127
intuitive connection as psychophysical coherence, 130–133
overview, 119–120
personal truth for, 137–139
purposeful life and, 250–252
trusting intuition for, 133–137 ( See also Intuition)
Constructive stress, 179–181
Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection (Wallace), 56–57
Cooperation over competition, 228–231
Creation. See also Creationism
human origin as intentional act of, 61–62
overview of theories about, 61–63
religious/ancient stories of, 9–11 , 17–19 , 100–105
directed mutation as alternative to, 105–108
Dover Case and, 25–28
Crick, Francis, 9 , 18 , 39
Crisis of thinking, 221–222
“Cro-Magnon” man, 44
Cyber-based violence, 232–233
Dalai Lama (fourteenth), 153–154
Darwin, Charles, xiii–xiv , 16 , 19–22 , 32–34 , 37 . See also Evolutionary theory
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 78
Dawkins, Richard, 94 , 224–225
“Dead universe” perspective, 108–110
Decision making, heart-based wisdom for, 79–82
Denton, Michael, 30
The Descent of Man (Darwin), 228
Destiny, 209–210 . See also Personal transformation
Discovering and Resolving Your Unresolved Stress (exercise), 183–185
Discovery Institute, petition by, 31–32
The Divine Matrix (Braden), 150
DNA fusion. See Genetics
Domestic violence, 239
Drug abuse, 236–238
E. coli example, 52
Eggs, nutrition of, 176
ancient religion of, 10–11
Luxor Massacre, 133–137
Einstein, Albert, 15 , 55 , 112 , 153
Ekhlas (Iraqi victim of ISIS), 235
Elgin, Duane, 108–110
Emotion. See also Empathy
compassion as, 148–153 ( See also Compassion)
emotional bond and intuition, 130–131
compassion from, 147–148 ( See also Compassion)
overview, 145–146
sympathy compared to, 146–147
Empowerment, of intuition, 144–145
Enard, Wolfgang, 46
Energy, connection and, 89–91
Energy sources, renewable, 218–220
Enlightenment, Buddhism on, 154–156
Enoch, 167–168
Establishing Baseline for Your Beliefs (exercise), 3–4
Ethical issues, of technology, 213–216
Evolution: A Journey into Where We’re From and Where We’re Going (PBS), 23–24
Evolution and Adaptation (Morgan), 36
Evolutionary theory, 5–37 . See also Genetics
“A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism” (Discovery Institute) on, 31–32
criticism of, 28–32
Dawkins on, 224–225
directed mutation and, 105–108
Dover Case on intelligent design and, 25–28
Evolution: A Journey into Where We’re From and Where We’re Going (PBS), 23–24
“inferred” relationships of, 34–37 , 35
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (Darwin), 19–22 , 32–34
overview of theories about, 61–63
purposeful life and, 91–100
questioning scientific theories and, 11–17
religious views on creation, 9–11 , 17–19
self-healing potential and questioning, 5–9
“survival of strongest” theories, xv , 227–228
Wallace on natural selection, 56–57
Asking Your Heart a Question, 139–144
Attitude Breathing ® (Institute of HeartMath), 207–208
Discovering and Resolving Your Unresolved Stress, 183–185
Establishing Baseline for Your Beliefs, 3–4
Reassessing Your Baseline Beliefs, 248–249
Families, longevity and, 198–199
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 233
Fight-or-flight response, 181–183
Fleischmann, Albert, 29
Forrest Gump (film), 209–210
FOXP2 gene, 45–47 , 49–50 , 97
Gallup poll, 9
Garment factory (Bangladesh), collapse of, 239
Genetics, 39–63
anatomically modern humans (AMHs), 43–44
chromosome 2 (HC2) fusion, 47–52 , 97 , 99
conventional scientific theory of human origins and, 57–61
early genetic research and, 39–40
ethical issues of, 213–216
genes, defined, 39–40
human by design theories and, 61–63
human genome research, 44–47
irreducible complexity and, 52–56
Neanderthals and, 40–42 , 66 , 99
overview, xiv
overview of theories about, 61–63
size of human genetic blueprint, 87–89
telomere size, 168–175 , 169
Wallace on natural selection, 56–57
Genocide, 226–228 , 231
Geshe title, 164
Gilder, Joshua, 24
Golay, Marcel, 92
Goodwin, William, 40
Gould, Stephen Jay, 31
Gray, Asa, 32
Greider, Carol W., 172 , 179
Habits, healthy choices as, 187
Hate crimes
examples, 231–235
Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 234
Hate Crime Statistics (2014), 235
prejudice against uniqueness, 225–228
Hawking, Stephen, 223–224 , 240–241
Hayflick, Leonard, 171–172
HC2 chromosome fusion, 47–52 , 97 , 99
capacity for, 159–162
lifestyle factors and, 175–178 , 185–188
self-healing, 3–9
Heart-based wisdom, 65–85 . See also Compassion
brain anatomy, overview, 65–67
brain’s role and, 67–69
for decision making, 79–82
heart’s functions and, 69–71
intuition as heart-based, 120–121 ( See also Intuition)
longevity and love, 194
memory transference and, 74–79
neurites in heart and, 71–74
power of, 128
resilience and heart health, 204–208 , 205
single eye of heart ( chante ishta ) and, 127–128 , 136
trusting instincts of, 82–85
Heart-rate variability (HRV), 205 , 205
The Heart’s Code (Pearsall), 77–79
HeLa cells, 195–196
Hitler, Adolf, 227 , 228
Homo habilis , 43
Homo sapiens sapiens , 43
Hoyle, Sir Fred, 30 , 93–94
Human by Design (Braden), xvi–xviii
Human cells, 54–55
Human Genome Project, 45 , 87–89
Human genome research, 44–47 . See also Genetics
Human Identification Centre (University of Glasgow), 42
Human life, valuing, 238–244
Huxley, Aldous, 210–213 , 243
Icons of Evolution (Gilder), 24
Immune system, heart-based wisdom and, 75
Impulse, of connection, 121–123
“Inferred” relationships, evolutionary theory and, xiv , 34–37 , 35
intuition compared to, 123–127
trusting, 82–85
Institute of HeartMath (IHM)
Attitude Breathing ® (exercise), 207–208
on intuition, 128–130
overview, 83
Quick Coherence ® Technique, 140–144
of heart ( See Heart-based wisdom)
human origin as product of intelligent form of life, 62–63
Intelligent design, Dover Case and, 25–28
Intention. See also Purposeful life ancient thought about intentional origin, 100–105
human origin as intentional act, 61–62
intuition and, 128–130
Intimate partner violence, 239
Asking Your Heart a Question (exercise), 139–144
chante ishta (“life force”) and, 127–128
compassion and, 148–156
for connection, 119–120
emotional bond of, 130–131
empathy and, 145–148
empowerment of, 144–145
heart-based, 120–121 , 128
impulse to connect and, 121–123
instinct compared to, 123–127
intention and, 128–130
personal nature of, 137–139
psychophysical coherence of, 132–137
spontaneous, 121
Inward-directed abuse, 236–238
Irreducible complexity, 52–56
Islam, creation story of, 102–103
Jaspers, Karl, 113–114
Jesus, 186
Johns Hopkins, 195–196
Jones, John E., III, 26
Journal of Nutrition , 178
creation story of, 10 , 102
on longevity, 166–168 , 186
“Keys,” summarized, 253–259
Kohn, Alfie, 230
Koontz, Dean, 124
Kropotkin, Peter, 228–231
Lacks, Henrietta, 195–196
Lawley, Derik, 236–238
Lawley-Bergey, Tara, 236–238
Li Ching-Yuen, 191–193 , 192
Lifestyle factors, longevity and, 175–178 , 185–188
Lipson, H. S., 29
Logan, Ronald, 229–230
Longevity, 157–208
Attitude Breathing ® (Institute of HeartMath; exercise), 207–208
Discovering and Resolving Your Unresolved Stress (exercise), 183–185
emotional impact of, 197–202
healing capacity for, 159–162
lifestyle factors and, 179–181 , 185–188
overview, 157–158
resilience for, 202–207 , 205
resisting measurement of age and, 188–191
stories of, 162–168 , 191–195 , 192
stress and, 181–185
telomeres and, 195–196
Lotus Sutra (Mahayana Buddhism), 70
Love, longevity and, 194
Luce, Clare Boothe, 79
Macarius (Saint), 73–74
Macy, Joanna, 155
Mahayana Buddhism, 70 , 154 . See also Buddhism
Manning, Henry Edward (Cardinal of England), 33
Mao Tse-Tung, 227
Matthews, Leonard Harrison, 30
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 46
Mayans, creation story of, 103–104
Mayfield Clinic (University of Cincinnati), 68
McKusick, Victor A., 88
Medical profession, self-healing and, 5–9
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 227 , 228
Memory transference, 74–79
Men Like Gods (Wells), 211–213 , 243
Methuselah, 166
Mezmaiskaya Cave discovery, 40–41
Michelson, Albert, 90 , 91
Michelson-Morley experiment, 90–91
Minerals, 178
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 41
Morgan, Thomas H., 36
Morley, Edward, 90 , 91
Mubarak, Hosni, 136
Mutual Aid (Kropotkin), 229
National Academy of Sciences, 48–52 , 179 , 183
National Center for Education Statistics, 232
National Geographic News , 43
Native American traditions
chante ishta concept (Cherokee), 127–128
heart-based wisdom of Omaha people, 70
Seattle (Suquamish Chief) on purposeful life, 251
Nature , 42 , 46 , 90–91 , 173–174
NBC News , 225
Neanderthals, xiv , 40–42 , 66 , 99
Neurites, 71–74
Neurocardiology , 71
Nippur (creation story), 102
No Contest (Kohn), 230
Nuclear energy, 219–220
Nut (Egyptian goddess), 10–11
food availability, 217–218
longevity and, 175–178 , 185–188
Of Pandas and People , 25
Omaha people, 70
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (Darwin), xiii–xiv , 19–22 , 32–34 , 227–228 . See also Evolutionary theory
Organ transplant, of heart, 74–79
Pathos , 146
Patterns, conditioned, 16–17
Pearsall, Paul, 77–79
Peer-to-peer economies, 221
Perception, heart-based wisdom and, 81
Personal transformation, 209–244
cooperation over competition for, 228–231
crisis of thinking and, 221–223
ethical issues and, 213–216
inward-directed abuse and, 236–238
power of self-worth for, 223–225 , 240–241
respecting uniqueness in others, 225–228 , 231–236
sharing-based economies and, 221
solutions to personal and global issues, 216–220
utopian concepts and, 210–213 , 243
valuing human life and, 238–244
Pew Research Center, 233
Popol Vuh (Mayan text), 10 , 104
Power, of heart wisdom, 128
Pratchett, Terry, 14
Prigogine, Ilya, 92
Princeton University, 82
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (National Academy of Sciences), 48–52
Psychology Today , 199
Psychophysical coherence, 132–137
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), 23–24
Purposeful life, 87–115
ancient thought about intentional origin, 100–105
capacity to love and, 113–115
connection and, 250–252
conventional theory of evolution and, 91–94
directed mutation as alternative to evolution and creationism, 105–108
expanding theories about evolution, 94–100
intention and, 61–62 , 100–105 , 128–130
scientific assumptions and, 87–91
universe as living system and, 108–113
Quick Coherence ® Technique (Institute of HeartMath), 140–144
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (“Little Red Book;” Mao), 227
race relations, 225–226
violence based on, 234
Reassessing Your Baseline Beliefs (exercise), 248–249
aging/longevity and, 166–168 , 185–191 ( See also Longevity)
“A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism” (Discovery Institute) and, 31–32
beliefs about the heart, 70 , 73–74
compassion and, 148–156
Creationism, 25–28 , 105–108
Dover Case on intelligent design and, 25–28
healing traditions of, 161
Human by Design (Braden) goals and, xvi
religious/ancient views on creation, 9–11 , 17–19 , 100–105
violence based on, 227 , 228 , 234–235
Renewable energy sources, 218–220
Research/review, Human by Design (Braden) goals and, xvi , xvii
Attitude Breathing ® (Institute of HeartMath; exercise), 207–208
electrocardiogram (ECG) example, 204–208 , 205
overview, 202–204
Retirement, longevity and, 198–199
Rozman, Deborah, 207
Sagan, Carl, 15
St. Paul School of Theology, 229
Salisbury, Frank, 92
Sandburg, Carl, 230
SATB2 gene, 49
Schweitzer, Albert, 243
Science, Human by Design (Braden) goals and, xvi
“A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism” (Discovery Institute), 31–32
Seattle (Suquamish Chief), 251
Sedgwick, Adam, 29
Self-abuse, problem of, 236–238
Establishing Baseline for Your Beliefs (exercise), 3–4
questioning scientific theory and, 5–9
Self-worth, power of, 223–225 , 240–241
Sensory neurites, 71–74
Sexual orientation, violence based on, 233–234
Sharing-based economies, 221
Shepard, Matthew, 234
Silvertooth, E. W., 90–91
Smith, Wolfgang, 31
Smithsonian Institution, 41
Smoking, Surgeon General on, 11–13
Spontaneous intuition, 121
SSB gene, 49
Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV series), 145–146
Steiner, Rudolf, 70
Stockholm Resilience Centre, 203–204
Stories, changing, 14
Discovering and Resolving Your Unresolved Stress (exercise), 183–185
fight-or-flight response to, 181–183
telomeres and, 179–181
Substance abuse, 236–238
Sumerians, creation story of, 101–102
Suquamish people, 251
Sutras, 155
Swomley, John, 229
Sylvia, Claire, 76–77
Sympathy, empathy compared to, 146–147
Symposium on the Humanistic Aspects of Regional Development (1993), 229–230
Szostak, Jack W., 172
TBR1 gene, 49
Tellus Institute, 217
HeLa cells and, 195–196
importance of telomere size, 168–172 , 169
lifestyle factors and, 175–178
stress and, 179–181
telomerase, 172–175
Thorium energy, 219–220
Tobacco, Surgeon General on, 11–13
Todorov, Alex, 82
Transforming Stress (Childre, Rozman), 207
Transplant, of heart, 74–79
Trust, intuition compared to, 135–136
Truth, as personal, 137–139
Tutu, Desmond (Bishop), 244
UCLA, 46
Uniqueness, respecting, 225–228 , 231–236
United Nations World Food Programme, 217–218
University of California at Berkeley, 72
University of Cincinnati, 68
University of Glasgow, 40 , 42
University of Montreal, 71
U.S. Air Force, 90–91
U.S. Census Bureau, 233
U.S. Department of Education, 232
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, 26
U.S. Social Security Administration, 198
U.S. Surgeon General, 11–13
Utah State University, 92
Utopia, concepts of, 210–213 , 243
Value, of human life, 238–244
Venter, Craig, 89
Vitamins, 178
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 56–57
Wall Street Journal , 225
Wangmo, Kelsang, 164–166
Washkansky, Louis, 74–75
Watson, James, 39
Weikart, Richard, 227
Wells, H. G., 211–213 , 243
“Who are we?” See also Purposeful life
baseline beliefs about, xiii–xv , 3–4 , 247–250 ( See also Evolutionary theory)
changing answer to, 245–246
goals of Human by Design (Braden), xvi–xviii
guidelines to make choices about, 246–247
importance of origin and, xi–xiii
“keys,” summarized, 253–259
life with purpose for, 250–252
overview of theories about, 61–63
Reassessing Your Baseline Beliefs (exercise), 248–249
working at change for, 252–253
Wickramasinghe, Chandra, 93–94
Williams, David S., 131
Williams Institute, 233
Women, violence against, 239
Young, Kaye, 130–131
Young, Ronald, Jr., 130–131
Zebra fish, 66–67