Perceived Truths
Great Cheelum saw the goodness of those who dwelt below the Ice Shield and gifted the Lords of High Places with magic, so the lives of all those who lived under their care could be easy and peaceful. But a false prophet arose in the mountain fastness to the west. The people there rejected the Gift, saying they wanted no Lords over them. They believed the High Places belonged to all with legs to climb. The land welcoming Cheelum’s Gift was called Fallucia and the land of the lost ones was called Rennic.
Over time, the Rennish, a dark and brutal people, came to envy the ease of life enjoyed by their neighbors and stole much of Fallucia’s magic for themselves, warping it into something evil. And so the Lords of High Places called what magic remained unto themselves and shut the Rennish away behind strong, warded walls.
History of the Known World – by Aethem of Fallucia
Trust not Fallucians. They would steal our magic and our wives, for their lives are corrupt.
Rennish Folk Wisdom