Chapter Nine


The couch proved lumpier than I'd remembered. Most likely due to the fact that I carried more than one bruise from the evening's workout session in the form of kick Alex's ass.

Flopping over, I stared at the clock, sighed, then decided to stop wasting time when sleep refused to come. I tossed aside my blanket and headed for the kitchen, intent upon doing something productive in the form of cooking. After all, there wasn't much else to do at three in the morning. If I tried to sneak out and go back home, I'd wake the guys, then get a lecture about manners, safety, and not being around when Cannibal needed his socks folded.

Checking out the panty, I found all the ingredients I needed for a batch of homemade cinnamon rolls, a delicacy I hadn't made since Logan and I shared our last Christmas together. There wasn't much point after that as I spent each holiday alone and truly didn't feel like celebrating.

I smiled as I recalled how Logan used to light up when he walked into the kitchen just as I took the rolls out, an expression of hunger and excitement written on his face. He'd given me so much. The treat paled in comparison, but I thoroughly enjoyed giving him the small gift.

After mixing everything together, I set the bowl aside to rise. Cleaning up the kitchen didn't take too long before I found myself back on the computer, checking for emails and updates. My inbox sat as empty as my cupboards at my apartment. Before Cannibal bought me some groceries, that is.

For what seemed like the hundredth time, I thought about Cannibal. Such a mixture of gruff and kind, strong yet gentle, all with some warped sense of humor that I hadn't quite figured out. An enigma who could easily fill my dreams, if I had any.

Right now, my life revolved around getting a paycheck, keeping up with the bills, and preparing for unemployment again in a little over a month's time.

My shoulders slumped as I blew out a weary, worried breath.

I clicked on the virus scan and let the software to do its work. No sense wasting time playing solitaire when my mind darted busily down bunny trails.

Speaking of rabbit holes, I wondered what a dragon society entailed. All I could recall from folklore is that dragons lived in caves and hoarded gold and other priceless treasures. So, what did that mean for dragon shifters?

Since probably no one knew they existed, secrecy had to be a top priority. Where in the world could they live in order to hide so well? With GPS and satellites, being invisible took on a whole new challenge. For them to do so meant they both hunkered underground and didn't venture out, or they existed in such horrendous places that humans dared not venture. Considering there were inhabitants at the poles and the deepest jungles, I couldn't fathom a place short of Neverland where something as big as a dragon could escape detection. That didn't necessarily bode well for me, a human, to be dragged along for a short visit.

Dragons were magical, right?

What spells could they cast? Would they turn me into stone? Pop me into a cooking dish and cover me with butter for roasting?

A shudder ran down my spine.

Surely not. Cannibal wouldn't drag me along just to be dinner. After all, he would be left high and dry for a new gopher until Shy returned from maternity leave.

I wrapped that knowledge around myself and drew on my waning bravery.

No sense getting all in panic mode until we arrived and someone approached me with a turkey baster.

I glanced at the clock, stood, and headed back to the kitchen. Once I spread out the dough, sprinkled sugar, cinnamon, and butter in the center, I rolled it up like a big log. After slicing and putting them into cake pans, I covered them, then set my mental timer. If everything worked out right, the rolls should be done about the time the guys rolled out of bed.

Sure enough, just as I dribbled icing over the two pans full of fresh cinnamon rolls, Cannibal strolled in, dressed in his typical leather attire, his nose in the air as if sniffing in the addictive scent. "What are you making?"

"Cinnamon rolls. From scratch." I spooned out the last of the topping, put the bowl in the sink, and filled it with water.

His gaze landed on the still hot treat. Without saying another word, he pulled a knife out of a drawer, cut a big piece, and took a hearty bite.

I watched his eyes close as pure bliss covered his features.

I smiled at the sight, so rare, yet so rewarding.

"These are wonderful." He looked down at me as he chewed.

"You're welcome."

"What smells so heavenly?" Titus stepped into the room, loose sweats covering his body. His tousled hair spoke of just climbing out of bed without taking a pit stop at the bathroom first.

"Cinnamon rolls."

He eyed Cannibal, stepped around him, then collected a handful for himself.

I nearly giggled at the almost identical expression on his face as he sank his teeth in.


My heart lifted at providing them such an appreciated surprise this morning. I savored the moment a little longer before finishing filling the dishwasher.

I picked up my purse and started toward the living room.

"Where are you going?"

Pausing, I turned back to stare at Cannibal, who shoved another bite into his mouth. "To my apartment. I need to get more clothes and launder the rest."

His eyebrows lowered. "You didn't eat."

I shrugged. "I'm not the best breakfast person. Besides, I need to get some things done if I'm to be back at a decent time."

Before I could say more, Cannibal scooped me up and plopped me down in one of the kitchen chairs, my purse on my lap. Titus set a plate with a roll in front of me along with a glass of milk. I blinked at them both. "I…"

"Eat," Cannibal ordered, taking a seat next to mine.

Titus followed suit after collecting plates and glasses for both of them.

For a split second I considered arguing, but the growling of my stomach told the tale. I picked off a section and put it in my mouth, delighted with the tasty sweetness.

The silence stretched on. I opted to get some basic questions out of the way in order to plan my visit and escape from the dragon lands. The hardest part was deciding which direction to go first. "What's your home like?"

Cannibal spared me a glance. "Cold."

I blinked. "Cold as in temperature or cold as in how the people interact?"

He shrugged.

Not to be deterred, I turned to Titus. "Care to elaborate?"


Wonderful. Of all days for them to clam up. I sipped my milk and tried again. "What do dragons eat anyway?"

Titus's lips twitched. "Pretty much anything."

Visions of charred meat on the hoof raced through my mind. I shuddered at the unpleasant image. Time to get down to the nitty-gritty. "Including humans?"

Cannibal spared me a droll stare. "Depends."


"Who you piss off," Titus answered around a mouthful of food.

And the good news just kept coming. I sighed and picked at my roll. "Maybe I need a better job description of pretend girlfriend," I did the quote sign in the air, "before we leave."

"Simple. You smile, hang on my every word, and obey at once." Cannibal emptied his glass.

"You're kidding, right?" I crossed my fingers.


I slouched all the more. "I better tell you now, I'm going to make a sucky girlfriend."

He arched an eyebrow.

"Yep. You see, I don't know how to cling to you in adoration, have problems with blind obedience, and can't seem to wrap my mind around following you like an enamored puppy."

For a moment, his expression remained stoic as ever. Then, he cracked a ghost of a grin. "Don't worry. You'll get up to speed quick. After all, as my girlfriend, you'll be with me every minute of the day."

My mouth fell open. "Oh, no. No. No. I'm not sleeping with you. No way." I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in my seat.

His smile grew. "You will. At my beck and call. Anytime I need you. Or did you forget already?" His eyes flashed in challenge.

I so wanted to bounce the fork off his forehead. "I draw the line at that." Lifting my chin, I glared straight at him before waving my hand. "Besides, I'm sure your parents would be distressed to know you're sneaking me into your bed."

Titus started laughing. Cannibal smacked him in the arm.

"What are you not telling me?"

"Nothing important."


I finished my meal before peering up at Cannibal once more. "I should probably warn you, I have major PMS. Mess with me at your own risk." I would have felt better if he'd at least showed a fragment of concern. Instead, he grinned wolfishly.

I'm so screwed.

Giving up, I gathered the dirty dishes and added them to the dishwasher before starting it. The last thing I wanted to do was return to a sink full of dirty dishes because the Neanderthal refused to sully his hands.

"We'll take the other pan of rolls with us." It couldn't hurt to bring a dish, right? Chummy up their parents a little bit.

"Sure." Titus left the room, presumably to shower, leaving me with Cannibal.

"Bring heavy clothes. The heaviest you have."

I glanced at Cannibal, my heart picking up speed at the thought of our destination today. "Where are we going exactly?" I had visions of the North Pole minus Santa and the flying reindeer. Correct that. Flying dragons were close, though I doubted any of them pulled sleighs.

"You'll find out when we get there. Now get going. We don't have all day."

And the taciturn drill sergeant was back.

I barely refrained from saluting him as I marched out the front door.




Twenty minutes later, I stepped into my apartment, thankful the warmth had returned. Apparently, at some point, the furnace had been repaired. How long it would keep chugging away was anyone's guess.

Quickly, I grabbed my dirty clothes and threw them in to the antiquated washing machine next to my kitchen. While small and loud, at least I had the luxury of not having to run to the laundromat and spend an afternoon using the same appliances as dozens of others. No telling what germs they had on their clothes. Sure, detergent cleaned and removed dirt, but I often wondered what microscopic particles remained. My luck, some icky flu bug would live in the washer, infest my clothes, then declare me a host when I hung up the garment. No thanks.

With the first batch of clothes churning away, I went to my closet, opened the door, and peeked in.

Warm clothes. Sweaters. Pants. Boots.

Unfortunately, those were in short supply.

Some things couldn't be helped. I grabbed a few items, folded them nicely, and stuffed them into a grocery sack left over from the other day. My sneakers would have to work as would the pair of jeans and a couple pair of leggings that went with my best sweaters. While out of style, they were at least appropriate for the season.

Task done, I sat down on my small couch, rubbed the chill from my arms, and looked around the room.

Cold silence met me. Only the creak of the floorboards from the neighbors moving around above me broke the quiet. I'd lived in this place for a while, but never before had my apartment felt so lonely or impersonal. Bleak.

A constant reminder of unfulfilled dreams and unrealized ambitions.

A weary and worrisome sigh escaped before I forced myself to quit wallowing in pity. I had a job. A roof over my head. Food. That's more than some people could claim.

All because of Cannibal.

The Enforcer everyone avoided like a mosquito-infested pond, who was as likely to growl and snap as to ignore me. But also the man who had stepped up voluntarily and without complaint when I needed a helping hand.

For that, I'd do just about anything.

Even sleep in the same bed. Dang it.

The problem wasn't that I couldn't bear to be that up close and personal. Not because of a distaste for him, but rather, it revolved around the fact that I wasn't sure I could resist temptation.

How am I supposed to sleep in the same bed with the hunk and not cuddle up? Not run my hands over his warm flesh, then dip in for a quick taste? How am I going to avoid staring at his crotch as he prepares to settle in for the night and consider what wonders are hidden under those leather pants?

I'd firmly entrenched myself in chastity long ago, trying to steer clear of the pitfalls my mother had fallen into. It wasn't hard, really. Not when I'd never met a man who even roused my interest, let alone put my innocent status to the test.

Until now.

Of all people for my heart and hormones to go berserk over, it would have to be my boss. Lucky me.

I could keep my distance, toe the line of morality. Distance helped. But, I wasn't sure my ethics wouldn't waver under the covers with the sexiest man alive.

The question became what did Cannibal want with me? A one-night stand? A fling for a few weeks, then adios? Something longer and more intimate? Something convenient and quick?

Then there was those dragon genes he carried. What did that have to do with sex? Shifters mated, I knew that much. Were dragons the exception to the rule? Did they keep it within the species? Branch out? Find humans utterly inappropriate as a mate and relegated to a speedy pump and dump session, if that?

Argh! I wanted to beat my head on the wall, but knew from experience it wouldn't help.

Nothing would. Except prying Cannibal's thoughts open. Barring that, I needed to ignore the clamoring of my body, throw the hussy voice in my head far away, and remind myself often to keep the relationship strictly professional.

Yeah, right.

One benefit of going to the frozen tundra sounded appealing. I'd be too frozen to risk taking my clothes off and Popsicles didn't radiate hot, sexy pheromones.

At least I hoped not.

With that thought, I gathered my stuff together knowing full well that if I tried to drag my feet, Cannibal would show up, sling me over his shoulder, and carry me away.

As romantic as that sounded, I couldn't get too excited. After all, we were going to a faraway place where a female dragon had her sights set on Cannibal. I stood in her way.

Somehow I didn't really think she would accept that without a fight.