“But what about my mother’s things?” The words forced their way past her lips. They needed to be said, but maybe in a more. . .she cringed. . .a more pleading manner. But pleading was not in her makeup. At least not today.
Mr. Goff’s steely eyes stared over the rim of his glasses. “Everything belongs to the estate. You will take what you have been allowed and nothing else, Miss Fleming.” He hesitated before he finished. “And if you are caught taking more, you will be arrested for thievery.”
Addie swallowed the hot bile that rose in her throat. Why. . .why?. . .fear and fury raged in her whole being. Her hands folded together in an effort to curb the trembling in her fingers. How dare Cousin Vance treat her in this manner, refusing her the belongings of her own mother. What a coward he was to have his solicitor stand between them.
She cleared her throat. “I would like to personally speak to my cousin about this matter.” Let the spineless excuse for a man speak for himself. How brave would he be looking her in the eye?”
Mr. Goff closed the folder before him and smiled. Not even a hint of cowardice showed on his face. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible. Mr. Wellington, now Lord Benchley, has ordered that you be gone from the premises two days before he and Lady Pamela arrive. You will be safely on your way to America by that time.”