A few for you to try:


“Happy Home” Oil

One way to use this oil is to apply it to candles and burn them in the home for a subtle fragrance that will protect and purify your space. Note that these scents are all citrus based. This corresponds to the notion that citrus fruits such as lemons and limes will cut through negativity and bad magic.

Use 3 drops of orange, 2 each of lemongrass and lemon, and 1 drop of lime added to a base oil.

“Bring Me Peace” Oil

This brings harmony and calm and is especially useful when nervous or upset. It can be used anywhere on the body.

Use 3 drops each of ylang-ylang and lavender, 2 drops of chamomile, and 1 drop of rose added to a base oil.

“Heal Up Fast” Oil

This helps speed the process of healing and can also be applied to bed linen or used in a burner, or diffuser, in the sick room.

Use 4 drops of rosemary, 2 of juniper, and 1 of sandalwood added to a base oil. Alternatively, add the drops to water in a burner.

“Protect Me” Oil

Worn on the body, this offers protection against negative energies and psychic attacks. It can also be used on windows and doors as a guard for the house.

Use 4 drops of basil, 3 of geranium, 2 of pine, and 1 of vertivert added to a base oil.

“Fast Energy” Oil

Wear this to strengthen energy reserves or for a boost when feeling depleted.

Use 4 drops of orange, 2 of lime, and 1 of cardamom added to a base oil.

“Sleep Well” Oil

To bring on natural and restful sleep, use on the temples, neck, the pulse sides of both wrists, and the soles of the feet, or use in a burner in the bedroom.

Use 2 drops of rose, and 1 each of jasmine and chamomile added to a base oil.


“Win the Case” Oil

This is used during court cases to confuse the opposition and reveal the holes in their arguments and evidence. Aim to introduce it to the courtroom and to attach the fragrance to the opposition but not to yourself. You might, for example, wear it when shaking hands with the opposition counselor before the trial begins, then immediately wash it off your own hands before entering the courtroom.

Use 5 drops of coconut, 3 each of lavender and black pepper, and 2 each of violet and ginseng added to a base oil.

“Bring Me Money Fast” Oil

Wear this on the body and especially on the hands to ensure the fast return of money whenever you touch it, or to gain the support of business partners and influential persons when you shake their hands. You can also use it to anoint green candles, which are burned with the intention of attracting new money.

Use 7 drops of patchouli, 5 of cedarwood, 4 of vertivert, and 2 of ginger added to a base oil.

“Make a Good Impression” Oil

This helps make a favorable impression during interviews and auditions, and will also calm “interview nerves.” Wear it as a fragrance.

Use 4 drops of ylang-ylang, 3 of lavender, and 1 of rose added to a base oil.


“Fast Luck” Oil

Wear this as a fragrance or dab it onto anything (a photograph, etc.) that represents an area of your life in which you want greater luck.

Use equal parts of cinnamon, vanilla, and wintergreen added to a base oil.

“Reversing the Trick” Oil

To protect against negative energy and return it to whoever sent it, dab this on the pulse points of the wrists.

Use equal parts of lemon, rosemary, rose, and peppermint added to a base oil.