A taste of the rugged beauty of the west coast of Ireland near the Burren National Park. Here lush, green forest looks out toward the rocky limestone hills.
This book is more than a dream come true for me. Many years ago when I was still in high school, I discovered a couple of crochet leaflets of what was called Fisherman Crochet by a woman named Annie Ough. I fell in love with these unique crochet stitches and made every pattern multiple times. I literally wore out the pages so that they had to be taped again and again. I perused craft books for decades looking for more patterns with these stitches, but without success. It has been said that if you can’t find the book you are looking for, then perhaps you should write it. Well, this is that crochet book that I couldn’t find.
In 2012, I received the amazing gift of traveling with my sweetheart on his business trip to Ireland! I never had an official “bucket list,” but if I did, visiting Ireland would have been at the very top. Not only did I get to tag along with him in Dublin, but he added on a few extra days to travel to the west coast of the island, just across the way from the Aran Isles—the home of the inspiration for my crochet designs! Many of these designs have been given Irish names that have very special memories of Ireland attached to them.
You may notice that I didn’t limit myself to the traditional, natural “Aran” color in these projects. My photos of Ireland’s lovely countryside show the unlimited color spectrum that I mirrored when selecting the fibers for my Celtic crochet designs.
May the contents of this book be a blessing and inspiration to you!