
abuela: grandmother

abuelo: grandfather

aljama: the Jewish community in a town or village in Spain

bisabuelo: great-grandfather

converso: a convert from Judaism to Christianity after 1391, when many forced baptisms took place

Don: Sir, a title of respect

Doña: Lady, a title of respect

ducat: a gold coin

get: a writ of divorce, the document that finalizes a divorce

hazan: cantor, or singer in Jewish services

hermandad: the local police force

infanta: the daughter of Spanish monarchs

Judaize: to practice Judaism in secret, while pretending to be Christian

judería: the neighborhood where Jews were required to live; the Jewish ghetto

maravedi: silver coins of little value, used mostly in paper transfers of money

New Christian: a converso

Old Christian: someone from a family that was Christian before 1391

reale: a silver coin

sanbenito: a tunic worn by people who had been condemned by the Inquisition

tallit: a prayer shawl worn by men

tevah: the lectern members speak from in the synagogue

tía: aunt

Torah: the first five books of the Hebrew Bible