
Chicks & Chicken Supplies

Contact the following retailers to purchase chicks (for pick-up or delivery) and all the supplies an urban chicken keeper might need.

Cackle Hatchery

Decorah Hatchery

Double R Country Store

Dunlap Hatchery

Eagle Nest Poultry

Egganic Industries

Estes Hatchery

Grain-Belt Hatchery

Heartland Hatchery

Hoffman Hatchery, Inc.

Hoover’s Hatchery

Ideal Poultry Breeding Farms, Inc.

Meyer Hatchery

Murray McMurray Hatchery

Moyer’s Chicks, Inc.

Privett Hatchery

Ridgway Hatcheries

Sand Hill Preservation Center

Smith Poultry & Game Bird Supplies

Stromberg’s Chicks & Game Birds

Sun Ray Chicks Hatchery

Townline Hatchery

Welp, Inc.

Chicken Information & Organizations

The following organizations and companies offer a range of chicken-related information.

American Bantam Association

American Egg Board

American Poultry Association

Cutler Supply


Poultry Press

Seattle Tilth Association