This listing will give you a good idea of chicken codes across the country, current as of our publication date. Towns and cities update their codes and ordinances on a regular basis, however, so check in with your local health department to find the codes current to your area before you decide to take up chicken keeping.
City Code No: Ch. 7, Art. IV, Div. 2, Sec. 7-102 and 7-103
Chicken Limits: 25 chickens or fewer with permit; 200 feet from residences
City Code No: Part II, Title 8, Ch. 8
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Ch. 8, Art. II, Sec. 8-7 and 8-8
Chicken Limits: 20 chickens or fewer with written permission of residences within 80 feet
City Code No: Ch. 10, Art. IV, Sec. 10-166 thru 10-169
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens with annual permit fee of $1.00; 75 feet from residences
City Code No: Ch. I, Art. 2, Sec. 12.05(A)(7)(a)
Chicken Limits: 5 chickens or fewer; no permit required
City Code No: Ch. 4, Art. 2, Div. 7, Sec. 42.0708 & 42.0709
Chicken Limits: 25 chickens or fewer with permit; 50 feet from residences
City Code No: Health Code, Art. 1, Sec. 37
Chicken Limits: No permit for 4 or fewer chickens; 20 feet from any door or window
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 5, Art. I, Sec. 5-5.5
Chicken Limits: 4 chickens or fewer; permit required for additional chickens
City Code No: Title 8, Ch. 8, Sec. 08.070.010
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens with annual permit fee
City Code No: Title II, Ch. 8, Art. IV, Div. 2, Sec. 8-91
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens with annual permit fee of $50
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 6, Sec. 6-4
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens; unlawful to keep poultry in area detrimental to public health
City Code No: Title III, Ch. 7, Sec. 7-2
Chicken Limits: No prohibition on keeping chickens in the city; chickens can’t roam at large or cause a nuisance
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 3, Art. I, Sec. 3-15
Chicken Limits: Chickens are prohibited
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 6, Art. I, Sec. 6-1
Chicken Limits: 15 chickens or fewer, together with 30 or fewer baby chicks; permit required; 100 feet from residences
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 18, Art. II
Chicken Limits: No prohibition on keeping chickens in the city; chickens can’t roam at large
City Code No: Ch. 7, Sec. 7-2.5(d)
Chicken Limits: 2 chickens or fewer; 300 feet from residences
City Code No: Title 8, Sec. 8-08
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Title 7, Ch. 7-12, Sec. 7-12-300
Chicken Limits: No prohibition on keeping chickens in the city; cannot kill chickens in the city
City Code No: Title III, Ch. 531, Art. I, Sec. 531-102
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Ch. 18, Sec. 18-4
Chicken Limits: 25 chickens on the first acre of land, and 50 additional chickens on each acre thereafter
City Code No: Ch. 5, Art. I
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Ch. 18, Art. VII, Sec. 18-291
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens; 50 feet from residences
City Code No: Title 9, Ch. 90, Sec. 90.01
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Ch. 4, Sec. 4-10
Chicken Limits: No prohibition on keeping chickens in the city; chickens can’t roam at large
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 4, Art. I, Sec. 4.3
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens, with written permission of property owners within 300 feet
City Code No: Title 14, Ch. 2, Part III, Sec. 14.224
Chicken Limits: 3 chickens or fewer; permit required for additional chickens; 10 feet from nearest property line, 50 feet from nearest residences
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 10, Art. I
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Title 17, Subdiv. 3, Sec. 17.300
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Ch. 3
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Ch. 16, Sec. 16-1.8A
Chicken Limits: By permit for a fee of $20, and additional $10 fee for each 50 kept
City Code No: Part III, Ch. 6
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Title 4, Ch. 70, Sec. 70.10
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens with annual permit fee of $10, plus written consent of 80 percent of residents within 100 feet
City Code No: Ch. 4, Art. I, Sec. 4-1-5
Chicken Limits: 2 chickens or fewer; no permit or fee; 150 feet from nearest property line
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 18, Art. I, Sec. 18-24
Chicken Limits: 12 chickens in a pen at least 144 sq. feet; up to 25 chickens with additional 12 sq. feet per each; 50 feet from nearest property line
City Code No: Ch. 4, Art. 4-500, Sec. 4-501 Part II, Ch. 6, Div. 3, Sec. 6-233
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 6, Div. 3, Sec. 6-233
Chicken Limits: No prohibition on keeping chickens in the city; chickens can’t roam at large
City Code No: Part II
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 5, Art. I, Sec. 5-5.5
Chicken Limits: No prohibition on keeping chickens in the city; 45 feet from residences
City Code No: Title I, Ch. 13, Art. 13-1, Sec. 13-1-5
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens permitted; can’t be a public nuisance or health hazard
City Code No: Health chapter
Chicken Limits: Chickens are prohibited
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 7, Art. 5, Sec. 7-227
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens permitted on half-acre parcel or larger
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 78, Art. I, Sec. 78-1
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens; no permit required; can’t be detrimental to public health
City Code No: Part III, Ch. 6, Sec. 6-6
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens; no permit or fee required; 20 feet from any property line, 50 feet from any principal residences
City Code No: Ch. 5, Art. I
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Part I, Ch. XI, Art. II, Sec. 11-0215
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens permitted; can’t be a public nuisance or health hazard
City Code No: Part 17, Title I, Ch. 1705, Sec. 1705.05
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens; permit required for all livestock within city limits
City Code No: Ch. 8, Art. IV, Sec. 8-246
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of hens permitted; 40 feet from residences
City Code No: Title 13, Ch. 13.05
Chicken Limits: 3 chickens or fewer without a permit; more with permit; 50 feet from residences
City Code No: Title 6, Art. III, Ch. 635, Sec. 635.02
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 4, Art. I, Sec. 4-4
Chicken Limits: Chickens are prohibited
City Code No: Ch. 4, Art. II, Sec. 4-33
Chicken Limits: Chickens are prohibited
City Code No: Ch. 5, Art. I, Sec. 5-9
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens; permit required; 150 feet from residences
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 7, Art. I, Sec. 7-8
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens permitted; can’t be a nuisance
City Code No: Part I, Ch. 5, Art. I, Sec. 5-3
Chicken Limits: No prohibition on keeping chickens in the city; chickens can’t roam at large
City Code No: Vol. I, Ch. 7, Art. I, Sec. 7-13.1, 7-15.1, 7-22
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens; no permit required; no roosters; shelter required; no disturbing noises or nuisance
City Code No: Ch. 6, Art. II, Sec. 6-31, 6-38
Chicken Limits: 7 chickens or fewer with permit only if person under doctor’s orders for fresh chicken eggs
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 5
Chicken Limits: No prohibition or restrictions on keeping chickens in the city
City Code No: Title 8, Ch, 8, Sec. 8.08.010
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens with annual permit of $5 per hen, max. of $40 per year; 50 feet from residences
City Code No: Ch. 8, Art. I, Sec. 5–6
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens permitted; must be kept in an enclosure
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 4, Art. I, Sec. 4-3
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens subject to Health Dept. inspection
City Code No: Title 23, Subtitle IV, Div. 2, Ch. 23.44, Sec. 23.44.048
Chicken Limits: 3 chickens or fewer without a permit on a 20,000 sq. foot lot
City Code No: Part II, Ch. 3, Art. I, Sec. 3-10
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens permitted; can’t be a public nuisance or health hazard
City Code No: Ch. 7, Sec. 7.29
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens permitted; can’t be a public nuisance or health hazard
City Code No: Title 7, Ch. 7.04, Sec. 7.04.010
Chicken Limits: Chickens are prohibited
City Code No: Title 6, Ch. 6.06, Sec. 6.06.030
Chicken Limits: Unspecified number of chickens permitted; 20 feet from neighboring residences; no roosters allowed