Thanks to all of the wonderful people of the Hachette Book Group. Tremendous thanks to Krishan Trotman and Mauro DiPreta.
Lots of gratitude for the terrific team at Foundry Literary+Media and Peter McGuigan. Great thanks and respect to Ellis Henican who was a pleasure to work with.
Though Osseointegration didn’t make the book because the manuscript was submitted prior to my surgical procedure, my heartfelt thanks go to all of the amazing folks involved with the Osseointegration Group of Australia. Special thanks to Prof. Munjed Al Muderis, MD.
To the following, we are grateful for your love and support:
Carol & Charlie Brown, Judy & Ken Noon, Colleen McLaughlin, Marna & Arthur Ginsburg, Anita Campana, Noël Thayer, Kathleen Sangen, Will Tanner, Amy & Ted Gavin, Loretta Stadler, Mary Beth & Bill Hewitt, Lisa Scudieri, Sandy Sandberg, Deborah Gallagher, Melanie Huff, Bronwen & Scott Pence, Daniela Tomatti, Judith Jaeger, Jeannine Jennette, Kathy & Ed Paulson, Darby Kelly, Penelope Harrison, Joanne Singleton, Constance Hopkins, Elizabeth Meyers, Pamela Champeau, Pam & Steve Goldsmith, Jaime Bruce, Lu & Dale Picard, Kristi Flesher, Andrea Morris, Jose Kirchner, Mary Belmont, Roxanne Roberts, Robert Smith, Diane & Lou Bonita, Mary & Ken Seversen, Lindsay McKenna, Richard Colom, Lynn Burton, Lisa Baca, Chris Cooper, Mark Reed, Jane Eckert, Carol Whitener, Dana Piercr, Mark Oldstrom, Lainie Deschamps, Andrew Fish, Steven Zacharius, Trish & Lee Keene, Pam Kemp, Goli & Adam Tiffen, Anna Ingenito, Kathleen & Rick Schoen, Elizabeth Rider, Brook Longmaid, Brooke & Ed Maxwell, Curtis Murray, Donna & Charlie Rosenblum, Carol Anne Adamson, Patricia Peterson, Lynn Hunter, Anna & Lars Commes, Charlene McKenney, Susan McGee, Ernie Hsin, Karen Levine, and Aline & Tony Pelkey. To the roster of thanks, Ellis adds key members of his literary posse: James Gregorio, Janis Spidle, Larry Kramer, Jesse Savran, Claire Harris, David Lamb, Bret Witter, Ben Selkow, and Roberta Teer.
Tuesday and I wish to profoundly thank all of the people, animals, and organizations we’ve met across the world. Inspiration truly goes both ways.