No book grows in a vacuum, and many people have given me their help, insight, and encouragement. Without them, this book would be a shriveled thing, and they deserve all my thanks.
My fantastic agent, Suzie Townsend, for everything she’s done for me. Her enthusiasm for the project kept me going, and her incredible feedback helped shape the book it became.
The team at FSG, most especially Beth Potter, who performed works of magic, guiding me and helping me knit together a stronger, better book. My thanks also to Jay Colvin, who designed a fantastic cover, and to the copy editors and proofreaders, Alicia R. Hudnett, Chandra Wohleber, and Judy Kiviat, who did their best to make me look literate.
My army of beta readers: Bee Retief, Amy Ross, April Castillo, Sophie Wereley, Brianna Privett, Andrew Carmichael, Elissa Hoole, Gary Couzens, Nerine Dorman, and Glynnis Rambaud. You suffered more for my art than I did, and you should all get medals.
The Musers: a circle of friends better than any I could have ever asked for.
And there’s one last person who I can’t thank enough, but I shall have to try. Brian, this one’s for you.