- Achilles Tatius
- Aikin, John
- Aleman, Mateo
- Alkon, Paul
- allegory
- Althusser, Louis
- American Revolution
- analepsis. See also flashback
- anti‐Jacobin novel
- Apuleius
- aristocracy
- Aristotle
- Armstrong, Nancy
- Austen, Jane
- biography
- Emma
- free indirect discourse
- ideology
- Juvenilia
- Mansfield Park
- Northanger Abbey
- Persuasion
- posthumous fame
- Pride and Prejudice
- response to Scott’s Waverley
- Sanditon
- selected further reading
- Sense and Sensibility
- authorial audience (Rabinowitz)
- autobiography
- naïve incoherent autobiography
- autodiegesis (Genette)
- Baker, Ernest
- History of the English Novel
- Bakhtin, Mikhail M.
- Ballaster, Rosalind
- Balzac, Honoré de
- Banfield, Ann
- Barbauld, Anna Laetitia Aikin
- Barrett, Eaton Stannard
- Barrow, Isaac
- Barthes, Roland
- Behn, Aphra
- biography
- The Fair Jilt
- The Forc’d Marriage
- Love‐Letters between a Nobleman and His Sister
- Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave
- The Rover
- selected further reading
- Bender, John
- Bentham, Jeremy
- Boccaccio, Giovanni
- booksellers
- as mediators of literary production
- Booth, Wayne C.
- Boswell, James
- The Life of Samuel Johnson
- Bronte, Charlotte
- Bronte, Emily
- Brooke, Henry
- Brown, Homer Obed
- Brunton, Mary
- Budgen, Martha
- Bunyan, John
- Burke, Edmund
- Reflections on the Revolution in France
- Burney, Frances
- biography
- Camilla
- Cecilia
- Evelina
- posthumous reputation
- selected further reading
- The Wanderer
- The Witlings
- Burns, Robert
- Butler, Marilyn
- Butler, Samuel
- Byron, George Gordon, Lord
- Caleb Williams
- alternative denouements
- ancestor of the “thriller”
- back story
- mise en abîme
- names of characters
- as political novel
- preface
- and print culture
- surveillance and scopophilia
- theme of imprisonment
- Calvino, Italo
- Camus, Albert
- capitalism
- Capote, Truman
- Carlyle, Thomas
- Carter, Asa Earl
- The Education of Little Tree
- Causality
- predisposing vs. precipitating causes
- Cervantes, Miguel de
- character narration
- Chariton
- Charlton, Mary
- Chatterton, Thomas
- Chaucer, Geoffrey
- chroniques scandaleuses
- Clarissa
- epistolary irony
- initial situation
- tragic structure
- voyage
- Cohn, Dorrit
- coincidence
- in Austen
- in Behn
- in Defoe
- in Fielding
- in Godwin
- in Sterne
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- colonialism
- complication (element of plot)
- Congreve, William
- Incognita
- The Way of the World
- Conrad, Joseph
- Cooper, James Fenimore
- Corman, Brian
- Crane, R.S.
- Cromwell, Oliver
- Croskery, Margaret
- d’Israeli, Isaac
- D’Urfé, Honoré
- Dannenberg, Hilary
- Darwin, Charles
- Davis, Lennard
- Day, Thomas
- Defoe, Daniel
- biography
- Colonel Jacque
- Journal of the Plague Year
- miscellaneous works
- Moll Flanders
- narrative masks
- Robert Drury’s Journal
- Robinson Crusoe
- Roxana
- selected further reading
- Deloney, Thomas
- Descartes, René
- dialectic
- Dickens, Charles
- David Copperfield
- Great Expectations
- Nicholas Nickleby
- A Tale of Two Cities
- Doody, Margaret
- Dryden, John
- Eco, Umberto
- Edgeworth, Maria
- Eliot, George
- Emma
- as bildungsroman
- as Cinderella story
- class and caste
- coincidence in
- as “condition of England” novel
- denouement
- Donwell Abbey as microcosm of England
- mystery and irony
- as punitive comedy
- England 1688–1815
- English Civil War
- Etherege, George
- Evelina
- back story
- comedy of embarrassment
- comedy of fulfillment
- and woman’s place
- expectations and desires
- exposition
- fabula
- Fantomina
- ambiguity of consent
- denouement
- ethical complexity
- focalization
- free indirect discourse in
- performative desire in
- plot
- Faulkner, William
- Feather, Peter
- Ferris, Ina
- Fiction and truth
- Fielding, Henry
- Amelia
- as barrister and judge
- biography
- as dramatist;
- impact of Richardson on
- Jonathan Wild
- Joseph Andrews
- selected further reading
- Shamela
- Tom Jones
- Fielding, Sarah
- The Adventures of David Simple
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott
- flashback (analepsis)
- focalization. See also voice
- in Caleb Williams
- in Fantomina
- in The Mysteries of Udolpho
- in Tom Jones
- Foucault, Michel
- free indirect discourse
- in Austen
- in Burney
- in Haywood
- French Revolution
- Gallagher, Catherine
- Garside, Peter
- Gay, John
- Genette, Gérard
- Gibbon, Edward
- Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Glorious Revolution
- Godwin, William
- biography
- Caleb Williams
- Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
- Fleetwood
- ideology
- selected further reading
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Gothic novel
- and medievalism
- origin and development
- and reader response
- Grandisonian hero
- Greene, Robert
- Pandosto: The Triumph of Time
- Haggerty, George
- Hardy, Thomas
- The Mayor of Casterbridge
- Tess of the D’Urbervilles
- Haywood, Eliza
- Anti‐Pamela
- Betsy Thoughtless
- Fantomina
- Love in Excess
- selected further reading
- Hazlitt, William
- Hemingway, Ernest
- “The Killers”
- The Sun Also Rises
- heterodiegesis (Genette)
- historical novel
- Holcroft, Thomas
- homodiegesis (Genette)
- Howells, Coral Ann
- Hume, David
- Hunter, J. Paul
- ideal narrative audience (Rabinowitz)
- ideology
- implied author (Booth)
- implied reader. See also narratee, authorial audience
- Inchbald, Elizabeth
- individualism
- instability (element of plot)
- Ishiguro, Kazuo
- Jacobite Rebellion of 1745
- James, Henry
- Johnson, Samuel
- Joyce, James
- “Araby”
- Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
- Kiely, Robert
- Kirkman, Francis
- The Counterfeit Lady Unveiled
- Kramnick, Jonathan
- launch (Phelan)
- Mysteries of Udolpho;
- Oroonoko
- Pamela
- Tom Jones
- Waverley
- Leavis, F.R.
- Lee, Sophia
- Leland, Thomas
- Longsword, Earl of Salisbury
- Lennox, Charlotte
- Lewis, Matthew
- literacy statistics
- Locke, John
- Lodge, Thomas
- Longus
- Lukàcs, Georg
- Lyly, John
- Mackenzie, Henry
- Macpherson, James
Malory, Thomas
- Mantel, Hilary
- Marivaux, Pierre
- Marx, Karl
- Marxism
- masculinity
- history
- in Sir Charles Grandison
- Maturin, Charles Robert
- McEwan, Ian
- McInerny, Jay
- McKeon, Michael
- The Origins of the English Novel
- Menippean satire
- middle classes
- Minerva Press
- Mitchell, David
- Moll Flanders
- anachronisms
- authorial plane
- chronotope
- claims of factuality
- Defoe as “editor”
- episodic voyage
- as false true story
- foreshadowing
- incoherence
- initiation
- narrative texture
- psychological realism
- questions of irony
- retrospective narration
- signs of authorial presence
- theme of rebirth
- Monk, Leland
- Montagu, Elizabeth
- Morris, Edmund
- Morrison, Toni
- Mullan, John
- Murray, John
- The Mysteries of Udolpho
- and the French Revolution
- launch
- development section
- explained supernatural in
- ideology
- texture and atmosphere
- narratee (Prince)
- narrative(s)
- audience (Rabinowitz)
- discourse
- levels
- and modern episteme
- nested
- order
- theory
- narrator
- in Joseph Andrews
- in Oroonoko;
- second‐person narrator
- unreliable
- Nashe, Thomas
- Newgate Calendar
- Norton, Rictor
- Novel
- influence on society
- prehistory
- theories about origin
- novel of sentiment
- omniscience (narrational privilege)
- Oroonoko
- bisexual tigers
- claims of factuality
- contradictions
- digressions
- and Don Carlos
- as historical allegory
- historical figures in
- launch
- narrator
- numb‐eel
- plot
- theme of self‐mutilation
- theme of slavery
- theme of truth/deception
- as travel literature
- Orwell, George
- pacing
- Paine, Thomas
- Pamela
- anticlimactic structure
- arrival
- claims of factuality in
- as cognitive structure
- dramatic narrative
- editorial revisions
- influence on later novels
- launch
- as media event
- parodies and revisions
- responses
- voyage
- writing “to the moment”
- pattern (element of story)
- Paulson, Ronald
- Percy, Thomas
- Reliques of Ancient English Poetry
- Petronius
- Phelan, James
- Phillips, Mark Salber
- picaresque
- Plato, Republic
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- point of view
- Pope, Alexander
- possible world theory
- presentism
- Price, Richard
- “A Discourse on the Love of Our Country”
- Prince, Gerald
- privilege (feature of narrative discourse)
- prolepsis (narrative anticipation)
- Protestantism
- Proust, Marcel
- psychonarration (Cohn)
- Pynchon, Thomas
- quoted interior monologue
- Rabelais, François
- Rabinowitz, Peter
- Radcliffe, Ann
- biography
- The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne;
- Gaston de Blondeville
- The Italian
- The Mysteries of Udolpho
- The Romance of the Forest
- selected further reading
- A Sicilian Romance
- Rader, Ralph
reading public
- realism
- Reeve, Clara
- responsibility (as element of story)
- Richardson, Samuel
- biography
- Clarissa
- Familiar Letters
- Pamela
- Pamela in Her Exalted Condition
- selected further reading
- Sir Charles Grandison
- Richetti, John
- Robbe‐Grillet, Alain
- Robertson, William
- romance (genre)
- Roth, Philip
- Rothstein, Eric
- Rousseau, Jean‐Jacques
- Julie, ou La Nouvelle Héloïse
- Rushdie, Salman
- Ryan, Marie‐Laure
- Sade, Marquis de
- Sancho, Ignatius
- Scott, Sarah
- The History of George Ellison
- Scott, Walter
- biography
- historical romance
- historical skepticism
- The Lady of the Lake
- The Lay of the Last Minstrel
- Marmion
- The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
- political ideology
- selected further reading
- stadial historiography
- Waverley
- Scottish Enlightenment
- Scudéry, Madeleine de
- Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky
- sentimental novel
- Shakespeare, William
- Shanafelt, Carrie
- Shelley, Mary Godwin
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- Sheridan, Frances
- History of Miss Sidney Biddulph
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
- Shklovsky, Viktor
- Sidney, Philip
- “Apology for Poetry”
- Arcadia
- sjuzet
- Smith, Charlotte
- Smith, Zadie
- Smollett, Tobias
- Sterne, Laurence
- biography
- selected further reading
- A Sentimental Journey
- Tristram Shandy
- Story and discourse
- Swift, Jonathan
- Gulliver’s Travels
- A Tale of a Tub
- Talfourd, Thomas Noon
- Thackeray, William Makepeace
- Thrale, Hester Lynch
- Tolstoy, Leo
- Tom Jones
- coincidence in
- complex characters in
- denouement
- expectations
- focalization in
- historical figures in
- launch
- mystery and irony
- narrative ethics
- narrative technique
- narrator as character
- pattern in
- plotting
- Providence vs. Fortune
- Tristram Shandy
- as anti‐novel
- bawdy asterisks
- closure
- hobbyhorses
- incoherence of
- irony against the reader
- and novelistic conventions
- and print culture
- as roman fleuve;
- satire on learning
- sentimentality
- story of the struggle to get the story told
- thematic content
- theme of time
- Trollope, Anthony
- Trumbach, Randolph
- verisimilitude
- Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes
- voice. See also focalization
- Walker, George
- Walpole, Horace
- Warner, William Beatty
- Waterloo, Battle of
- Watt, Ian
- Waverley
- as bildungsroman
- gendered reading
- genre
- as Gothic romance
- historical nostalgia
- launch
- masculine reading
- mediocrity of hero
- narrative voice
- as romantic comedy
- White, T.H.
- Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- Maria or the Wrongs of Woman;
- “A Vindication of the Rights of Men”
- Vindication of the Rights of Women
- Woolf, Virginian
- Wordsworth, William
- Wroth, Mary
- The Countess of Montgomery’s Urania