General Editor: Daniel R. Schwarz
The aim of this series is to provide substantive critical introductions to Reading Novels in the British, Irish, American, and European traditions
Reading the Nineteenth-Century Novel | Harry E. Shaw and Alison Case |
Reading the Modern British and Irish Novel 1890–1930 | Daniel R. Schwarz |
Reading the Novel in English 1950–2000 | Brian W. Shaffer |
Reading the American Novel 1865–1914 | G. R. Thompson |
Reading the American Novel 1780–1865 | Shirley Samuels |
Reading the American Novel 1910–2010 | James Phelan |
Reading the Contemporary Irish Novel 1987–2007 | Liam Harte |
Reading the European Novel to 1900 | Daniel R. Schwarz |
Reading the Eighteenth-Century Novel | David H. Richter |