Dear Reader,
I’ve always wanted to write a story with a plane crash in a jungle. I don’t know why this appeals to me so much, but I adore stories featuring this plot element. So when I struck upon an idea that involved this very thing, I was beyond excited.
What I didn’t take into consideration was the immense amount of research I would have to do, seeing as I know next to nothing about the Amazon jungle aside from it is very dense and there are a million ways to die a grisly death.
All I can say is thank goodness for Google Earth.
However, it was a fun challenge to craft a fun, sexy and wild ride through the Amazon with two complete polar opposites for love interests.
I hope you laugh, bite your nails and blush when you read this story!
Hearing from readers is a special joy. You can find me in the following places:
Snail mail: PO BOX 2210, Oakdale, CA 95361