
I would like to acknowledge the people who have been significant in my life throughout the ten years that I have been persecuted by authorities. Some of these people are already mentioned by name in my book, but some are not. I am very appreciative of everyone who has supported me, particularly those who visited me while I was held in custody. I know it would not have been easy to get through the system to visit me in the Acacia Unit at Barwon Prison.

It’s with real concern that I might be missing somebody that I make special mention of the following people. I won’t go through the reasoning for the special mentions, as those named will no doubt realise the roles they have played in my life.

I’d like to give special thanks to the following people and organisations: to Vikki Petraitis; to my family, Ditty, Bailey and Ava; to my parents, Jenny and John Dale, my brother and sisters, and the entire extended Dale family, including my uncles, aunties and cousins.

Thanks also to Garry Thayer and family, Mr B, Alan Saunders (Big Al), Shane Southern, Darren Dondio, Stephen Beanland, Robert Anderson, Peter Anderson, Greg Guy, the Wangaratta Football & Netball Club and the community of Wangaratta; to Tony Hargreaves, Geoffrey Steward, Paul Holdenson, Raymond Lopez and Andrew McKenna; and at The Five Mile Press, to Julia Taylor, Kay Scarlett and Jenny Lee.

Finally, I’d like to thank all the serving police officers who have maintained their friendship with me, at great peril to their careers. They know who they are, so I will not jeopardise their positions by naming them!


Paul Dale