It takes a substantial amount of courage to reveal the innermost workings of one’s heart and unraveling of the ego in a public forum such as a book. Many years ago a wise editor told me, “Don’t put anything in writing that you don’t want to see on the front page of the L.A. Times, because once in print there’s no taking it back.” When it comes to being a public figure or celebrity, the risk of being vulnerable is greatly increased, whether it’s in print or forms of social media.

Obviously, the motive for writing a memoir varies among authors. Dianne Burnett’s motivation was made clear to me by her willingness to not censor what I have included in this afterword about her ongoing healing journey. There is no “end-chapter” to our inner evolutionary progress when we make it a priority in our lives, as has Dianne on her transformative path to forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love.

Together with her former husband, Mark Burnett, through Mark Burnett Productions, Dianne and Mark gave birth to what has become a phenomenon in our culture: Reality TV, Survivor being the parent to many offspring which today occupy prime time on many television channels. But the reality within reality programs is seldom seen by viewers—specifically that which takes place behind the scenes within the mind and heart of each participant. Dianne rawly describes the fears, frustrations, confrontations, withholdings, sacrifices, competitiveness, physical injuries, power struggles—all the “causes” we blame outside of ourselves for our reactions to what we create in our life’s circumstances.

Every word on every page of The Road to Reality points to the truism that taming our inner egoic tigers of “me, myself and I” is a far more challenging and victorious accomplishment than outwardly subduing a wild animal, scaling the highest Himalayan peak, or outwitting a competitor and winning the coveted prize. Both the heartbreaks and victories of the experiences Dianne shares indicate that more healing awaits her, and that more inner work remains to be done. Through her journey into the healing energies of forgiveness, Dianne reveals the heart’s natural inclination to forgive. Our resistance to forgiving is a reflection of the ego’s need to be right. The power of forgiveness is liberating because it removes obstructions to the flow of good into our life. Keeping our hearts and minds free of the toxins of resentment and animosity is vital to our spiritual awakening and overall well-being. Forgiveness is one of the most potent contributors to the transformation of our own life, as well as that of others. A competition worth entering is the race to see how quickly we can forgive ourselves and others.

The book you hold in your hands is one of the steps Dianne has taken towards her healing—an ongoing commitment that has thus far taken six years. Nevertheless, it is the reconciliation of the heart, and not the length of time it takes, that is central to hers or anyone’s healing. The Road to Reality is an invitation to each of us to look into our own heart and see where forgiveness is waiting to be offered as a gift to both ourselves and others who have knowingly or unknowingly hurt us, or whom we have hurt. Our individual process may not include writing a book about it, but whatever it is, let us discover it now, because forgiveness is a most excellent healing medicine.

Michael Bernard Beckwith
Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center
Author of Life Visioning, The Answer is You,
40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast,
and Spiritual Liberation