
I WANT TO FIRST honor the people who taught me unconditional love: my mother, Maria “Coco” Ruiz; my father, don Miguel Ruiz; my Mama Gaya Jenkins; my grandparents, Abuelita Sarita, Abuelita Leonarda, and Abuelito Luis; my brothers and sisters, Jose Luis, Leonardo, RK, Kimberly-Jean, Jennifer, and Jules; my children, Audrey and Alejandro; and my wife, Susan (Lovie). I love you with all of my heart.

I want to honor and thank Randy Davila, my publisher, editor, and ink brother. Thank you for giving me the opportunity once again to share my family's Toltec tradition through these books, and for helping my Hierophant family continue to spread love and the knowledge that allows us to heal from the wounds of conditional love. Thank you for everything Carnal, it is a pleasure to work with you in this way! Love you!

I want to honor and give my eternal gratitude to Kristie Macris, who helped me start my journey into writing by helping me write my first book and helped me in the creation of this one. You are my teacher of this beautiful craft, you helped me find my own voice, and you are my partner and most beloved friend. As you say, you are able to translate what I say because you know me so well. Here is to twenty-two years of friendship, and many more to come. Te amo!

I also want to honor my dearest friend and teaching sister, HeatherAsh Amara. (High five!) We have come a long way since we started teaching together and dreaming of one day writing books and collaborating to create our art. Here we are!!!! =-) Let's have some fun! Love you!

Muchas gracias a Dios, con todo mi Amor.

Así sea, así se haga, y así se hara.