Foreword to the Electronic Edition

Welcome to the electronic iteration of the dark universe of Northern Frights. What you are about to read was the first of five groundbreaking anthologies designed to present a showcase for dark fantasy stories of quality either written by Canadians or set in the environs of the unique Canadian landscape.

From the beginning of the series I challenged would-be contributors to produce weird fiction of exceptional merit regardless of cultural and geographic specialization. I made passing reference to such illustrious international names as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen, John Collier, Ray Bradbury and Shirley Jackson—just to name a few of the many authors who over the years produced classic tales of supernatural and psychological terror by employing the intensity of the short story form.

Were Northern Frights authors inspired by those high standards? You bet! Proof of their accomplishments lies in the fact that many of our previously unpublished authors have since “graduated” to major short story markets, won prestigious awards, sold novels, and have even edited their own anthologies. They have seen their Northern Frights stories reprinted in magazines and other anthologies, recorded as audio books, and optioned for motion pictures and television. Thanks to their efforts the Northern Frights series itself earned glowing reviews, numerous awards and award nominations and gratifying recognition far beyond our borders. I would like to think that in some small way the series may have led to the formation of ChiZine Publications who are certainly carrying on the tradition and are responsible for this electronic version of our beloved series. Thanks also to Bob Knowlton, Peter Halasz and Peter Sellers, who were there at the beginning, and to my dear wife, Jean, who had to put up with me and all those phone calls and the scary manuscripts that went bump in our mailbox.

Don Hutchison
Toronto, 2015