
Love has no expectations. Learn to rise above with love.

When you take a good look at the world around you, and view it in a positive light, then you are able to see that love makes the world go around. It is the absolute foundation of all the aspects in our lives. In this chapter, we will explore various kinds of love and you will see how the angels pass along messages to us, so we can live in peace and love, regardless of the state of the world around us.

Appreciation of Love

The word love is powerful. To appreciate and truly understand love, you must love yourself first. We aren’t always told that up front as a child, or even as an adult. It is not selfish to love yourself first then the world. However, this is the only way that you can readily receive and give love in return. It is a very powerful way to start to appreciate you.

This is why we are given heavenly angels to help us in our everyday life. These angels have unconditional love for you and help each of us to spread that big love. Angels are everywhere. Angels help us embrace our self-love, self-honor, and self-respect.

Angels have the capability to whisper directly to each of us how to transform pain and negativity into joy. They offer healing, and when we pray they will help manifest the love inside of us and show us the correct direction to go.

We are here on earth for our own purpose, our own goal, and our own destiny. To have angels is a wonderful thing. To recognize that they are available for you, and to acknowledge them is even better. Once you do this, your appreciation of love and the world itself takes on a different wonderful meaning. Suddenly you realize that communication with angels and your loved ones is real and you will start to recognize your own messages.

When you communicate with your angels, invite them and ask for guidance, then be open for the angel whispers to receive the messages in any form. It will be at this point, that they will make clear your path and perhaps direct you to a book to read and put your hand on a page for you to read a passage that might answer your questions. Angels are right here to serve you, right there at your fingertips. Angels are also the love connection between you and your loved ones in heaven.

Our Guides of Love—My Life and Yours

I am constantly asked about love. It mostly revolves around romantic love—when will it come and if true love will be found. What I explain to these people is that love starts with you first, then the world. Love also comes from those people who have gone before us, and many guides are our angel love guides.

My parents gave me the bricks of life, which is the importance of love. I was made aware of how this powerful love can help others at the same time as helping ourselves. My mother had a gift of prophecy and healing, which was very evident from an early age. My grandmother realized the importance of my mother’s gift and encouraged her to share this gift with others. Things weren’t always easy for my mother. It can feel a bit like you’re in the middle of Grand Central Station when you have a constant stream of people who flock to your house from all over the world in search of being healed. But she took the time to speak to everyone who came to our house and respected and honored the gifts she was given.

I knew I was different from a young age because I thought everyone could hear and see as I did. Because my mother was gifted, she recognized this early on and encouraged me to pray to hear them, because you will help many people.

My father instilled a different kind of love in my life. He was born in what today is Indonesia, but back then it was part of the Dutch East Indies. He joined the army when he was seventeen and became a sergeant for the Dutch Intelligence during World War II. He was captured by the Japanese while fighting in Burma and held captive in a POW camp near the River Kwai for five years. Close to the final weeks of the war, my father saw the opportunity to escape, so he jumped into the river shortly before the Japanese surrendered. After my father returned home, he and my mother moved to Holland.

Dutch Queen Wilhelmina sent my father a medal in honor of the service he gave to his country. At that time, my father’s pension for his service to his country was cut in half. He politely returned the metal to the queen and said that he fought for his country, not for a medal. My dad would express to us repeatedly his love for his country and how proud he was to have fought for the Dutch queen. Thanks to my father, I learned to have a fierce love and pride for my country.

Since my mother was told that my dad was missing in action and presumed dead, she was totally in shock when the Dutch government officials notified her that he survived this torture camp. Due to unrest in the area where they had previously lived, they had to flee the country, and they chose to live in the Netherlands. It was a new beginning for them, to rekindle and work through living and loving in a more peaceful world. This is where I was born. Because of this heritage, you can say that I am not the typical blonde hair, blue-eyed Dutch person that might come to your mind.

Both of my parents experienced severe hardships within their lives, but they were able to present me with the unconditional love that has helped me to help myself and others placed in my path. Regardless of the path your life takes, you can find the love you are seeking, if you just apply this new concept of loving yourself first.

Love for My Gift

As a young child, I was a peacemaker with the children in my neighborhood and school. I really thought everyone could hear the angels as I did. It was a very rude awakening when I realized this wasn’t the case.

At each birthday, I would ask for an intangible gift in life that I saw exhibited by the close relatives that would come to our home. So this is how I discovered love, honor, respect, patience, courage, forgiveness, and belief. I have applied these gifts to my daily life, and I encourage each of you to do the same.

When I was eleven years old, my world as I knew it entirely changed when I had my first spirit appearance of my great grandmother from Hong Kong. Since it was a very unusual supernatural thing for me to experience, I was in shock. My mother comforted me and told me, “Maudy, if you don’t want to see, simply ask heaven to allow you to hear. The angels will assist you along your life path. It is a special gift, and you can help people.”

Again, my story is important, because I learned to love me first. I was unique and different from other children, which caused a lot of hardship for me. I learned to rise above this. Each of you is unique, and you need to realize through self-love how special you are.

A Bucket for Tears and a Bucket for Strength

When hardship takes place in our lives, it throws us from our daily routine. It is at this time of trial that the deeper meaning of life becomes evident to us. Many of us complain about mundane, repetitive things that happen every day until that moment when life hits us with whatever situation or experience we need to go through that gives us the reason to look at life differently. That reason will happen to help us appreciate what we have in our boring, hectic, crazy, and same old way of life because we miss that daily routine when it’s not there.

Maybe you can identify or recognize in your own life the people around you who were going through a struggle. Let’s look at Ann’s life struggle. She is a young lady from Holland who was very depressed. She was able to work part-time, and she was seeing a therapist and taking medication but was unable to let go of the past, had difficulties with her children, and the list went on. Her life was living her and she cried for herself most of the time. Ann complained, whined, and was bitter about life. She saw every day as the same old thing. Her husband gave his support to help her, but he felt helpless himself. Then, her husband was diagnosed with lung cancer and their lives changed.

Ann now had to turn her life around by being there for her husband. When a situation like this takes place, heaven is watching and observing to see what choice we will make. Ann didn’t have time to think about herself, to cry, or to whine for herself. She had to focus her entire energy on taking care of her husband and children.

One day, Ann called me and asked, “Why did this happen? Why wasn’t it me? Why my husband?” I explained to her that sometimes a disease can be appointed to teach us how to handle ourselves in life. I encouraged her to pray, which she added to her new daily routine.

Ann’s life had mostly been to look backward and now it was to look forward. She was constantly looking through her rearview mirror rather than her looking through the windshield. I told her that God was always there to catch you when you were falling. Now he is teaching you how to fly through the illness of your husband.

She told me her crying was now for her husband and I said, “Ann, learn to open up two buckets: one for tears and one for strength. Learn to pour your tears in one bucket and then put the lid on it. Then pray and draw the strength from the other bucket. Repeat this ritual daily. Also, there is a chapel in the hospital, just walk in the chapel and dial up. You are never alone, and miracles do happen.”

After eight months, Ann told me her husband was in remission and so was she. Situations can pull us apart or draw us closer to ourselves and others. Remember to always look at what you do have in life; look at what you can do. Learn to live in the moment, learn to live in today, and let the angels lead the way. Heaven works in mysterious, miraculous, and magical ways.

How Direct and Loving Angel Whispers Are

I am often questioned about how on point angel whispers are. I explain to everyone that the messages that are delivered are from heaven and accurate. It may be cryptic and brief, but always on point.

I want you to realize how direct and precise heaven is with details, which I’ve never mentioned before. I will let Gail tell you what happened when we first met.

While sitting at my desk, Maudy held a picture in her hand of my mom, and told me about scratched eyeglasses. This was so on point that only I could identify this. I had actually scratched my mom’s glasses when she was terminally ill, and I was devastated about it. My mom said through angel whispers, “Please don’t be concerned, Gail. It’s okay. I don’t need them now.” Yes, Mom made me laugh from heaven.

Then when Maudy was leaving my office, she turned to me and said, “Oh, your mom is giving me one more message. She said, ‘Uncle Henry is here with me.’” This is when I knew the messages could only come from Mom through angel whispers and a heavenly source because no one knew about Uncle Henry except Mom and me. His story always saddened me as a child, and I was always concerned about him throughout my life even though I never met him.

Henry’s hobby and sometimes job was that of a boxer. At age twenty-three, he had a double mastoid that burst behind his ears, and he was never able to care for himself outside of an institution. He was able to communicate only in a whisper. Usually with this diagnosis you did not live; however, Henry lived for seventy years after that.

I knew and observed the family members who paid attention to Henry. It was an interesting child’s view. I noticed that some were embarrassed. Others just kept going to visit Henry, including my dad and two of his sisters. I actually came to know of Henry and his journey through my father’s eyes.

Therefore, when Maudy says, “Heaven observes every step we take and that every thought we create is accounted for in heaven,” this made so much sense to what I observed as a child.

I had been perplexed as to why Henry’s unplanned journey of illness was so long. Maudy explained that while Henry was a boxer, his physical strength was tested. Once he endured the illness, his strength again was tested to the length of time and type of affliction. In other words, Henry had to look at a different strength from heaven’s point of view. The people placed around him were also tested as to see how they would look at and value Henry.

Even though I never met Henry in life, only through one photograph, I felt that strong connection through prayer. So when Maudy gave me the above explanation, it made perfect sense to me. All the pieces of the puzzle finally fit into place.

It became clear that Henry’s unplanned journey was important for some of us to be able to assist and others to inspire. Still others were to pray and know that with heaven all things are possible and understood, even if we cannot fully understand as humans. There was a definite heavenly purpose to Henry’s life, as there is to all of our lives. Each day is a blessing and a gift, and we should acknowledge that.

It is a privilege to work and assist Maudy on this wonderful journey. It has fulfilled a heavenly request that I made at age thirteen, which was to make people smile, drop a personal note, or whatever heaven directed me to do to assist people here on earth. Heaven certainly heard and answered, and I say thank you heaven and thank you Maudy for allowing me to accompany you on this mission to be able to serve all of God’s people.

When You Follow Through, Things Happen for You

We met Rose, a beautiful professional woman, several years ago and she has come to a minimum of twenty presentations. Just recently she declared, “After twenty plus presentations, I now get it. Just get off the couch and do it.”

Yes, sometimes it takes a while to get the message. There was a time when Rose called Gail and stated, “Sometimes, I don’t understand what Maudy means by ‘follow your instructions.’” Gail answered, “I know. That is why I take notes and try to remind you.”

It is always very clear to me, but each and every one of us has a mindset that sometimes gets in our own way. It can be our professional training in a particular field, religious upbringing, or just plain stubbornness. Sometimes, we forget good old-fashioned common sense.

Although, with Rose it was not stubbornness, she sincerely wasn’t getting the instructions part because she felt that the angel whispers were so beautiful and given in such a gentle way, that she felt like we were having coffee together and just chatting. This is where Gail reminded her to pay attention to the angel whispers, because they are angel messages from heaven for us to embrace and they are instructions for life. She agreed, and it was from that time forward that I noticed how Rose was growing in her understanding of what messages were being delivered.

What actually changed Rose were the messages delivered at a home presentation in 2009 about an upcoming trip to France. Through angel whispers, I had advised her to go to a specific church with a statue that will be familiar to her. She will know it is the church because she will get goose bumps. Heavenly instructions were: “Once you find this church, go in and pray, light a candle, because there are spirits there that need to be released. Through this action they will be released to their heavenly home.”

Rose and her friend Lana were in Paris, France, and had visited many churches, but they had not felt that they had found the one. Finally, a day or so before they were scheduled to leave Paris, they were visiting the Basilica of Sacré-Coeur in the Montmartre neighborhood of Paris. Tucked in a corner right behind the large church was a very small church called St.-Pierre-De-Montmartre Catholic Church, one of the oldest churches in Paris. Hardly anyone was visiting it.

Lana went in first and said to Rose, “I think I found the statue.” It was St. Catherine of Bologna, and both Rose and Lana got goose bumps from head to toe because this is heaven’s confirmation. They felt so happy that they found the correct church.

At the next presentation, Rose told me that she thought that she had found the correct church, but she just wanted to make sure. My answer through angel whispers was, “Yes, you found it. The spirits that were there said thank you. Now we will assist you throughout your earthly life.”

This is a great example of when you follow through, things happen for you. Rose was very peaceful, and from that point on realized that the angel whispers delivered through me were indeed the angel messages from heaven, which is true love for you. These spirits who have been released to their heavenly home now help Rose and Lana.

This was really a special privilege for me. This was the first time that I ever received a direct request for someone to go to a specific place and pray for the spirits who needed to be released. Because Rose and Lana listened to their instructions they will receive extra heavenly blessings. This is a great example of heaven never forgets us. We are each special in our own way and part of this great heavenly network.

Relationships—Begin with You

Heaven loves us unconditionally, and we all want to find that same type of love here on earth. Our greatest gift that heaven has given us is the gift of ourselves. Many times people forget this aspect of life. Each of us is so special and we need to recognize that fact. We are sent here with love, for love, and by love.

People often ask, “How do I love me?” One of the things that is necessary to do, is to eliminate the disease to please that was instilled in all of us as young children. You need to take time for you no matter what. Only you can decide what is good for you.

You might want to take time out of your day for a short walk, perhaps drawing or reading a book, rediscover or start a new hobby, or anything that works for you. Sometimes, it is just breaking away for a few minutes with a cup of coffee to enjoy the silence. Whatever works, do it.

Most people are not fond of grocery shopping, especially with the rising prices. However, I spoke with one woman who told me she was caring for her aging parents that lived with her, and she now enjoyed the grocery store, because she could stop and smell the flowers and have a cup of coffee as she shopped quietly. Somehow, all of this worked for her.

When you take the time to enjoy something for yourself, then your love for you will become evident. A person cannot depend on their partner to provide the full love they are seeking without loving themselves first. Even if you were never told that you are special, believe me, you all are. Learn to treat yourself as special and with care, as you do with those around you. Heaven recognizes love and wants you to recognize how special you really are. It all begins with you.

Precious Love for Relationships

I am frequently asked, “Maudy, where do I go from here now that my husband has moved on with someone else? I have four children; will I make it on my own raising them?” This is very hard for many people who face situations like this—when the relationship becomes hardship.

Other questions: “Maudy, do I stay with this man I just met at a party or should I go with the one from eHarmony?” “Maudy, when will I find the right partner?” “Maudy, should I stay in this marriage? We fight all the time.” These questions and more will be looked into and maybe you’ll find your answers.

“To have and to hold from this day forward, till death do us part.” I can hear the sigh for many of you reading the above line. Then maybe it can be that smile on your face as you reflect back. If there was a sigh and you are going through a tough relationship experience that has brought you uncertainty and insecurity, then this relationship information will help you. You will look at your current situation differently.

For the newlyweds, who still have that beautiful honeymoon smile, this will help strengthen your love as you start your marriage journey. The people who had a positive response, triggering beautiful memories, this chapter may then give the answers to other questions you might still have. It will help you reach a deeper understanding of life.

We all have beautiful angels around us who guide us where we need to be and often answer our call to where we want to be. With our creator’s approval, through faith and prayers, our loved ones in heaven can help us through the difficult situations we face in life. Let’s bring this all to light to review your choice in direction.

I know a couple, Claudette and James, who have been married for a very long time. They have six children. They have had unbelievable tragedy and success in their lives—from drug abuse by children, to the loss of an adult child, yet an unbelievable success in several businesses, and an outstanding marriage. Some of the things they have endured would result in divorce with other couples. Yet they are steadfast to each other in the face of tragedy and understand till death do us part. Why, you might ask, because they have faith and true love for each other.

First things first, in any relationship, you are the only one who can make you happy. Whether it is in a friendship, partnership, or marriage, no matter what ship you are sailing, no one else can make you happy. The people you meet along the way can only contribute to that happiness. When you have that happy spot in you, then you can embrace the people who you consider to be close to you.

Happiness is a wonderful warm and fuzzy feeling. It is good to feel it, but you need joy for you first. No one can give you joy, it only comes from within you. So be happy for you. The choices made with that happy frequency in our mind, escalate in the like attracts like way. During the build up stages of the relationship, you really want to know who you are welcoming on your ship and what type of luggage the partners are bringing on board.

Recently, a young couple named Jonah and Julie in their mid-thirties arrived at a presentation. Both of these individuals told me that they wanted to get their career in motion before embarking upon marriage.

Then Julie asked me, “I want to make sure that he makes me happy all the days of my life.” Not only was her grandmother, Ellie, giving me angel whispers but I had to advise her, “No one can make you happy, only you can do this. Not a spouse.” Then her grandmother said, “Julie, you always wanted a guarantee that everything would be just right. Know that you can do this, and I will help.” So enough said, she knew she had things to work on and said, “Thank you. I understand. Happiness starts with me.”

Exchanging Thoughts

Peace will always make you feel at ease. Tricky conversations can heat up the emotions. When this happens take a deep breath because being calm will bring thoughts on a different level. Patience and love will lift each other up.

Exchanging thoughts is a great way to communicate with each other on a daily basis. Make agreements that work for you both and learn how to budget and set priorities. When you actually learn how to exchange thoughts simply by listening carefully to each other this will allow each person to share their ideas—their wish list—and this creates a great basis for sound communication. You can accomplish great things when you do this.

In any relationship, one of the most important things is to give each other space. Learn to be happy for each other, with reasonable projects, hobbies, or plans to further your education. Encourage each other with positive thoughts. Our whole life is a lesson and we continue to be in our life training to gain knowledge and wisdom reaching our spiritual growth levels, with ourselves and through others.

A very newly married couple Aaron and Anna came to me. They told me it had only been one year since their wedding, and they loved each other but they had demanding jobs and worked long hours. They were not listening to each other’s needs and would argue on a regular basis.

My angel whispers for this couple were very simple. Two of Anna’s grandmothers said the same thing: “Listen to each other and communicate.” I explained to them about exchanging thoughts and to stop using the word argue. By just changing this word they would learn how to communicate and be good partners to each other. About six months later, both of them came back to a presentation and were so grateful. Anna said, “Maudy, thank you. I love the phrase exchanging thoughts. It has saved us emotional stress and we are now getting better at understanding each other and marriage.”

Living with Expectations
Is to Live with Disappointments

Many times life presents us with scenarios that test our ability to think rationally. People who face difficult relationship situations with their partners must learn to take a step back, just to give themselves time to breathe. That might mean they will have to continue a conversation after they have had time to get back some clarity of mind. Sometimes that can be really difficult to do when you have been really angered or really hurt. But you can do it.

A tricky conversation can push people away from each other. It is at this time that we don’t get our message across and we end up getting ourselves cross. You need space to avoid those blood pressure-rising conversations.

In marriage, life, or partnerships, people have the tendency to tell us what we can and cannot do, to then look at what you are not doing and what didn’t happen. They think and speak for others instead of letting them think and speak for themselves.

Often all of this will turn into conflict. When our desires get in the way, priorities change, and that can derail us. When this takes place, we neglect respect. People expect too much and make promises they can’t keep. I often say, “Living with expectations is to live with disappointments.” The only thing that does not have expectations is love and no one is perfect except that powerful love. Avoid obstacles before they become a problem and learn to embrace peace.

A good example of this is when I met Larry and Sheila. They had been married for a long time, and they decided they needed help. They had two teenage children that caused both these rational people to really get into heated discussions that almost ended their marriage. They wanted to give it one more try. Sheila told me, “We have twin sons and both have gone down a dreadful path. We just don’t know what to do.”

Well, Sheila’s great-grandmother was giving me a message: “There is a new program that will accept both boys. Start to enjoy each other, and the boys will even go to college.” Sheila and Larry were in tears because they had been looking for something for the boys, and now they felt there was hope.

It has been almost five years since the presentation and I recently saw Sheila in a store. She came over to me and introduced herself again and told me the happy news: “My sons only have six more months before they will graduate from college, and I thank you for helping us. You gave us hope and a new way to look forward in life. My husband and I have learned to enjoy life as a married couple.” This is truly how heaven rewards me with such a wonderful update.

Shall I Go or Shall I Stay?

Sounds like a title of a song doesn’t it? Yes, life can be a song and a dance until reality hits. For me, sometimes it is quite bothersome, when heaven flips the pages of someone’s book in front of me and I can see that a husband or wife has been unfaithful. Sometimes heaven gives me permission to address it, but often I am not allowed, at that moment in time, to say anything.

For a few people, there is no visible sign, no red flags for them to see in their relationship. Their partner managed to cover up their dishonest secret life for many, many years with lies and cunning deceptions. This is when I call the dishonest partner a professional. Unfortunately, some people are too naive and trust too much. However, heaven always sees.

There are many reasons for divorce and separation. Some include affairs, money problems, physical abuse, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse, and the list goes on. Some stay in a relationship because of fear of not being able to make it financially or with the hope to reconcile and work on the forgiveness.

Recently at a presentation, a woman named Grace, who had been married for forty years and had experienced a betrayal by her husband, asked me, “How do I survive?” She was sobbing. She wasn’t aware of her husband’s actions until she happened to check his credit card and found some highly suspicious charges that had nothing to do with her.

She was so devastated that she told me, “I feel like I have been run over by a truck and I am peeling myself off the highway inch by inch.” I told her that her mom and dad stated through angel whispers that they were going to help her through this but it would take time. It was her choice. In Grace’s situation, she did not see the potholes coming on that highway of life and I did not want her to fall into that sinkhole. Heaven put her right in front of me at the correct time.

Another situation I want to share with you is when I was living in Holland. It was made clear to me by heaven that I had to be careful about delivering angel messages to my dear friend Ellen, who was like family to me. She and her husband had been married for twenty-eight years and had grown children. She worked as a nurse in an assisted living facility; her husband worked at a printing shop.

Ellen’s husband traveled and had a busy life. He told Ellen that because of his depression, he needed time to himself. This started off as one weekend a month away from the family alone, then it was two weekends per month. She didn’t seem to mind because she felt it would help him.

In this situation, you really didn’t have to be gifted to know what was going on. I knew at that point I couldn’t say anything to Ellen, because she would definitely show resistance or reject me. It was so difficult for me to keep silent during this time, as I wanted to protect her from any harm or hurt that might befall her.

During one conversation, she mentioned that money in their joint bank account was mysteriously disappearing. Ellen got another job and took money out of her savings to pay their household bills.

At this point, heaven informed me that she might lose the house because of his spending spree and other bad choices. I felt pushed by heaven to speak up even though I might be jeopardizing our friendship. I felt that a true friend will speak up with love and truth. I felt it was urgent to make her aware of what I can see and hear through angel messages.

I informed Ellen that her husband was dishonest and she would lose the house if she didn’t take action. Ellen broke down in tears and listened to the heavenly guidance that was being given. Her next question was, “Maudy, should I stay or go?” I looked at her with a big sigh and went back to my silence. She obviously, wasn’t using her clarity of mind to address the situation because of the shock and reality of what really had occurred. A few weeks later, her husband left her for the other woman. Ellen divorced him and moved to another city.

It doesn’t matter how long you are married or in a relationship, we all face our battles. In presentations, you hear me say, “We are not perfect, only love is. If there is love fight for it. If love has drifted away and it becomes a one-way street, then let go of the relationship, no need to be hurt and feel unhappy, no need to suffer or let the children suffer.”

You owe it to yourselves to do the right thing by making the right choice for you. With strong faith, you can accomplish anything and you will be led to where you need to be. You can and will survive because you are stronger than you think. Although you might feel very fragile inside, you can rise above anything by first looking up. Heaven is fully aware of what you have experienced and is there to help you.

I must admit, it was a very tricky situation for me to assist my dear friend Ellen. I really was led by heaven in the navigation process. Heaven guided me every step of the way and I kept the friendship by placing my trust in heaven’s guidance. God always has a plan for each of us and it will all fall in place.

Embracing Peace

The way to handle tough situations is to embrace peace at all times. Sometimes a push in that tricky conversation we just mentioned can be a push to go over the edge. Again, when you recognize this situation, learn to walk away and think peace.

You will feel the angels embracing you with calmness and peacefulness. Embracing peace is lifting your partners up in conversations. Let each other know what you did and what good happened. It is not wise to present the “not and didn’t do list” because this can bring you down where it can escalate in breaking down.

You may have read these lines before. I mention them again because one has to practice in order to learn how to live it. Thinking positive and having the patience to stay positive is to honor peace and love for you.

Focus on Love to Create a New You

In many households the cause of the broken relationships is often money problems, alcohol, affairs, and other factors that can occur to cause disruption. In the challenging times, when you are facing situations like those I just mentioned or when you are having to raise children, trying to make ends meet, and juggling your time while working two jobs, the angels are right there with you. They help you through your thoughts and prayers.

If you experience this intense hardship, learn to have faith and focus on the love for you and your children. Remember to put on your oxygen mask first, then help others. It is imperative to help yourselves first to breathe. This way you can be there for your children and to keep them upbeat by making plans so that they will look forward. Do the fun stuff, project positive energy, and stay positive with them. The distraction from difficult situations is important. With sticking to these powerful steps of life, you will open up a door to new beginnings. You never know what and who might be behind that door.

Everyone has chances in life to regain that happiness. It is your choice to be happy with yourself being single, or to start with the hope for a new and fresh relationship. Give yourself the time you need to create a new you so that your storybook will have interesting chapters and powerful pages. Remember that the mind has a powerful energy. Keep that spark plug activated in positive thinking. With heaven anything and everything is possible. Whatever is created in the mind will be processed and carried through by your angels.

I often say be careful what you wish for. A good example of this is Belinda, whose husband of thirty-five years had died. I met her at a presentation many years after his death, and her regrets were many. Although she loved her husband, during the last five years of his life he had one surgery after another and became a stranger to her. As she put it, he was not the man she had married. Now Belinda was ready to move on, and she had recently entered the dating field again.

Fortunately, her Ron gave me a message for her through angel whispers. He said, “I am sorry. I love you. I found someone for you, and he can borrow you.” That is all Belinda needed to hear. She just needed some reassurance that she was loved and that she could go on. She burst into tears.

About three months later, Belinda came back to a presentation. A high school sweetheart had contacted her, they had started dating, and it was getting serious. Her husband came through again and said, “Yes, this is the one. He can borrow you for now. I love you.” Nothing else could be said. Now she had to focus on love for herself and her new life.

You Create It, You Date It

It is important to recognize and pay attention to the people that you meet and greet. Take special note as to what luggage they might carry with them. When people are still stuck in the past, it can create difficulties for your future. Through dating and nice conversations you will get to know the person; observe and learn where their thought process is.

People who are living in the past usually talk about themselves, and that can show ego patterns. Check people for these past patterns, because they can be future behavior. When you are put on their path it is for a reason. During the build up stages of the dating period, you are giving them a chance to make changes with themselves.

It is highly recommended, during this dating time, to respect and to honor each other and to stick with coffee, lunch, or dinner dates. When you take this to a different level, as in breakfast, you are not being served tea and toast, but you become toast. It is best to avoid being toast.

I have one example I can share with you. Autumn always seemed to pick people who were in need of reconstruction. Finally she was tired of being the one who supported and encouraged her man, so she took a break from dating for six months. An incredible businessman with great potential was placed on her path. She gave herself the time she needed and actually said to me, “I am taking this a little slower because I want to get to know and understand this person so we can build a good future together.” What a great thing for me to hear. She was willing to create a new life pattern for herself by establishing a new mindset, thus she was dating and now it was truly a new beginning.


Celebrating wedding anniversaries is a blessing, the crown of the year passing and the passing of the years crowned through a journey with love, patience, and strength. Marriage is a challenge for love. It’s learning to live the intangible gifts of love, honor, respect, patience, courage, forgiveness, and belief. Marriage always has its yin and its yang, its ups and downs; it can come with hiccups, headaches, and heartaches.

Marriage is learning to accept and learning to forgive. When people have decades of marriage behind them, yes, sometimes the marriage cake can lose its frosting. Financial difficulties, family issues, and work-related problems can bring love to a different level, and then a lack of love is like losing the frosting, so to speak.

When the neglect of love takes place, partners can look outside of the box. In order to avoid other negative escalations, it is necessary to find the clarity of mind to have heart-to-heart conversations. There is a saying “to grab the bull by the horns,” meaning you need to recognize and address concerns before they become a problem.

If there is love, fight for it. If there is no love from both parties then, break away. It is not necessary to make each other’s life difficult. Further, when children are involved, it is not necessary to let them go through this suffering. With all decisions, love and truth will prevail and heaven will always cover you when you have faith.

In my world of delivering the heavenly messages, it is sometimes difficult for me to navigate people who are not ready to accept the information as love and truth. When heaven shows me images and reveals information that I cannot share yet, because of the people’s belief and the trust in their partner, it can be quite bothersome for me, because this leaves me to let them find out the hard way. I have to at this point say to myself “what goes on in the dark will come out in the light,” and I have the faith to let go and let God.

Karma Is the Boomerang Effect

People often talk about how hurt they were in their relationships. Sometimes, I even hear the words abusive, abandoned, or thrown away by someone whom they deeply loved. We all have choices, and when the hurt and the abuse take place we can be the victim or go for victory. Life is not what happens to us but how we handle it.

Our mind has a powerful energy; it can make us or break us. When negative thoughts set in, it will come right back at us and can have a painful effect. People who do or say the wrong things will have that boomerang effect right back at them. I often say, karma is a bumblebee that can sting badly.

When people say hurtful and harmful things or hurt people physically it will come back in a way that they have projected. This is karma. This is a basic understanding of human nature and heaven’s law—when you do good, good is returned to you. When you do things that are hurtful to someone else, which might be a very selfish act, it will be returned to you.

Please understand that God is a good God; He does not punish us. We punish ourselves. Our conscience is our truth. We are responsible for what we say and do. In heaven everything is reported, recorded, and documented; again, we are being watched in our actions, reactions, and how we live life.

Many people ask me, “Maudy, why don’t I see that they will be hurt too?” I can only respond with, “Let go and let God” and pray for those who have hurt you. I often tell them to let it be on your resume so that heaven sees that you were able to forgive. Even when we cannot forget, it is important to forgive.

In time we will be a silent witness of the one who has done the hurt and harm. Why lower yourselves to a level where you really don’t want to be. Think big, be big in heart, and love yourself. When you can recognize this or identify yourselves in it, learn to move on and continue to love yourselves.

You are a survivor from your own life training and journey. You conquered to stay on a positive track, continue to rise above with love. Remember, a kite always rises against the wind.

When people use negative thoughts on other people, which we can describe as a curse, it is actually their own personal weakness. Heaven disapproves of these negative thoughts. Dark thoughts are shadows that linger. This can cause mental fatigue.

When people wish negative thoughts upon others because of anger, they want to punish someone that has upset them. It is advisable not to go down this track. An example of this was brought to our attention at a presentation. Janet worked in a very high-pressure sales job, and one day the supervisor was upset that the sales were not as high as she wanted to see it. She and Janet got into a discussion, and the supervisor, Dana, said, “Well, I have had enough of this. I am cursing your husband and see how that goes for you.” She said this with such hatred, it was awful. Janet asked me, “What should I do?”

I simply said, “Pray. When you think negative, everything you send out returns in negative as karma, and you experience the boomerang effect. When conversations like this catch you off guard, go immediately into prayer, because the force field of negative thoughts can be as powerful as the positive energy.”

I continued to explain to Janet that when people act like this, and we are caught off guard, the negative behavior is actually an invisible frequency and a preview of sadness that will occur for the person placing the curse. When people are saying negative things, the unhappiness within them is already taking place.

Within one month of this conversation, Janet called me back to tell me that Dana’s son-in-law, age thirty, was killed in a fiery car crash on his way to work. I reminded Janet that we simply have to continue to pray, and this is an example of what happens when people decide to use a curse. Because of this family tragedy, Dana was not able to work for quite some time. While Dana was gone, Janet was able to move on to another position in another firm and is now quite happy.

To express a wish of misfortune to befall another person will always have a karma effect, but one will never know how, where, when, or who will actually be hit. It is obvious that the one who initiates this will experience something unpleasant in their own lives. It is important to remember that blessings will come upon you when you rise above the negativity.

Rise Above with Love

When affair images are being revealed to me, my prayers for strength are for the people who might have a rude awakening when their safety bubble bursts. Heaven will always let me step in at the right time and right place to let people know that love is no pity and pity is no love. When you find yourselves in situations like this, don’t go into self-doubt, but deal with all of the emotions—the sadness, disappointment, and betrayal—and go through the mourning and grieving process.

It is very important that you stay in control and in charge of yourselves to not let that pity party control you. Find the strength to keep your head up high, if there is love, there is forgiveness. If the heartache is stronger than the love, then have love, honor, and respect for you. Whatever decision, whatever you do, follow through on love for you. Rise above with love. Pray and angels will guide you all the way.

The happiness of your life depends on your thoughts. Happiness is a blue sky without clouds—it is the joy within you. The only cloud we can park ourselves on is the cloud of perfect happiness, and it is called cloud nine.

Angels at Work through Heavenly Children

Children are holy and come to earth from heaven as a special gift to all of us. They live in a subconscious and angelic world and are supernaturally gifted. The supernatural gift can begin to decrease when children reach the age of seven or eight. This happens when the life choices arise or whatever hardships the child may face. Sometimes this occurs when parents go through family difficulties and the children pick up on these emotions. They sense and feel the hardship from their parents and the sadness in their lives, and then their own suffering takes place. This can weaken their supernatural connection.

A child’s world is a mystical world where they can play with imaginary friends (who are not imaginary), who are actually the angels that only they can see and hear. They can say things out of the blue and sometimes they can talk about ancestors, like a grandfather or a grandmother they never met. It is really cool to hear them speak or carry on a conversation with those in heaven, at a time you least expect it. It’s like they have known them forever and yet they don’t.

One little four-year-old girl named Sally was so happy to see and hold her newborn brother, and she wanted to constantly be with him. The parents were pleased with this, and they watched how attentive she was to him. One day, Sally asked her mom and dad, “Can I visit alone with Aiden in his room? All alone, Mommy and Daddy. Just me, please?”

At first, the parents were apprehensive. Little Sally asked for two straight weeks, so the parents decided to buy a baby monitor and put it in the room, without telling Sally. Then they let her into the room to visit Aiden alone. Sally was delighted.

When Sally got into the room, she shut the door behind her, went up to her brother’s crib, held his little hand, and said, “Aiden, please tell me what heaven is like. I am forgetting.” After a few minutes, she came out of the room and said, “Thank you, Mommy and Daddy. It was really nice to be with Aiden.” There was obviously a heavenly communication, but only Sally and Aiden knew what happened.

Children’s Prophecy Drawings

Mothers and fathers with young children are encouraged to pay attention and recognize their children’s drawings. Drawings from children carry a prophecy, where they subconsciously draw something that has to do with the future.

When children draw, they create from a heavenly point of view. Some colors you may recognize. Red is for love, blue is for heaven, white is for clouds and purity, yellow is the color of the sun’s warmth and sunshine, and green for the color of grass and serenity, and brown, of course, is the earth.

It is important to see what they draw. Some children are able to draw very clearly and you can actually tell what the child is thinking. It is a good idea to have a talk with them to see what their intention was. If you keep their drawings and start to use this method, you will be able to understand what this little one is trying to let you know.

Parents teach children and children teach parents. Their drawings can give us knowledge and wisdom about love. Gail and I give workshops that involve art and colors. One thing Gail asks adults to do is to go outside and take note of all the different greens that are out there. Once a person said, “I don’t notice different greens. It is just green.” Well, when a person is not aware of their beautiful surroundings, this is what happens. Usually when someone is on the brink of sadness, or simply overworked, they cannot see the difference. Give yourself a treat, and check out how many colors of green you can find. Better still, ask a child. The child will describe yellow-green, red green, purple-green, etc.

Take a quiet moment at night to see what your child’s drawing tells you. It can be rather cryptic sometimes, like putting a puzzle together, but when you pray about it, your own angel messages will speak to your heart. The loved ones from heaven occupy the frequency of children and use them as a vessel, whether it is through drawing or their childlike conversations. Enjoy this experience within the magical journey of every child. Make time to join in and be part of their world. Enjoy life and the world of the angelic children.

Angel Wings

Around the same time a baby is born there can also be the passing of a family member who is called to go to heaven. When this takes place, the loved ones who passed could possibly have the mission to accompany the newborn child in its new life. When this has heaven’s approval, both entities meet at the heavenly gate so to speak. It can be one year or months apart, again in heaven time does not exist.

I can share this scenario with you because of the beautiful image that is shown to me when conversations with people occur. The powerful image shown to me is the sky and clouds opening up and the person who went to heaven is receiving the wings from the angel who is sent to earth. They embrace each other with great angelic love from heaven. Do they know each other? Yes, they do. When I share this information with people giving details about their loved ones who went to heaven, it is something only they can recognize. A sense of peace and comfort will then be the angel wings around them.

It is our mission to pray for the children and those who care for the young in this challenging world. Pray for a deeper faith, direction, guidance, and strength and that the children may be able to stand up against the deception and daily temptations of life. Pray that heaven will increase the Holy Spirit’s gifts to all the children. May the angel children be the inspiration for the world. May the world see that inspiration is love from above.

Children’s Angel Hugs from Heaven

Once a priest told Gail what happened to him as a child and why he decided that becoming a cleric was the best way for him to serve God. I also have met this very spiritual person, and want Gail to relate his story of significance for you.

As a young child in the 1930s, Bobby really enjoyed life on the East Coast of the United States. Everyone was still dealing with the aftermath of the Great Depression, but as he expressed it, “I had a wonderful childhood. We knew things were difficult, but we simply enjoyed family life.”

Bobby described an era where things were quite different than this day and age. For example, he explained that hospitals did not allow children to visit each other. He explained that hospitals had wards of children, which meant that you had many beds within one room, with no privacy, just very open. As a child, you like company so you don’t really mind. But then, only your immediate adult family could visit the ward, and there was very, very limited access to any patient.

One day, Bobby got very, very sick, and his parents were not sure what to do, so they went to the doctor and he was admitted to the hospital. He was running a very high temperature that the doctors could not seem to get down, and they did not know the cause of his illness.

Many hospital tests were done, but doctors were baffled as to what was wrong. Bobby got very sick and went into a coma. With limited testing compared to today, doctors did not give Bobby’s parents much hope. The doctor’s really felt that they did all they could and his mom and dad felt that God would do the rest.

Even though his parents had great faith, when your child is sick with no direct diagnosis, and then the doctors state that they cannot find anything, you are in shock. You continue to pray because what else could you do?

The practice of the day was to put a patient that was in a coma at the end of the room, or if a room was available to put him in a private room that would accommodate him. Bobby’s parents came faithfully every day for ten days. In Bobby’s case, they found a private room in a remote corner at the end of the children’s ward, and they placed him in it.

During these ten days, he was in a complete coma and did not communicate with his parents, who were the only ones to visit. His older sister was not allowed to come. On day eleven, when his mother came in, he awoke and said, “Hi, Mom.” She immediately called the nurse and the doctor, and they were so surprised.

After the medical staff left, he said, “Mom, who were the children that kept coming in and out of that window to play around me? I would put my hand out, but they wouldn’t hold my hand. They would smile and continued to visit me. I was never alone. They made me feel really good. Also, there was someone at the base of my bed that I cannot fully describe, but it was always, always there. I believe this was my guardian angel that was here to watch over me. What do you think? Did you see the children and where did they come from?”

Mom was so pleased that Bobby was back, and couldn’t wait to tell his dad, who was at work. She explained that she did not see anyone, but was sure if Bobby said they were there, they were. She was amazed at this very young son of hers expressing in great detail what had happened to him.

Of course, as Bobby grew into a man, he realized that this indeed was a special visit from heaven, and this is what pushed him into becoming a cleric and helping others. It was just one of the incredible things that happened to him that made him realize that heaven is very real and he wanted to serve God and brings others to the realization that we all have a very definite purpose in this life.

I explained to Gail that some of the children that visited Bobby during his illness were actually children who had passed in that hospital. They kept coming, and there were many; plus there were additional children who had passed away in that particular town who visited him. These were actually angels of comfort that took the shape and form of children and came to visit Bobby.

The person at the end of his bed was St. Matthew, one of the Gospel writers, who was there to guide him. Bobby was a great young man of prayer, and before he went into the hospital, he had been reading the Gospel of Matthew, and this was one of his favorites. It was, indeed, St. Matthew who came to visit.

You can see in this story how children from heaven are taking care of children here on earth. Even if we cannot see them, they are there in the heavenly realm to take care of us. This is a very special story to warm all of your hearts, especially if you have ever had a child in the hospital.

A Child Used as a Vessel by Heaven

The following story is a perfect example of how a child was used as a vessel. This can only be done with heavenly approval to accomplish a heavenly purpose or to complete an appointed mission. Children are always special and many times are allowed by heaven to assist us here on earth with our earthly concern and problems. At age three, Scott started to have screaming nightmares that were very vivid to him. He would describe to his mom what was taking place, and she was smart enough to take notes. These nightmares were so intense that they decided to take him to the doctor. The doctors simply said that it was a phase and he’d get over it.

The nightmares were not constant but regular. Over the next year, the child would describe to his mother what was taking place in his dream. The dream was always the same with lots of fire and an airplane crash. The child had details that amazed his parents.

Then, one day, when he was about four and a half, he mentioned Iwo Jima. What does a four-year-old know about World War II? So, the mother listened. Then, about one month after his dream, he had another one, whereby he actually mentioned a name: Airman James Smith.

By this time, the parents had quite a collection of what appeared to be unrelated facts. However, these first-time parents were vigilant in their curiosity. So, the mom used all the information that the child had provided and searched the Internet. The information that she found was outstanding to them and to others. They uncovered that there was actually a twenty-two-year-old pilot named James Smith who crashed and died in Iwo Jima about sixty years before this child was born. The mother had the clarity of mind to wonder if he had any relatives still living. She was able to locate a living sister, Ellie, who was in her eighties.

Scott’s parents contacted Ellie and told her what had taken place with their son. They asked if they could visit. They did and during that visit they finally saw pictures of this young man who had passed so many years before. Ellie proceeded to tell Scott’s parents how she and James were very close in life. His sudden death was very difficult for her to comprehend. She still had a very deep wound, which needed to be healed.

What heaven allowed was for this young child to be given these dreams so that the heavenly comfort from James could be used to put Ellie at peace. Heaven allowed this child to be the messenger from heaven, able to do earthly work to soothe Ellie’s broken heart. About one year after they met Ellie, she passed peacefully in her sleep.

After meeting Ellie, the nightmares stopped and Scott’s dreams are only happy childlike dreams. It was heaven’s way of using this child as a vessel to help Ellie and finally close that chapter of World War II and the loss of her brother James. It was heaven allowing all of James’s info to be stored and placed in the proper place at the proper time for Ellie’s peace of mind. All of this was done through a child.

The Spirit Child

Unlike Scott’s situation, whereby the airman was working through him, we sometimes are called upon to help a child who is in spirit. This following story is powerful, and through our prayers, we can encourage the spirit to go to the light.

Recently at a presentation, we met Doris. She was visiting her friends here in our area. She asked her question for herself, then I sensed a heavenly push. “What is your concern with your daughter?” I asked. Doris looked at me in awe, and said, “Well, she has been having difficulty sleeping for more than six months, and we don’t know what to do anymore. She sleeps with the light on.”

I asked Doris to explain the situation to me. She said, “About six months ago my daughter, Bonnie, experienced a very large orb floating around in the room. It did this for quite a while and then disappeared. This was a regular happening, until about two months ago. That day, the orb got very large and settled down in front of her bed, where a four- or five-year-old little boy appeared. He didn’t say anything, but he seemed to be comfortable with her and he just looked at her. He keeps coming, so she has resorted to leaving on the light.”

Doris’s sister, Angelina, had passed and was delivering the angel whispers. She said, “Tell your daughter that the child’s name is Wilfred.” Then I asked if there was a pond not too far from her daughter’s home. Doris acknowledged that there was. Angelina continued: “Wilfred passed in the late 1800s in that area, and he is comfortable with Bonnie.”

I let Doris know how Bonnie could help Wilfred. In order to assist someone to move toward the light and their heavenly home, sometimes we have to add extra prayers. I told her, “The next time this child comes, she is to be respectful and address the child quietly and say, ‘You need to go to heaven and go to the light.’ Also, have your daughter light a candle for seven days and pray, and Wilfred will go to his heavenly home very soon.”

Sometimes in tragic and sudden deaths this can occur, where a spirit remains on earth until someone tells them that they are to go to the light, and of course, we must go in prayer for them. Spirits who are in this situation do not realize that they are dead, but they live in a world that is unseen to us but a very real world to them. It is through our respect and love that we can guide them accordingly to bring peace.

The Children of Love and Light

All children are special. However, there are additional special heavenly children who are sent to earth for a particular purpose. This is some heavenly knowledge about them and a glimpse behind the scenes of heaven that I am allowed to introduce you to. These particular children are classified as children of love and light. They fall under both classifications and are equal under both categories. Some of these groups of children that we recognize are the Indigo children, prodigy children, and children with special needs. They are the heavenly love and light children who are very gifted and have supernatural abilities that you may or may not be aware of. These children were chosen to come to this earth for particular missions.

Indigo Children

Indigo children are highly intelligent beings. They are considered phenomena who may or may not know why they are here on earth. However, within this same group of Indigo children, a particular select group of these individuals know exactly why they were sent to earth. Some of these children know their mission and what field of work they need to be in. They have an adult way of looking at life with full understanding of their purpose.

Indigo children usually have new ways of thinking. Many of them have no patience with learning about technology because in a subconscious way they feel they can and will master this knowledge. They simply are the young professors and teach us or show us new ways of thinking and doing things.

Angels work through them with special instructions from heaven. When a task from a person in heaven wasn’t finished, these types of children are called upon to complete this task. This special request is between the soul and God.

Usually the work through the children is allowed for a short time and it is during their early childhood. The angels are assisting this person with the whispers. Please don’t misunderstand the spirit in heaven only works through the child, with the angel at their side and with heaven’s approval.

Prodigy Children

This work also happens in the world of the prodigy children. These are the very gifted children who can sometimes be music directors at a very young age or musicians who can play Beethoven or Bach on the piano or violin. In this same group of children, you might find the very young child who has the voice of an angel and sings like an adult.

All of these children give us the familiar chills when they sing and play like heaven here on earth. You even have the child artist who paints like Rembrandt at the youngest age. The prodigy child’s work captures your eyes, mind, and heart when you look at it and recognize that this truly was heaven sent.

Then there are the gifted children who are the math professors and know formulas and codes and are able to be the professors. They are the young scientists who also come to our attention. Again, those who are in heaven—the well-known musicians, the incredible professors, or amazing artists—who have a last request for an earthly mission. This behind-the-scenes of heaven information has been shared to remind us to pray for the children. We need to pray and encourage them to pray. It is then that they can pray for strength, so that they grow in deeper faith and self-recognition that they will submit to God’s will.

Children with Special Needs

Children with special needs are angelic and often high entities from heaven. They are extremely intelligent and are gifted with wisdom and sent as the angels of love from above. Their absence of speech can be recognized as the heavenly observed silence that these beautiful children carry in them.

To better explain this, the heavenly mission with this particular group of children is that heaven is watching and observing the people around them, such as the parents or caretakers. In heaven we all are watched during every step we take, move we make, and thought we create. Children with special needs have incredible missions to fulfill. These children are to be observed in their dialogue, and their drawing, they too are children of prophecy. They carry great love within them, whether they can express it or not.

Sandra, a girl I had met at a presentation, worked directly with these children, and she was so pleased to be able to have this type of position. Sandra’s brother, who was also autistic, had passed and was giving me a message. I informed her that one of the children, Jake, would give her a direct message and she should listen to him. Sandra started to cry, and said through her tears, “Jake really looks like my brother, and I am fond of him.”

Within a week of the presentation, Sandra called me and said, “Maudy, Jake said, ‘Love you,’ and he has never spoken to me before.” So, her brother in heaven had kept his promise, and he used Jake as a vessel to communicate.

Just like Sandra’s situation, there are reasons people are appointed to be around these children and take care of them. We may not know why, but it is a heavenly matter how love, honor, respect, patience, courage, forgiveness, and belief will surface to assist God’s special children on their particular life journey.

Children with Unique and Rare Diseases

There are also children who are appointed to have different diseases that are unique and rare. They are sent to earth for cure missions, where people are looking into their mission for answers in research.

A child who comes to mind is Mattie Stepanek, who was a poet and peacemaker with great wisdom. He spoke with strong angelic tongue and was sent to earth with a rare muscular dystrophy disease. He was often on the Oprah show sharing his wisdom and poems. We can look at his drawings and see how prophetic a child can be.

This child was a beautiful high entity who taught us to turn to faith and embrace life when life-changing events take place. Many people who were blessed to have known Mattie know that it was an honor and a privilege to have been in his presence, for his knowledge and wisdom was the gift itself. If you aren’t aware of this young man, please check out him and his published works at

Children like Mattie come for a reason and a season. It is a blessing to be around these heaven-sent children of God, for love is knowledge and wisdom.

Parents’ and Grandparents’ Love of Children

Our parents and grandparents, whether they are alive or in heaven, can assist us through life’s journey. Many times I have the privilege of meeting people who really are outstanding parents, and of course I meet others who are still working on reaching that status. With my angel whispers I have the privilege to listen to your loved ones who are so willing to help you with your earthly mission here on earth. This is their way of doing earthly work from heaven so that you can do heavenly work here. The stories that follow will show you how this works. It doesn’t matter if you never met your parents or grandparents, they know who you are.

Angel Messages to Soothe the Memory of a Tragic Death

In heaven, there is no human time as we know it. Even though I emphasize it regularly at presentations, I don’t think people understand the full concept until they hear a few examples of this. I am especially reminded of this concept when there is a tragic death and a child has been left behind—a child who is now an adult and is attending one of our presentations. Such is the situation with the following story.

Angie, age twenty-one, and her Aunt Sunny came to a presentation in the Charlotte area. Angie expressed to me and others in the room that she had been told about me about a year before but she was reluctant to come because of her fear of the unknown. She stated that now she was ready to go on with her life, and she needed some answers about her mom’s death and about her life in general. I said to Angie, “Okay, let’s get started. What is your question?”

First, Angie wanted to brief me on what had happened to her during her lifetime, but she started to cry and could not go on. I explained to her that I already knew and that her mom was giving me angel whispers. I asked if she was ready to listen to those whispers from heaven. She said she was ready, and it was her mom and only her mom that she wanted to get messages from.

I asked Angie when her mom had passed. She answered that her mom, Gloria, a single mother, had passed when she was only five years old. Angie felt abandoned by her mom and often wondered if the passing was a suicide or an accident.

At this point, angel whispers were really coming from Gloria. So I informed Angie, “Your mom is telling me that she did have a battle with drugs, but she stopped completely one year before she passed. She was having a difficult time and went to the doctor to get more antidepressant pills. Angie, your mom is telling me that the drugs that she had taken before had weakened her entire system, especially her heart. She gave them up because she wanted to be the best mom ever for you. However, she didn’t realize her system was so weak, and one day she didn’t remember if she had taken one or two of the antidepressants. She fell asleep and her heart simply gave out. It was a tragic accident, not suicide. Her body was weak and tired.” Angie was relieved, but she was still crying.

Then Gloria was telling me things through angel whispers to tell Angie—things that happened during her lifetime. “Angie, your mom is telling me to give you three examples of her being with you all your life. Remember when you were six years old and you fell off of the swing at your grandmother’s, just missing hitting a big rock? She helped you. Then, at age ten you went to the ocean with your aunt and cut your foot on a shell, and your aunt was crying because she did not want you to get hurt. She was there then, too. How about graduation day at high school with that rain pouring so hard? You wondered ‘why didn’t I wear real shoes instead of flip-flops?’ And she is so proud of you for going back to school to finish your degree. See, Angie, your mom has always been with you, and she will continue to be with you all of your life. She is so sorry that she had to leave so early in your life but promises that she will always be with you. You will begin to see little signs that she will show you, and this will continue always.”

Angie was relieved and pleased that her mom had not taken her own life and that she was going to be there forever throughout her adult life.

Grieving Parents of Adult Children

Maudy and I work a lot with a group of parents mourning adult children who have passed. There is a common bond because these adults experience the hurt that is always there, but they want to have a new understanding of the why question. Why did he/she do this? Why were they murdered? Why did they have to die in a car accident? Why did they drink too much and/or do drugs? Why did they take their own life?

The most important, and what seems to be the main question, is why wasn’t I good enough or smart enough to see what they were going through? They also ask could I have stopped their path of destruction? The answer is always no because everyone, regardless of who we are, makes choices that determine their own destiny.

Recently during a presentation, a set of parents were so distraught about the death of their son that they expressed they were not sure if they could go on. Maudy started to speak with them. The parents had sent their son to rehab for drugs and alcohol, and when he got out he seemed to do fine. He was only home two days when he took his own life. There was so much sobbing by the parents and others in the room that it was difficult for everyone.

Finally a message came from their son, Micah, and he said plain and clear through angel whispers to Maudy, “It wasn’t your fault. It was my choice.” So, when I say we are here for our own goal, our own purpose, and our own destiny, Micah certainly made this clear, that it was his choice.

Marianna’s Heavenly Hug for Her Son

Gail and I frequently work within the Spanish community, and it isn’t surprising when we have people from several Spanish-speaking countries, from different continents, in one room and sometimes even with an interpreter.

At one presentation, we were at the home of Claudia and her husband Carlos. This particular evening, Carlos decided to ask a question about his mother, Marianna. His question was “Maudy, how is my mother?” I asked, “When did she pass?” Carlos answered, “About thirty years ago when I was ten years old.” I then asked, “Did your mom die of impact? Was she murdered?”

Carlos then told me the story of what had happened to her, and how difficult it was for him, his three brothers, one sister, and dad to continue in life. After losing their mother to war, they moved from that war-torn country to America to have safer lives for all of them. However, Carlos always wondered about his mom because she left so early in his lifetime.

I said, “Carlos, your mom is giving me incredible angel whispers and is really showing me a lot. Just a minute. I know this may sound odd, but your mother, Marianna, is standing at heaven’s gate with a very tall angel next to her. She has in her hands a very big mirror. The man who committed this terrible atrocity was actually murdered two weeks later, and at this time he came face-to-face with your mother, Marianna. He had no choice but to look into the mirror that she was holding. He had to watch what was being ‘replayed’—frame by frame—and view everything again that was done to your mom—all ordered by him. He had to re-experience and emotionally feel and see what he did. Gee, I have never seen this before!”

Carlos then asked, “Did he go to heaven?” I continued, “Well, I don’t know what his instructions were after he reached heaven’s gate, but it is always between the soul and God. However, he had to be shown what he did and your mother came face-to-face with him and forgave him for what he did. Marianna is telling me that for her it was all about forgiveness, now you have to forgive and continue to go forward.”

Heaven has a way of helping those left behind when a tragic death occurs. This is truly what I call heaven’s way of giving peace to those left behind here on earth. I’m so thankful I can help through angel messages that are meant for only them.

When someone dies it’s always so very sad and leaves a mark upon our lives. When a tragic death such as Angie’s mom, Gloria, or Carlos’s mom, Marianna, it leaves lifelong scars upon those left behind. Their moms never left their sides, and they will always be with them.

Heaven really takes care of everything. These stories certainly reflect a very big sign of angel messages coming down from heaven to help adult children survive and go forward to complete their missions here on earth.

No Habla Español

With each presentation, I explain that I am from Holland, but not with the typical blonde hair and blue eyes. I explain that my parents are from New Guinea and that I was born and raised in Holland and speak Dutch. I do this so people will not start speaking Spanish to me. But, sometimes angel whispers are given to me in a full sentence in their own language. Of course, then the person in front of me has to tell me what that means. This was the case with Karla. She came to a presentation with a heavy heart. Her desire was to have a child. She asked me, “Maudy, when will I have a child?” The angel whisper came from her grandmother that she was too stressed and emotions were high, but she would have a baby someday.

Then, her grandmother continued and gave me three words in Spanish: Tiempo Corazon Razon, which translates to “time, heart, reason.” In other words, it was her heart’s desire, and there is a reason for the delay in time for a pregnancy.

Karla said, “But I don’t know my grandmother, I never met her.” I explained that in heaven, everyone knows everyone, and her grandmother was guiding her and will take care of her. Karla accepted this and was shocked and totally amazed that I knew her relative in heaven and could speak the language. Of course I do not habla Español, but the grandmother made herself very clear and Karla, who is Spanish speaking, accepted and knew that it was her grandmother.

This conversation eliminated her stress and frustration of wanting to get pregnant. Further, she accepted the advice to let go and let God. Love from heaven comes in all forms, and a grandmother’s love is always very special.

Anya’s Medical Emergency

Several years ago, Gail and I met Jay and Sonya at a presentation. Their main concern was their adult daughter Anya, who was having seizures at that time. She had been diagnosed as a new diabetic and was given two medications. Through angel whispers, it was clear that the medication and something inside her body were causing her to have the seizures. The name of the problem medication was given to me and they had the doctors change that particular medication.

After the medication was changed, Anya felt better. Then, three weeks later, the seizures started up again. I felt that there was still something foreign in her body causing these seizures. The only thing they could think of was a tooth implant that Anya had just gotten. Anya and her parents asked the dentist about the implant and what material it was made of. They asked if it could have been giving her seizures? The doctor said yes, it could. They decided to try removing the implant to see if that was the problem.

When the dentist removed the implant, they found some of the problem medication that she had taken previously was lodged in the tooth, plus she was allergic to the implant post that was inserted in the gums. Once everything was removed, Anya was relieved of these seizures and was off all medication. She was able to manage her diabetes through diet and exercise.

It was so baffling to doctors that they really did not know what to do. Because Jay and Sonya were such concerned parents, and because they were so persistent and followed through with angel whispers they were able to help their daughter so she could continue her life mission and live a beautiful life. Heaven really did intercede and help through these angel messages.

I must say that I was amazed at the love that was exhibited and continues to be exhibited by Jay and Sonya for their child. They never gave up on the medical field or the angel whispers. This is rare and has to be highlighted. With all these health issues, when life became a struggle and fight, they learned to embrace the love.

Parents’ Love of Candace

One July I got a frantic phone call from Sandy, who is an elementary school teacher and a friend of mine. She was concerned about her neighbor’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Candace, who had disappeared the night before. Sandy is fully aware that I do not participate in search and rescue situations. Her concern was for this young lady and the parents, whom she felt were at their breaking point.

Candace had placed herself in harm’s way many times over the years, but this time the parents were afraid that she might have gone over the edge. They simply were reaching out to everyone in total desperation to locate their daughter.

According to Sandy, Candace had battled depression. Usually, I do not assist with finding missing or abducted children, however, when Sandy was on the phone, I felt Candace’s spirit standing beside me and cold chills went through my entire body. I knew that she was no longer living, so my mission changed—I had to help the family locate Candace’s body.

At that time, several groups were searching three ponds in the immediate area to find Candace, with no success. Sandy felt it imperative to contact me to see if I could help. In fact, they had already emptied one of the ponds but had not found a body.

I was shown a bottle of green tea and Candace sitting on the ground against the store where she bought the tea. Behind that building was a pond. Then I saw Candace take a bottle of pills with the green tea. My next vision was of her in that pond, and I was shown her clothing was stuck to a branch on the bottom.

I directed Sandy to tell the search and rescue teams to drain the pond behind the convenience store, and that is where they found Candace’s body. Sandy informed me that the police located the empty tea bottle with Candace’s prints behind the store, close to the shore of the pond.

My mission is not to find missing or abducted people, but when heavenly instructions are given to me that are different, I follow through. Heavenly thank yous are always unexpected. Recently, when I went to have my annual physical, my doctor was talking about how many cases of depression and sadness she encounters in her practice in our small town. She mentioned the tragic situation about Candace. I told her briefly the story I just told you, and then I realized that this was Candace’s heavenly way of saying thank you for helping her parents find her body, giving them peace and closure.

They were sad about the particular circumstance but not knowing where she was would have been even worse for them. In some ways, it brings a moment of closure so that they can go forward. This was heaven’s way of soothing these parents’ hearts.

How to Conquer the War Within

As you all know, depression can cause all types of illness and can even lead to a shortened life. Many times, situations lead to a serious, sometimes tragic life-turning event that will impact a person and cause depression. Unless they get help from the outside, they will remain in a very depressed life. Getting people out of depression is one of the things that we try to accomplish with angel whispers. It certainly helps the healing process of going forward. This is why I am so pleased when people are placed on my path, so that heaven and me can assist them through life’s journey and make life indeed worth living.

Karen’s Story

Karen was a Marine who came back from Iraq with a lot of stress. Her anxious family welcomed her with a big homecoming reunion. Her family gathered and hugged her, and of course they wanted to see how she was doing. Her brother Jeff, to whom she always had a special bond, was there, and she was really pleased to see him. There were lots of questions, but Karen was rather quiet, and she did not want to go over the ravages of war that she had witnessed. Her main goal was to get back to a regular civilian life.

Six weeks later, she was still looking for employment, but it simply wasn’t working for her. She was having a terrible time with the war within. However, she did not give up. She actually told a friend, “I will give myself two more weeks, and then I may go back to school so I can fulfill a missing piece of myself.”

At the two-month mark, Karen received a horrifying phone call from her mom, informing her that her brother Jeff had committed suicide. This added to Karen’s personal trauma. She really started to feel a total disconnect from the world, and this situation with her brother sent her into a downward spiral. Karen wanted to know why Jeff took his life. He was battling a war she could not see, and she knew that she needed to get some answers from someone. Her questions were, “How can I go on?” and “Why was life so difficult that Jeff decided it wasn’t worth living?”

Karen went to Jeff’s funeral, and there were so many people there. It was so difficult for her just to stand there and be present in this awful situation. She described it later to me that it was like being in the most horrible of all nightmares and you could not escape.

Two longtime family friends, Brian and Barbara, were at the funeral and came over to Karen to express their condolences. They could see that she was dealing with more than the death of her brother and that she was dealing with more than one war—the war within and the war now with Jeff’s suicide.

Brian and Barbara suggested that Karen come to a presentation to meet me. They explained that I listen to angels and that this was worth a try. Karen said, “Well, I believe in angels, and I am willing to try this.” They explained to Karen that they had hosted a few presentations at their home, and she accepted an invitation. Karen arrived and was a bit nervous but realized that there were several other invited guests.

As in all presentations, there is an introduction, then I present the philosophy of living life with the seven elements, which makes their lives much easier. I explain that it is actually a new way of looking at life, and their choice, should they choose to accept. Usually this segment gives everyone the time to calm all their fears. Then, there is a question and answer time before we go into the personal encounters.

Gail noticed that Karen was listening intently, but she looked wide-eyed and like a deer in the headlights. It was very obvious to Gail that Karen was anxious. She decided to have Karen ask her question last at the encounter time. This way she would be at ease and would benefit from all of those asking questions before her.

During the question and answer time, I was surprised that Karen had the courage to ask a few questions. She expressed that she was amazed that angels are actually able to help us and was anxious to see what could be done for her.

When we came to the encounter time, Karen was fighting back tears when she asked her question: “How is my brother Jeff?” I asked, “Karen, did your brother take his own life?”

Karen was amazed that angel whispers were so direct. Then Jeff said, “Karen, I am very sorry for what I did. I was just tired and couldn’t seem to cope with life anymore. I did not mean to cause everyone so much pain.” I explained to Karen that Jeff crashed a heavenly party. It wasn’t his time to go, but because of depression, he saw no way out. Jeff continued, “Karen, I am so sorry.”

I said, “In heaven there are many mansions, and because Jeff took his own life he is in a special mansion. In order to move out of that mansion into a higher one, he has to assist you in your depression. He does not want you to go down the same path he did.

“Karen, Jeff is telling me that he will assist you to come out of this. You will make a career in art and move forward by painting. Your brother tells me that you are looking into art schools. Is this true?”

Karen was in awe and confirmed that this was true. She wiped away her tears, and said to me, “I am in the fight of my life.” I expressed to her, “And you are going to win this war.”

Karen became very talkative and explained to me and others in the room that she had been seeking the correct medical advice, but she felt that there is also a bias when people have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). She said, “Many people have this but are not willing to admit they have it. This is truly a war within that we are all facing.”

It was good for Karen to express herself. I doubt that she felt the freedom before to do so, and this actually will help her. She also expressed that she would listen to angel whispers from her brother, and she knows that he will help her in her life. Further, she expressed that she will now plan to seek that career in the arts, and this would definitely be the best path for her. She admitted that everything else she tried wasn’t working, but art was one of the things she loved from the time she was a child.

She again expressed to everyone out loud: “I feel that my brother will help me go forward in life. With his help I can continue to help myself, and I will eventually be able to help others with PTSD. Thank you, Maudy.”

Approximately six months after the first presentation, Karen came to another and brought many pieces of her artwork for me to look at. This group of paintings were of what she had experienced in Iraq and helped her to move forward. The first painting she showed me was of bombs dropping from a plane to the desert below. I saw another of many military vehicles alongside a road. I noticed the darkness and I suggested to Karen, “Perhaps you could now move forward to express a different type of life and living.” Karen promised next time she saw me, that she would have accomplished some new art with new thoughts.

It was unusual but within two months, we were back in her home state. This time Karen came in with three beautiful bright paintings, none of them with a military theme. I could see her progress. Karen was coming out of the darkness into the light.

Both Gail and I have kept up with Karen over the years, and we have checked in on her several times. We are truly excited to see her progress. Karen has completed her art degree and is now in the final months of obtaining her Masters in Art Therapy. She wants to work with children and, eventually, with wounded warriors. She explained that she realized how art was her saving grace.

During a recent phone conversation with Karen, she told me, “Maudy, I have gone beyond the military pictures, and have done very light and happy pictures. However, I decided to do one more military picture. I decided to honor my friend Bill, who passed while in Iraq. I painted a portrait of him, and I will give it to his parents. He really was a very special person in my life, and I felt the push to honor him. I’m not really a portrait artist, but I gave it a try, and it looks like him.”

I started to giggle because Bill was coming through with angel whispers for Karen. I asked her, “Did you struggle with which color blue to paint his eyes? You weren’t exactly sure which was the correct color? Is that right?” Karen answered in amazement, “Yes, that is true.”

I responded, “Well, Bill was there watching over your shoulder when you were painting his portrait, and he really likes it and thanks you. Also, he is going to be standing right next to you when you give it to his parents. He is especially happy that you are going to do this for them and says thank you. He is smiling at you.”

There was silence for a moment. I said, “Karen, are you still there?” She answered with a shaky voice, “Yes, I just didn’t expect him to be right there. I am pleased that he is pleased.”

I explained that the key to her success was that she listened to the angelic message that her brother Jeff will always be with her and helping her throughout her lifetime. Because she had taken the path to help others, including children and wounded warriors, she continues to grow stronger and helps others to do the same through her life and through her art.

I have had the privilege to help many wounded warriors like Karen, and I am pleased that heaven has put many of them on my path. Karen is a great example of what can be done for those who have returned and are still fighting the war within, everything can be conquered with faith and perseverance. Thank you, Karen, for being a great soldier and a great person.

Karen now realizes that the whispers of angels are always on point. This is a personal message from Karen who explains how the angelic messages were able to help her to go forward in life:

When I met Maudy and Gail in 2010, I had entered a crossroad in my life journey and was seeking guidance to decide where my next step in life would take me. With the passing of my brother, and trying to cope with real life, it appeared to me to be a very daunting task. However, through the lessons we learned together, I took a leap of faith and found my way back to school. Over the course of four years, I was able to complete my bachelor’s degree in fine arts and am now a first year graduate student in the art therapy program at the School of Visual Arts. Their kind words and gentle prompts have been instrumental in my quest to return home from the war. Thank you, Maudy and Gail, for your support, your love, and your wisdom. Thank you.

A Poem to Ponder: Love

Love is like a flower garden

Nurtured by the heart,

It will never keep people apart.

We will rise above with love

Because love is to learn to see

The imperfect perfectly.
