Laughter is holding you tight with happiness, joy, love, and light.
A cheerful heart is good medicine. Laughter is life’s best remedy and has the power to heal and make you feel better. The following chapter will show you how laughter can change your life and awaken and energize your spirit. Enjoy life; you deserve it.
Laughter Is the Yang of Life
After the yin of life there is always the yang in life, like the sun with the beautiful rainbow that appears after the stormy weather. Sometimes we get impatient when that type of weather lingers. We just have to have that faith that all will pass, and this is when the happy thoughts start and we begin to smile.
Smiles and laughter walk hand in hand. When people around you, at work or wherever you may be, are not having a good day, your smile will lift their spirits. I believe in positive thinking.
When I deliver your messages through angel whispers, I often get excited because the information I need to share with you is always positive and so cool. I feel joy and happiness like it is happening for me, but it’s not. Then I can hear the angels laugh, and I just have to giggle, too.
Sometimes I am told not to say what I hear, and then I just kind of sing the song, “You don’t know, what I know.” For some strange reason I feel excited that I cannot share the news. Of course, the person in front of me usually gets annoyed, I often answer with, “Oh, but then it wouldn’t be a surprise.”
Angels love to play tricks on me, too, and heaven and I just giggle. In the angelic world, things make perfect sense to them, but as humans we cannot always comprehend everything. I simply accept the fact that it doesn’t have to make total sense to me because I am given the information for the person, at that point in time, and deliver it as I am instructed.
Laughter Facts of Life
Remember the saying, A cheerful heart is good medicine? Laughter is life’s remedy, and it has a powerful healing effect that will make you feel better. Laughter is looking at the bright side and light side of life. Laughter is that unexpected conversation that triggers a special moment right at the time when it was needed. It gives you a break from the frustrations of the day. Laughter is embracing the joy when going through some bumps and dips in the road or life’s aches and pains.
Laughter comes as an inhale and exhale of life to loosen up the knots in the body and de-stress the self. Laughter can be a supplement for energy and help you recharge, to regain the clarity of mind. Laughter is giving up your fork and knife, if you want to lose weight. Laughter keeps you young and prevents wrinkles, which saves you money.
Laughter in Challenging Times
In our journey over the past fifteen years together, Gail and I have encountered many times where we have been tested. We have had challenges in our faith and all the intangible gifts—love, honor, respect, especially patience, courage, belief, and forgiveness. We travel nationwide often as well as back and forth to Europe, and, to tell you the truth, with me travel is not always easy. I couldn’t be more grateful to have Gail at my side and that God has chosen her for our outreach journey, because Gail keeps her cool at all times.
Sometimes travel can be tricky. Then again the trick is to turn difficult moments into laughing matters. With the patience and high tolerance we have for each other, I think we would do very well if we joined the popular television show The Amazing Race. The only thing is when it comes to the actual road map neither of us have a sense of direction. I do believe though when you can enjoy the scenery, you’re never lost.
Not to lose your cool and keeping it together at all times in difficult situations is hard for many people to do. Usually the familiar drama scenarios take place or the who did what conversations often turn into conflict. When this takes place, traveling becomes a headache, and many come home with more luggage than was packed.
When you recognize these scenarios or you find yourself in situations like this, learn to exchange thoughts with the person next to you. People can show resistance where the “I know more than you do” conversation can take place. You can regret your speech but never your silence, so a simple smile will do. We need patience and that uplifting laughter to keep ourselves going when we face the challenging times and intense moments whether it’s in our travel or life’s journey.
Travel Hiccup
Many people don’t know what hiccups we sometimes face in our travels. When traveling from one country to another you hope to have good connections with catching planes and to make it on time for the scheduled television shows or seminars. Let me share with you the story about the time Gail and I were stuck in the Netherlands. Talk about intense moments!
One time, several years ago, Gail and I were going to do some book promotions in Holland. I had a Dutch passport and was going on a trip to my home country, so getting out of the United States was no problem. When our tour was complete, we were ready to come back to America, but I had forgotten my green card, as I wasn’t an American citizen yet. I did not realize that my document was not with me when I left Charlotte. Personnel at the Amsterdam airport told me that I couldn’t leave the country because I didn’t have my resident alien card. I was stuck in my own home country.
Gail and I were given instructions from Dutch officials on how to get the proper documents in order to leave the country. I told Gail to take the next plane home, since she was an American citizen and able to leave. Gail said, “I will not leave you, Maudy. We came together, and we leave together.” So cool that she stuck it out with me.
Looking back at that time I had deep respect for how Gail handled that situation, because it was nerve-racking not being able to go back home. It was frustrating to be detained in a country where I was born and raised, plus what do you do when you only have twenty euros left?
We went to an Italian restaurant to regroup. There, we were counting our euros to see what we could afford to eat and drink. Our funds were low, and not everyone takes a credit card, so we were totally dependent upon our euros. In Holland, you do not get a glass of water with a meal; you must purchase the water. A glass of water would cost three euros, and we didn’t have that much left. So we exchanged thoughts on how to handle this dinner situation.
We were still keeping our cool with strong faith and said someday we would look back at this and laugh. Of course, when you are going through the situation and experience, it does shake your nerves a bit. At all times, I live with faith and let heaven do the rest. Although I know heaven has a plan I had a plan, too.
There was a nice white carnation in a vase on the table, and I was pretty thirsty, so when Gail went to talk to the waiter I pretended to smell the carnation. I looked around and made sure that no one was watching, then I took the white carnation out and drank the water from the vase! I thought, That’s three euros we don’t have to spend. I prayed, “Dear Lord, can you please make sure there were no chemicals in the vase?” That would not be a laughing matter if the water would have stuff in it, but that’s the time where we have to think we can always count on God. I’m sure he was laughing.
A Trip to Remember
In 2008, we had a particular trying trip to Holland right from the beginning. Not only did we battle storms, delayed planes, an airplane strike in France, a rented car that smoked and had to be returned in the middle of the night, but we arrived ten hours later than our anticipated arrival. This ten hours put us in a different frame of mind when you know you will be having a seminar for five hundred people in less than twelve hours.
When we finally got to Amsterdam, no one could find our suitcases. We simply forged ahead and went to our hotel in Hilversum. We were greeted by Frans, who welcomed us with, “Welcome, ladies. Your second floor apartment is ready. We recently acquired this convent, and I know you will feel right at home.”
By this time it was 7:30 in the evening and we were tired. When we got to the residence, we went up six complete flights of stairs to reach our apartment, because in Holland the second floor is really the third floor. We hoofed up each flight of stairs and stopped on the landings to gain our breath. At the second landing Gail said, “Good gracious, Maudy. How could very tall, thin Dutch nuns with average size feet have climbed these tiny risers?” We both laughed and continued upward.
When we got to the apartment, with hand luggage in tow, we were both so winded that we were bobbing around like two drunk people. I was trying to get the key into the keyhole, and we were laughing so much that we were pretty near breathless. Finally, we got inside and immediately found our beds and went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I said, “Oh, Gail, the nuns that lived here came for a visit. I heard them say loud and clear ‘silly girls’ because we were laughing so much.”
Heaven always sees us, even when we are laughing, and they must have seen how exhausted we were plus how silly we got. Heaven always hears what we say, and these nuns were sensitive to our remarks, but nevertheless embraced our being in their residence.
Our very large thirty-inch suitcases did arrive by 1 p.m., while we were eating brunch. We were ready for the five-hundred-
person seminar, but we were not ready for taking those suitcases up six flights of stairs! So we left these large suitcases in the back seat of our very small European car and got the things we needed each day to survive.
Laughter, tolerance, and patience got us through this trip. It seemed every inch of this seven-day trip was obstacle after obstacle. I am sure that you have also had similar situations in your life, and we ask you to always remind yourself that even though you packed your suitcase correctly, with every item you think you are going to need, it might not follow you, and learn to live with a backpack or a carry-on to make it a lot easier to navigate your life here and abroad.
Counting Sheep
Then there was the saying, “Some days you might as well just laugh.” When Gail and I are in Holland I usually do the driving. Driving in Holland can be rather frustrating; you have to pray for good brakes or a loud horn. I know my way around and am especially aware of the people on bicycles, which always have the right of way.
I drive and Gail enjoys the scenery. She is a great photographer and loves to take pictures of old barns, cows, sheep, and many more typical Dutch scenarios. This trip, while driving up to my village, Oldebroek, Gail saw sheep in the pasture and said, “Oh Maudy, can you stop here, please? I’d like to take a picture of those sheep.” I said, “Sure, do you want to get out of the car?” Gail then said, “No, this is fine. I’ll take it from the window.” Then she said, “Wow, Holland has huge sheep. I have never seen them so tall and big.” I looked at the sheep and then looked at Gail and said, “Really, Gail.” “Yes,” she said. “No,” I said. “I mean like really, Gail. You are looking at two sheep doing something that would be classified as X-rated if it were on television.” We both just burst into laughter.
A Moment with Maudy
People often ask Gail, “Can I have a one-on-one conversation with Maudy?” Gail usually explains that because there are so many people in need it just won’t be possible; therefore, we come to your house for the presentations. Here is your chance for a one-on-one visit, but you will be listening to my stories … and do I have stories to share!
This is a first—I usually don’t talk about me. But, there’s always a reason why we feel the need to share. Who knows, maybe you can identify with my silly Maudy moments, and it might give you the needed uplift of laughter. So make yourself a cup of tea and come and sit down with me for a moment. Get comfortable as I give you my inside edition of life.
What people don’t know is the day-to-day Maudy. I am often asked, “Maudy, what is your day like? Can you turn your gift off? Do you know things for yourself?”
My daily routine starts with prayers, then I feed my seven cats and my dog, Emma, a terrier-mix who is kind of like a mini-me with short legs. Emma is a rescue dog that joined our family, and she is such a joy. Then Emma and I take a walk, but she usually walks me.
I love life with all its up and downs. I love my family, I love animals, and I just love helping people. You all who cross my path are my passion. I love love and laughter.
When no one is home I turn the music up and have my own Maudy moment. I sing like no one can hear me, and I dance like no one can see me. Of course I know I have a silent audience of those whom I cannot see.
I treasure everything about life because life can change in a flash of a second for whatever learning experience it may be. When life is disrupted, people learn to value the daily routine even more because one can only miss it when it is gone. Going through hardship and life-training experiences, my gratitude is that I embrace life and live it to the fullest. Therefore, I live in the moment and live in today with angels guiding me all the way.
Going about my daily routine, like doing household chores, I usually pray for all of you during the time I am busy. I am kind of programmed like that. When I am actively working, my mindset has the night-light turned on. The best way to explain this is that I go on autopilot.
I am able to turn my gift off by focusing on life. When I go to the store, I focus on milk, cheese, and eggs. Do I know things for myself? I live with faith and letting go. I follow the life-guiding signs as my perception and recognition level allows me to, this way my personal navigation button is always activated.
The Time I Was Chased
One night, I had to take the garbage out. It was wintertime and it was freezing cold. The ground was covered with a layer of snow and a few ice patches. I have a long driveway and it became rather slick with sleet. Pushing the garbage container downhill was not as hard because it was sliding down a little and I had to hold on. I parked the garbage container on top of a snow pile at the end of our driveway, where it gets steep again, thinking it would be a good parking spot.
While walking back to my home I was doing my usual praying. Then I heard a sound like someone was following me. Without looking behind me, I sped up to get to the house, but with the icy patches I had to watch where I was walking.
Suddenly, my night-light became a bright light. I was chased by my own garbage can. It had slid from the snow pile back down to the driveway and fell right on top of me with the lid open and garbage flying everywhere. Besides a hurt head, I had more of a headache picking up the garbage. Never in my life was I chased by a garbage can. Some days, you just have to laugh and when life gets messy, make sure you get your stuff together and picked up.
Cat Bowl
Life with me can be tricky as well. Heaven lets us help those whom the creator puts in front of us. I help stray cats outside of the house by giving love and boarding to any that want to crash on my front porch. I have water bowls on each side of the house and enough food, plus pet carriers so they have shelter.
One day, the mailman came by and I walked over to pick up the mail from the mailbox in my flip-flops. With the mail in my hand, I was going up the side porch stairs when I tripped over my flip-flops, slipped, and fell, hitting my temple against the corner of the brick stair. It knocked me out. The next thing I knew, I woke up with my nose in the cat’s water bowl, which I forgot to fill up before I took the walk to the mailbox.
I told this story to Gail and she, of course, was very concerned. She asked if I was okay, then she broke out in laughter when I said, “Gail, if I had filled the water bowl I could have drowned.” There are moments that the subconscious mind automatically is tuning in to the angels so they can protect us. Now the word flip-flop makes sense. I guess it’s how you walk, right?
Heaven Has an Interesting Sense of Humor
Since heaven shares information about you with me and I am honored to know what is going on in your life, I am going to share some very personal information with you about my life. As much as I would like to skip this subject, I do feel I can confide this part of me, so here is my revelation: I make a lot of noise when sleeping—I have snoring problems.
I know, it’s not really a topic I am proud of, but this can become a problem when traveling with your writing partner and you are sharing one room. I didn’t want to give Gail sleepless nights, so I brought a breathing spray that could solve this problem. After a long day traveling, we both fell right asleep, until I woke myself up through my snoring problem (I do scare myself sometimes with this) and thought, Whoops, forgot the spray.
In the dark, I got out of bed very quietly so I wouldn’t wake Gail up. I thought, So far so good. I got to the bathroom and sprayed the stuff in my throat, or so I thought. But it was hairspray. I started coughing and gagging, making more noise than ever. Gail woke up and was very concerned. Heaven has an interesting sense of humor, not always to my benefit.
I guess I didn’t learn from the first snoring experience … the next trip I thought I had found the solution for sleeping better. I bought these nose strips that you put on the bridge of your nose that are supposed to stop the snoring problem. I was all excited about this new product, and I put these strips on my nose before sleeping. I thought I looked rather ridiculous, but if it helps, then I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do.
Some people sleep with their mouth open, and I am one of them. That night, I settled in, expecting to sleep quietly and spare Gail from my noise. Instead, the strip slid from my nose into my mouth, and I woke Gail up again because I was choking! I guess the angels were having a ball with the Maudy moments because they worked overtime in saving me. Did I mention that traveling with me is not easy? By the way, everyone should have a Gail—she really is the best. Thanks, Gail!
What Is Missing … Can’t Wing This One …
After returning from that nerve-racking trip to Holland with Gail when we were detained because I forget my resident alien card, I decided it was time to become an American citizen. I still called Holland home; after all, it is where I grew up. However, that time I felt like I was being held prisoner.
Beginning the process of studying the American citizen handbook was a serious step for me. When I looked at what I needed to memorize, I thought, Wow, that’s serious stuff, but maybe the honorable presidents in heaven can bail me out.
Anyway, when it was time to take the test, I said a prayer. “Dear Lord, you let me face all the fear factors of life; you let me conquer life’s challenges with all the hardship levels and then leave everything and everybody behind and fly from country to country. You let me embrace and assist a gazillion people. I passed life’s test in many ways, so why do I feel this is not the typical piece of cake and I can’t wing this one?” Well, I soon found out.
I sat down with the government officials for the interview and the exam (and no, I didn’t hear back from any of the honorable presidents in heaven). I waited for quite some time to hear if I passed the tests. Minutes can seem like hours. The things that went through my mind included, “Oh maybe I don’t have one of the amendments right. Did I put the right to bear arms with the right question? Did I put the right president with the correct year?” Then I told myself, “Maudy, let go and let God.”
Finally, the government officials came back into the room and went over the list of people who passed the test. When I heard my name, I was jumping for joy! Then it was time for fingerprinting. One of the officials took me to another office and wiped my fingers with a cloth and gave me instructions how to correctly give my fingerprints. I thought, Here I go, how hard can that be right? Piece of cake. Then she pushed each of my fingers onto this glass plate that looked like a scanner. She had a strange look on her face and said, “The fingerprints are missing. Maybe we have to use another computer.” I thought, Okay, let’s do that. She looked so strict and there was no smile, I thought I had better be quiet. So we tried a second computer and still no fingerprints.
Finally, I asked, “Am I doing something wrong?” She didn’t say anything. She went out of the room and came back with two more people. The things that travel through your mind when you see people in uniform come in for you are not pretty. I immediately changed my thoughts over to trust heaven.
I was a little concerned because we had done this twice on two different machines and there were no prints. So I started to pray silently to heaven. I prayed, “Okay, this wasn’t the deal. Please help me out.” The two ladies were speaking Spanish, and I didn’t understand what they were saying. Finally, one of them told me that I couldn’t be sworn in if I don’t have fingerprints.
All three officials looked at me and one of them told me, “Ma’am, we are not able to get your fingerprints because you don’t have fingerprints.” I thought, What? Then I said out loud, “Maybe I am working too hard in the garden?” No response from anyone. They just looked at me. I made the suggestion, “Perhaps we can try the old-fashioned way of fingerprinting on paper?” I still got that silent stare, but they finally agreed this was a good idea. The official inked up my fingers and I was presented with a white piece of paper. I placed my hand on the paper, with the official pushing each finger onto the white sheet. Yup, I had fingerprints. After removing all the ink with a cleaner, I was ready to try again.
I heard through heaven, “Breathe in; breathe out.” At first, I had no clue what that meant, then for some reason it all made sense. While the official was placing my hand and fingers on the glass plate on the scanner, I held my breath. Yes, for all fingers I held my breath. How it worked, I don’t know, but it worked. Heaven always has a way of winging it.
This time all three ladies looked at me, looked at each other, and then looked at the machine in amazement because there were now fingerprints. They didn’t know what just happened and neither did I. I was sworn in and had my piece of cake to celebrate the fact I was finally an American citizen. Just as I didn’t give up in this situation, and heaven came to my aid, this will also happen to you and you will feel as if you truly survived on a wing and a prayer.
Spirit Humor—“Still Livin’ ”
Once when I was away on a family trip, Maudy volunteered to take care of my dog Laci. Like many animal lovers, I wanted my dog to be attended to by someone she knew and loved, and boarding Laci was out of the question. I have found that when someone comes to the house, it puts my mind at ease and makes the trip a more pleasurable experience because my animal is in her normal habitat.
My dad had lived with us and had his own in-law suite, which he loved. He used to take very good care of my dog whenever I was away on a business trip with Maudy. However, this was the first time after Dad’s passing that I had to find someone else. Family members would usually volunteer to come over, but this time, it simply wasn’t possible for any of them to help. Maudy knew my dad very well, and they enjoyed each other’s company. He had a great sense of humor, and his Irish ways were always on parade when Maudy arrived. It was amusing to observe.
The ritual of taking care of Laci consisted of filling Laci’s water bowl, feeding her, and letting her out. Maudy performed these tasks three times per day for about three days. My daughter was going to take over on day four.
On day three, it was the same routine. Maudy came up the driveway, and my dog would look out the sunroom windows and wait in anticipation because someone was home to visit with her. Somehow my dog knows when Maudy is coming from her house, which is about two miles from mine, because she barks constantly for about five minutes before Maudy’s arrival. It must be a dog-sense thing.
Maudy filled the water bowl and gave Laci her food. Then, she opened the door to our fenced-in backyard, which is Laci’s yard and play area. It is a very large area with an eight-foot-tall chain-link fence around it. On this particular day, Maudy decided to go outside and look around to make sure that the outer door of this fenced in yard was secure and locked.
As she went out the door, a sudden wind came from nowhere and pushed the sunroom door shut. She checked the fence gate to the backyard and it was secure and padlocked. But when she tried to get back into the house, the door was locked. This was strange, since the door does not lock automatically. Then she could hear my dad saying, “Still livin’.” This is what he would say to Maudy when she would visit and ask him, “How are you today, Mr. Hunt?” His answer was always, “Still livin’.” This is also what he said to her in a dream a day after he had passed. She tried desperately to get into the house, but the door simply would not open, and of course I did not have a spare key outside in the dog’s backyard.
Being the resourceful person that Maudy is, she decided to try to climb the eight-foot chain-link fence to get out. Remember Maudy is only four feet nine inches, so this was a hike. I did have a stool out back, so she moved that toward the fence and was able to climb half way. Of course, by this time the dog thinks she is playing and wondering, “What is Ms. Maudy doing?”
Maudy managed to get to the top of the fence only to lose her balance. Her blouse got caught on top of the fence and it twisted itself around. She was hanging from the fence with her feet dangling in midair. Luckily, she had a sweater over her blouse, and it did not grab that. There are about two acres in between my neighbors and me, and everyone is usually at work at that time. It was during the day and no one saw her or was able to help her.
By this time, Laci thinks that Maudy is really playing with her, and what a tempting game of tag. After many minutes of twisting and turning, Maudy was able to free herself, totally clothed. She composed herself and got inside the sunroom from the outside door, near the driveway. She came back into the sunroom with the regular key to let the dog inside the house. By this time, the dog was really happy to get back inside to her sunroom, because playtime in the backyard was over.
I called Maudy that evening from my vacation area, and she told me what had happened. I listened intently to her, and in my mind, I could visualize everything that she was describing. I must admit, I had to hold my laughter to the end. It was not so amusing to her at the time, but it was extremely funny after the fact. Maudy said she felt my dad’s delight at seeing what happened to her, and he was the contributing factor because she could hear him chuckle a bit. I suspect that Dad might have been the one who instigated this little escapade. Maudy and I said, “Dad, please no more jokes like this.”
You might have experienced some spirit humor from beyond from some of your loved ones. Perhaps they turn on a radio for you with your favorite music, or even a television, or lights go on by themselves. I have even experienced spirit humor with the sounds of German music from my cuckoo clock with the pendulum moving back and forth, after a relative passed. This clock had not been in use for more than twelve years.
Our loved ones are always with us, and they are always willing to do earthly work from heaven for us here on earth. Perhaps, that earthly work is to spread a bit of spirit humor to brighten your day.
Laughter is the best medicine and it comes to us in all ways. First of all, it begins with you, in whatever you can find delight in. We wish you bundles of joy, happiness, and laughter on your journey of life.
A Poem to Ponder: Laughter
Laughter is life’s remedy
Feeling joy, happiness, and to be free
From the road bumps and potholes in life
Laughter will help you survive
Laughter is heaven’s main street
Makes the soul dance with happy feet—
Hear the joyful angels giggle, that’s what they do
Laugh and the world laughs with you