Money and Finances

Banking—ATM safety

When using the automatic teller machine, always wait for the “Welcome” prompt to signal that your transaction is over, and then take your card. Leaving prematurely may allow the next customer to continue making transactions in your account.

Banking—checks, buying

Don’t buy checks through the bank. You can save 50 percent of what they charge by ordering through an independent source like Current, 800-848-2848 (Current.com), or Checks-in-the-Mail (checksinthemail.com), 800-733-4443.

Banking—checks, deposit safety

Before you take a check to the bank, write on the back “for deposit only” followed by your signature and account number. If the check is lost or stolen before you can get it to the bank, it cannot be cashed or deposited to any other account.

Banking—credit unions

Many credit unions offer low- or no-fee checking accounts and free checks. Go to www.FindACreditUnion.com to find a credit union that is right for you. Most credit unions welcome spouses, children, brothers, sisters, and parents of the member. You will enjoy federally insured deposits and low-interest auto loans. And you’ll earn higher than bank interest rates on your savings accounts.

Banking—direct deposits

Arrange with your bank or credit union to have your paycheck automatically deposited, your bills paid automatically, and your savings funded automatically from your checking account. With this type of arrangement you will be handling your money less, so you won’t be as tempted to play games with the account. The national average bank charge for online bill pay is $.69 a month, which reflects the fact that most banks offer this service for free. Your bank will be able to answer all of your questions.

Banking—go local

Switch to a smaller, locally owned bank. The fee structure will likely be lower and some services will actually be offered at no cost, such as free checking and free checks.

Bill paying—envelope method

Use the envelope system to handle your household money. Once a month (or as often as you are paid), withdraw a sum according to your spending plan categories, and place that specific amount of cash into each envelope marked for that purchase instead of keeping it in your checking account. This method will really help eliminate the temptations to “just write a check” or use your debit card for this or that. For some reason, this system really keeps folks honest and forces them to spend only a set amount in each category. When it’s gone, it’s gone. This provides a great visual learning experience for children when they can actually observe their parents managing the money.

Bill paying—keeping track of due dates

To keep track of bills that are coming due, put the return portion of each bill in an envelope, address it, stamp it, and write the due date on the left-hand corner of the envelope. File the envelopes chronologically, and review them weekly. No more late fees.

Bill paying—pay the rent first

Which payment should you pay first when things are tight and something has to take priority? Pay the rent first. Typically, landlords act quickly if you don’t pay on time.

Bill paying—pay twice a month

Get into the habit of paying bills twice each month, say, on the 1st and 15th. During the month as the bills arrive, follow this routine: Open a bill and place the return portion in its return envelope and throw the rest away. Write the due date on the outside of the envelope and separate into two due-date piles: “1st of the month” and “15th of the month.”


If you have an extra room, consider taking in a boarder to help defray your costs. Post a notice at a local community college or corporation. Check with personnel offices at larger corporations in your area. Often they assist employees in locating affordable housing. Before you hand over the keys to your house to a stranger, check many references, get a credit report on the candidate, and have a written contract that includes Rules of the House.

Contingency fund in safe place

You need to have some of your contingency fund in small denominations of cash—$1,000 is reasonable, but any amount is good. Put it in a safe place outside of your bank, like a fireproof home safe or other similarly protected receptacle, known only to you and one other person. In the event of a natural disaster that cripples utilities and services, or if the economy experiences a worst-case bank holiday scenario, you’ll want to have cash on hand. (A bank holiday is the temporary closing of a bank in the event that its obligations exceed its resources. It could also occur due to a natural disaster like a flood where the bank and all its ATMs are underwater and therefore will not work.)

Credit cards—approval by phone, so leave it at home

If you’ve always been convinced that you must maintain and carry a credit card “just in case of emergencies,” here’s what you can do to stop looking for emergencies: Write your credit card number, expiration date, and the credit card company’s 800 number in your address book encrypted like “Aunt Penny,” and then leave the card at home—frozen in a block of ice. Because you don’t have it and you know it will be a hassle to make purchases without it, your urges to buy impulsively will be greatly reduced. But in case of a genuine emergency, you will have the phone number and information you need to get approval over the phone.

Credit cards—ask for a lower interest rate

If you receive an invitation to accept a new credit card with a remarkably lower interest rate, call your current credit card company and tell them about this competing offer. If you have a good track record with them, and they get the message that you just might leave in favor of the more attractive rate, you could receive an on-the-spot interest rate reduction. You’ll wonder why you didn’t call sooner. Remember, while the interest rate may be lower, the balance transfer fee may be huge. Read the fine print.

Credit cards—avoid annual fees

Credit card companies deny publicly that they waive annual fees, but insiders admit the practice is often used to save valuable customers. Squawk and you just might receive.

Credit cards—pay during grace period

Credit card interest is a terrible waste of money. Pay your bills in full every month during the grace period. If your credit card company charges a penalty or fee for not carrying a balance, cancel that card. There are plenty of no-fee companies who will be happy to have your business.

Credit cards—pay early in the month

Make credit card payments as early in the billing month as possible or make two smaller payments a month if you can’t pay it all early. Most banks calculate interest on the average daily balance. The larger the payment and the sooner in the month you make it, the more of it will apply to the principal. It may not be much savings at first, perhaps a buck or two, but savings grow month after month until the account is paid off.

Credit cards—pay with check system

Pay your entire balance during the grace period so you’ll never incur interest charges. Whenever you use your card, follow this practice. On the same day, as soon as you walk into the house, write a check for the full amount of purchase and deduct it from your account balance. You spent the money so it is no longer available to you. It’s gone. As soon as the statement shows up, mail the full payment immediately.

Credit cards—personal identification number (PIN)

Never write your personal identification number (PIN) on your debit or credit card or on anything that would readily identify what it is. Instead “embed” it in a phone number under a fictitious entry in your phone book. Example: If your PIN is 3614, make an entry of “Penelope 361-4000.” Choose a PIN that can’t be traced, and never select a number that can be derived from the contents of your wallet.

Credit cards—plastic surgery

If you are out of control with credit cards and want to create a real turning point in your life, invite a few close friends and relatives to celebrate your plastic surgery. They’ll be so curious, you know they’ll show up. Of course, you intend to cut up your credit cards, then make a personal commitment to no new debt.

Credit cards—refuse surcharge

If a store adds a surcharge to your bill for paying with a credit card, refuse to pay it. Credit card companies like American Express, Visa, and MasterCard do not allow venders to add a surcharge to credit card purchases.

Credit cards—register purchases in checkbook

To prevent month-end credit card statement shock and to also make sure you have set aside enough money to pay the balance in full when it arrives, record your credit purchases in your checkbook register in the same way you record your checks. In the first column instead of the check number, write something like “Visa” or “Credit” then deduct that credit purchase amount from your current balance. If you enter your credit card purchases with red ink, they’ll stand out and it will be easy to reconcile the statement.

Credit cards—remove name from preapproved lists

One of the problems of paying off credit card debt is the number of preselected or preapproved credit card offers that begin arriving in the mail. In order to stop these offers, call 888-567-8688 or write to: Equifax Options, PO Box 740123, Atlanta, GA 30374-0123. Include your complete name, full address, social security number, and signature. Equifax is one of the three major credit reporting agencies. They will remove your name from the lists they provide and will also share your request with the other two nationwide credit reporting agencies, Experian and TransUnion.

Credit cards—safely dispose of applications

If you are not interested in preapproved credit applications or blank checks for an existing account that you receive in the mail, don’t throw them in the trash. A thief who finds it can actually take out an account in your name and begin charging in your name. Always destroy applications by cutting them into bits and disposing of the pieces in two or three different trash receptacles. You want to make it impossible for the paperwork to be put back together. Thieves are getting very clever these days.

Credit cards—think before you carry one

Carry a credit card only if you keep the minimum balance at, or very near, $0. If you can’t hold the rule, keep the card hidden in your dresser. Why? Because paying 18 percent to 20 percent on a monthly balance is crippling—a financial shot in the foot.

Credit cards—you only need one

Accept only one credit card and make sure it has no annual fee. There’s nothing virtuous about having an assortment of credit cards. One is all you’ll ever need. The only thing you can do with two cards that you can’t do with one is owe more people more money.

Credit “repair” services

Avoid credit repair clinics or “specialists” who make promises to solve your credit report problems. There is no lawful way to repair a bad credit report or remove a bankruptcy from your file. Don’t pay them a nickel.


Prevent newly minted paper currency from sticking together by placing bills front to front and back to back.

Customer service—call first

If you have a consumer problem, save time by calling and asking to speak to the service desk or manager. Explain your problem and ask what their procedure is for fast and effective resolution. If this is not satisfactory, have a clear idea of exactly how you would like the matter resolved.

Customer service—complaint letters

When writing a letter of complaint to a manufacturer or retailer, be clear, be bold, be neat, be brief, be courteous, be patient, and be thorough. Don’t threaten; simply state the situation and ask for help in resolving your dispute. Give a date 3 or 4 weeks hence, at which time if you’ve not received satisfaction, you will know to take the matter to the next level.

Customer service—document communications on a calendar

When requesting a refund, repair, or replacement, keep track of all communications on a calendar. Summarize phone calls and send a follow-up letter of understanding. Don’t give up until you are satisfied.

Customer service—record a name, date, and time

Until a problem is completely resolved to your satisfaction, always ask for and write down the name and position of the person you speak with regarding a consumer problem. Also record the date and time of the call.

Customer service—return it for a refund

If you buy something that turns out to be faulty or unsatisfactory, don’t stash it in a closet unless you have an unusual need for white elephant gifts. Return it. Get your money back or at least get credit toward a future purchase. With merchants so hungry for business these days, I think you will discover a generous return policy.

Education—audit a class or two

If you’re not sure about a particular college or course, consider auditing a class or two. Even the most prestigious colleges and universities will allow you to take two or three courses without actually applying to the school. Inquire about the auditing fee.


Whether it’s an education for your children or for yourself, you may be able to barter for the tuition. Offer to clean the music teacher’s house in exchange for piano lessons or work in the preschool office. Whatever you do well may be just what the private teacher, private academy, or university needs desperately.

Education—consider nursing or dental hygiene training

Become a nurse or dental hygienist. By majoring in one of these skills in your undergraduate program, you will have a profession that you can develop, which can also provide employment while attending medical or dental school. Becoming a nurse or dental hygienist in a shortage area or in the military may qualify you for student loan forgiveness.

Education—for seniors

Many colleges and universities across the country offer senior citizens the opportunity to take classes and earn degrees for free or at a considerably reduced fee. Proof of age (starting at 55 to 65) and state residency is usually required. These senior discount programs are often not publicized, so it is advisable to call the admissions office to inquire.

Education—reimbursement from employer

Go to work for a company that offers tuition reimbursement to its employees. There’s nothing wrong with seeking employment with companies in locations and with policies that fall in line with your personal education goals.


Your time spent searching, researching, and applying for scholarships for yourself or your kids will be time well spent. Scholarships represent tax-free income.

Education—tuition for employees in higher education

Before you enroll at a college or university, find employment there. Employees are usually entitled to reduced, if not free, tuition.

Home business logo—tap local marketing classes

If you are starting a home business, check with your local community college or university. College art classes will design business logos as part of a class project, marketing classes will often help with brochures, and photography classes will take pictures.

Housing—building your home is a huge risk

Have your head examined before you attempt to build your own home. Unless you are a developer or professional contractor, you are in for a few surprises, not the least of which is that it will take twice as long as promised and cost twice as much as estimated.

Housing—buying, house-hunting photos

Use your digital camera or phone to snap pictures of each house you’re interested in. Attach the photos to corresponding notes and information, and at the end of the day, rather than being confused, you’ll have a clear record of exactly what you saw.

Housing—buying, interest on earnest money

When purchasing a home, make sure you will earn interest on your deposit during the escrow period.

Housing—buying, worst house in good neighborhood

If you’re looking for a bargain, buy the worst house in a good neighborhood. You can always fix up a house, but you can’t change the location.

Housing—buying or selling, document with photos

Take photographs both inside and outside of your house, and make them part of the contract along with a list of what stays with the property after the sale. This eliminates debate at the closing as to whether the dining room fixture was a crystal chandelier or a bare bulb.

Housing—buying or selling, win-win negotiation

When negotiating the purchase or sale of a home, always ask for more than you are willing to accept—even if that is beyond your level of expectation and you’re sure they’d never agree. More than likely the other person will meet you halfway, in essence splitting the difference. That’s what makes both of you winners. You get more than you ever dreamed possible, and they didn’t have to give nearly as much as they thought you expected. It’s called the “art of negotiation.”

Housing—mortgage interest rate reduction

Inquire if the financial institution servicing your mortgage offers an interest rate reduction when payments are automatically paid from your checking account. Example: A credit union recently introduced a ¼ percent reduction for any member who authorizes automatic withdrawal.

Housing—mortgage principal prepayment, pay down

Pay more than your monthly mortgage payment in the form of a second check on which you have clearly written “principal prepayment.” This is probably one of the best things you can do with extra cash. And you have no unsecured debt. You will pay down the principal more quickly, which will result in a tremendous savings of future interest.

Housing—mortgage principal prepayment, payoff

The One-Twelfth Trick. While your mortgage should be the very last debt you target for payoff, when that time comes, here’s a slick way to do it. At the same time you make your regular mortgage payment each month, make a second payment that is equal to ¹⁄₁₂ (one-twelfth) of one payment. Clearly mark this second payment as “Principal Prepayment Only.” Do this every month and at the end of one year you will have made the equivalent of 13 monthly payments. This simple trick will cut your payoff time by years and save thousands in interest.

Housing—renting, rent control

If you rent, find an area with rent control. If the law is in place, you might as well take advantage of it and enjoy the secure feeling that your rent will not be unreasonably increased.

Housing—selling, rent out before selling at a loss

If you are going to sell your home at a loss, try to hold off awhile and rent it out so you can take advantage of the tax loss when you eventually sell. Check with your accountant. If you can show it as an investment rather than a personal residence, you might be able to recoup some of the loss.

Insurance—auto, collision deductible

Increase the deductible on your auto insurance and save collision insurance. For example, if your insurance policy currently provides for a $200 deductible, meaning you will be required to pay the first $200 of any claim, increase it to $500 and your premiums will drop dramatically. Call your insurance agent to get quotes on various deductible amounts. Just make sure that if you do have a claim, you’ll be able to come up with the deductible no matter how much it is. You’d be wise to have an amount equal to your deductible stashed in an interest-bearing account just in case, and then drive defensively to reduce the risk of ever having to use it.

Insurance—auto, collision for older vehicle

Eliminate collision insurance on an older vehicle. Depending on its condition, an older car may not be worth the expense of insuring for more than liability. Conventional wisdom says that if a car is worth $2,500 or less, drop the collision. You’d be better off putting an amount equivalent to the collision premiums into an interest-bearing account and saving it toward another car. Of course you should never drive without the liability coverage required by the state in which you reside.

Insurance—auto, discounts for defensive driving course

Many states offer significant auto insurance discounts if the driver has recently completed a defensive driving course. Call your insurance agent and inquire if this applies in your state. If it does, sign up!

Insurance—auto, discounts for low mileage

Most insurance companies offer discounts to low-mileage drivers.

Insurance—auto, keep agent updated

Make sure your agent has all of the correct information including your teenage son’s good driving record and 3 years’ experience. All of these things might matter.

Insurance—auto, liability umbrella policy

Instead of carrying $1 million liability insurance on a single auto to be well protected when participating in car pools, insuring younger drivers, and so on, consider carrying a $1 million liability umbrella policy, which in most cases will cover all of your cars and your principal residence. The annual premium should be around $100 if all your policies are with the same company, if you have clean driving records and no inexperienced operators.

Insurance—auto, rate reduction for changed driving requirements

Be sure to let your auto insurance company know of any changes to your driving requirements, such as switching from driving to work to joining a car pool or not commuting to a job as you once did. Both of these events could result in a significant rate reduction.

Insurance—don’t buy too much

Make sure you have adequate protection but not excessive coverage, no matter what type of insurance you are considering. And by accepting higher deductibles, you can afford better coverage.

Insurance—don’t make small claims

Too many small claims can lead to policy cancellations or premium hikes. Insurance companies think that someone who files frequently is heading for a serious accident.

Insurance—health, a must expense

Never be without health insurance. High deductibles with low premiums are recommended if you are and plan to remain healthy, because this type of coverage is for catastrophic events. One uninsured catastrophic illness or accident could wipe out everything you have saved and planned for.

Insurance—health, check at school

If your family can’t afford full medical insurance for each member, consider the school accident insurance offered to each child at the start of the new school year. For as little as $10, your child or college student may be eligible for insurance that would cover the normal, but expensive, childhood accidents. Most kids’ medical bills are the result of accidents (broken bones, damaged teeth, stitches, and other injuries), so this type of insurance makes a lot of sense.

Insurance—health, shop frequently

Shop for your health insurance coverage regularly. With many companies, the first-year premium is much less, so switching may not be a bad idea. If your employer offers a menu of coverage options, check them all carefully and determine which is best for your particular situation. Never cancel one coverage until you have another fully in place.

Insurance—home, discounts for security systems

Ask about homeowners’ insurance discounts for security systems, smoke alarms, and good driving records. Always ask! The agent or company may not volunteer the information.

Insurance—home, mortgage: buy life insurance instead

Typically overpriced, mortgage insurance (not to be confused with private mortgage insurance called PMI, which is completely different) is like life insurance because it pays off your remaining mortgage balance in the case of your demise. But who says your spouse or heirs would want to apply insurance proceeds to pay off the mortgage, which may be the lowest interest debt you leave them? If you have this type of coverage, they’ll have no choice. It is far better to buy regular term insurance. It’s much cheaper and leaves your heirs with more options.

Insurance—home, mortgage: cancel private (PMI) coverage

Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is usually required to protect the lender against the possible default of a buyer who enters into a mortgage with less than 20 percent down payment. In most situations PMI can be canceled once the equity reaches 20 percent either by paying down the mortgage or the property appreciating in value. But it will not happen automatically. You must call and get the ball rolling. Expect to be required to prove the market value of your home and that you now have at least 20 percent equity. PMI is expensive, and you could be paying $1,500 or more each year in premiums. Do whatever you must to cancel it if you qualify. PMI does not protect the borrower in any way. It’s for the lender all the way.

Insurance—home, renter’s coverage a must

If you rent, buy a tenant’s policy. This is a must. Landlords are not responsible for your belongings in case of disaster.

Insurance—home, replacement value for possessions

Add a replacement-cost rider to renter’s or homeowner’s insurance. It may cost a little more, but in case of a claim, you will be glad you added the rider. Without it, the company will depreciate the value of every item, and you will be a big loser.

Insurance—life, adjust when dependents change

Cut back on life insurance as your dependents become independent. Providing for a spouse alone costs less than a spouse and eight kids.

Insurance—life, avoid TV and mail offerings

Never buy life insurance from television or direct mail ads. This is a sleazy marketing ploy. The premiums are at least 400 percent too high for the coverage, and the exclusions are mammoth.

Insurance—life, for kids

Don’t buy life insurance for kids. It makes absolutely no sense. Insure only wage earners (including stay-at-home moms), whose untimely demise would create a financial hardship.

Insurance—life, for singles

If you’re single, buy life insurance only if someone is financially dependent on you and would suffer an undue financial hardship if your income were to suddenly disappear. Most singles have no reason to carry life insurance.

Insurance—life, travel coverage not necessary

Don’t pay extra for travel insurance. Statistically, it is highly unlikely you will die in an accident, and even if you do, the basic life insurance you carry should be sufficient.

Insurance—pay premiums annually

If possible, pay insurance premiums annually. Avoid the added costs for monthly or quarterly billing.

Insurance—take higher deductibles

In essence, you partially self-insure by being willing to take the chance that you won’t get sick, you won’t crash the car, and you won’t be burglarized. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium. The insurance company actually compensates the customer who is willing to share a great portion of the risk.

Investing—guidelines for beginning investors

As a beginning investor, any plan you consider should have all the following features or you run a great risk of failure: (1) The investment must be simple to understand and easy to follow. (2) It must take very little time to administrate. (3) It should not cause you stress or anxiety. (4) It must not change your lifestyle or cause disharmony in your home. (5) You must be able to handle the investment entirely on your own. (6) It must have the advantage of liquidity (getting your money back quickly in the event of an emergency). (7) It must work equally well for the person with very little to invest as well as the wealthy investor.

Investing—mutual fund instead of lottery tickets

Instead of throwing away $2 a week on lottery tickets for the next 50 years, invest that money in an aggressive-growth mutual fund. Don’t even think of saying that such an investment is too risky. Investing your money in the lottery is the ultimate risk, and for all practical purposes carries a high-percent guarantee that you’ll lose your money. Remember: The lottery is a tax on the ignorant.

Legal fees

If you hire a lawyer on contingency (a percentage of the settlement, plus expenses), make sure the expenses are deducted from the total first. Example: Say the settlement is $15,000, and the attorney cut is a third plus $3,000 of expenses. Deduct the $3,000 first, and then pay the lawyer a third of the balance, or $4,000. If you pay the lawyer first, you’ll have to pay a third of $15,000, or $5,000 plus the expenses.

Lending money—to friends and family

Don’t lend money to people you know. If you decide a loan is in order, make sure you can consider it an outright gift. If you happen to receive repayment, it will be an unexpected bonus.

Lending money—when someone asks

If someone asks you for a loan, say you were just going to ask him for one. That usually ends the conversation.

Library fines

Avoid overdue fines at the library. Most libraries renew books online or over the phone.

Phone—ask for credit for wrong long-distance dial

Always ask for credit immediately whenever you dial a wrong long-distance number. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s routine. Just call your service provider and make a very quick report.

Phone—ask for credit with long service interruptions

If your phone service is interrupted for more than 24 hours, ask for a credit.

Phone—block making long-distance calls

If your long-distance bill is really out of control, and you are determined to get that expense under control, take drastic measures. Instruct your phone company to block all long-distance calls. Now you will be able to place only local, toll-free, and 911 phone calls. And if you absolutely must call long-distance, use a prepaid calling card, or check your long-distance minutes on your cell phone contract.

Phone—time your calls to save

Put an egg timer by the phone as a reminder to hang up before you talk yourself into debt.

Record keeping—business information

When you write a check to a company you haven’t done business with before, jot down the address and phone number in your checkbook register so it’s handy in case you need to check on your order.

Record keeping—documents in safe or freezer

Keep wills, insurance policies, and other important papers in a fireproof safe, or wrap them in plastic and put them in a sealed container in the freezer. They will be easily accessible and protected in case of fire.

Record keeping—documents on CD

Be prepared by scanning your family’s important documents—birth certificates, passports, Social Security cards, insurance policies, property deeds, car titles, immunization records, pet medical records, school transcripts, business licenses, education degrees, and tax returns. Now burn the files onto two CDs. Keep one in a safe place and have a trusted friend or relative in a different state (your point person) keep the other disk.

Record keeping—documents tucked away

Roll your important papers and store them in cardboard tubes. They can be tucked away and will stay crease-free.

Record keeping—filing system for the family

Establish a color-coded family filing system. Use green folders for financial statements, red folders for kids’ school papers, blue for car and home documents, yellow for medical papers, and orange for personal items. You’ll know right away where your financial paperwork is.

Record keeping—filing system for sorting

Set up temporary finance files labeled “To be filed” and “To be tossed.” In the first, place items that need to be saved permanently or long-term for taxes, and so on. In the second file, put dated material that can be tossed. Once a month, file the first and dump the second.

Record keeping—home contents on video

Film your home inside and out for insurance records. In case of a fire, you need to have evidence of the expensive wall coverings and decorator window coverings. While you are taping, narrate aloud, describing your home’s contents in detail. Keep DVD in a safe-deposit box or transfer the digital files to a disk. Make sure the date is well documented. Film again every few years or when considerable changes are made.

Record keeping—wallet contents photos

Make a photocopy of everything in your wallet. Now if you lose your wallet, you’ll have a record of the important information in it and can move quickly to have things replaced or canceled.

Record keeping—warranties

Buy a large, three-ring binder and a supply of plastic pocket inserts. Whenever you purchase a product, whether it’s an appliance, lawn tool, or toy, staple the receipt to the owner’s manual or warranty paperwork and file it away in one of the pockets. Now whenever something stops working or has a problem, you’ll have the paperwork and all the information at your fingertips, including the customer service number. Or you could scan and retain these documents electronically, as well. Always call—even if the warranty is expired—explain the situation, your purchase details, and then ask one simple question: What can you do for me?

Saving on expenses—discount for paying cash

Request a discount whenever you pay cash in a store that honors standard bank credit cards. Since they have to pay from 3 to 7 percent of the bill to the card company on a credit purchase, they should be willing to give you at least part of the difference in the form of a discount. It won’t always work, but it’s worth a try. If the owner or manager thinks you are going to use credit and at the last minute you inquire about a discount for cash, you’ll be more successful.

Saving on expenses—discount on newspaper subscription

If you subscribe to a newspaper, check to see if discounts are offered for paying an entire year’s subscription in advance. Some papers offer a 10 to 15 percent discount. If you find you don’t read the newspaper on the weekdays, change your subscription to Sunday only. You won’t feel guilty, and you’ll save a bundle.

Saving on expenses—garbage service

If neither you nor your neighbor regularly fill your garbage cans, ask if the family is interested in splitting garbage collection costs. Check to see if your city or county ordinances prohibit this. Many don’t.

Saving on expenses—lunches out

Here’s a reasonable and practical way to handle the high cost of eating lunch out every day. On Monday take $25 cash and put it in an envelope to be used only for your lunches. If it’s gone before Friday, you’ll have to pack your lunch.

Saving on expenses—mailing books

Use fourth class or “media mail” when shipping books through the US Postal Service. The savings are amazing.

Saving on expenses—mortgage escrow adjustment

Ask for a refund of any excess funds your mortgage lender is keeping in an escrow account. One woman discovered that her bank was collecting $100 a month more than necessary to cover anticipated property tax and insurance bills. When she asked that her monthly assessment be reduced to ¹⁄₁₂ of the total annual bill, the bank quickly agreed and that reduced her monthly expenditure. She also received a refund for the more than $500 excess amount that was in the fund. You have to ask.

Saving on expenses—“won’t be undersold” savings

Even though the store where you made a recent purchase doesn’t advertise a “we won’t be undersold” policy, always take a chance. If, say, the day after you make the purchase, you notice a sale by their competitor and the same item is offered at 50 percent off, take your purchase back—along with the competitor’s ad—and simply ask what they can do for you. You’ll be surprised what companies will do to keep a customer.

Savings—automatic deposits

Make arrangements with your employer to automatically deposit a certain percentage of your paycheck directly into your savings account and the balance into your checking. What you don’t see you won’t miss, and this is the most painless way to start saving.

Savings—bills instead of change

If you don’t like dealing with change jars, commit to paying yourself a dollar every time you make a purchase. Think of it as charging yourself a service fee for shopping. You’ll think twice about unnecessary stops at the mall and end up saving a lot in the bargain.

Savings—coupon savings back in cash

Many banks are opening convenient branch offices in major grocery stores. If this is true for the supermarket you frequent, open a savings account. Now when you buy groceries, write the check for the total before coupons are subtracted. Ask for your coupon savings back in cash (the equivalent of writing a check for more than the purchase amount, or using a debit card with cash back), and make a deposit to your savings account on your way out with that cash. Also, make a point of writing your check for more than the purchase by $5 to $10 if you can manage. Stash that cash in the bank as you leave too. It’s a painless and convenient way to save.

Savings—create change to save

When you write a check for groceries, round it up and take the difference in change and deposit it each evening into a change jar you have at home. Example: If the bill comes to $33.02, write the check for $34 and stash the 98 cents in change. You’ll be surprised by how much change you’ll accumulate in a year.

Savings—creative methods to save what you’ve saved

If you find yourself borrowing back the money you’ve determined to save, here are some tips for how to put some space between you and the stash: (1) Keep your savings and checking accounts in different banks; (2) open a passbook account, which will limit your access to the funds; (3) open your savings account in a bank in another city and make all of your deposits by mail; (4) establish an account that requires two signatures to withdraw.

Savings—don’t spend coins

Collect loose change by making a personal rule not to spend it. Make it a habit to dump your pockets and purses every night into one collection receptacle. You won’t miss the change, and you’ll be amazed by how much you can save.

Savings—IRA contribution early in year

Try to contribute to your individual retirement account (IRA) as early in the year as possible. The difference between making your contributions each January 1 rather than December 31 of the same year could spell thousands of dollars of additional earnings in your account over the decades.

Savings—make payments to yourself after debt payoff

As you pay off a credit card or other loan, keep making the same payments into your savings account instead of sending them to the lender.

Savings—mileage reimbursements for a new car

Each month submit your expense report for the work-related miles you put on your car. Once you receive the reimbursement check, stash it into a special account for the sole purpose of saving for a new car. Usually the gasoline costs required to drive for job-related purposes can be absorbed into your regularly monthly spending. This is a great way to force yourself into a savings plan.

Savings—pay yourself

Once a month, or whenever you pay your bills, write a check to deposit in your money market fund or your savings account. If you can’t start with 10 percent, start with less and increase the amount each month. Or use an automatic savings plan—let the bank take your savings out of your paycheck. You won’t miss what you don’t see.

Savings—reimbursements into savings account

When you are reimbursed for travel or other out-of-pocket expenses, save the money, and put it in your savings account instead of your checking account, where it will just disappear.

Savings—US savings bonds interest

Here’s how to earn double interest. Buy US Series EE Savings Bonds on the last day of the month with money that has been earning interest in another account during the month. The bond starts accruing interest as if purchased on the first day of the month. Example: Buy a bond on June 30. When you receive the bond about 21 days later, it will be recorded as of June 1.

Savings—with kids

Open school savings accounts for your kids. Most banks offer these no-fee, no-minimum accounts for kids. Teach them how to fill out deposit slips and make their own deposits. These accounts usually have no minimum balances or service fees.

Social Security—know what you have

Call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 for a “Request for Earnings and Benefits Estimate Statement” or visit their website at www.SSA.gov. After you mail back the completed form, you will receive a statement showing all the money you have paid into Social Security as well as a personalized estimated monthly benefit upon retirement. If there are errors, such as they didn’t credit you 1 year or they have you earning the wrong amount, they can be corrected but only if you report them.

Taxes—hardship extension, IRS Form 1127

If you have an undue hardship such as long-term unemployment, prolonged illness, disaster, or inability to borrow, and can’t pay your federal taxes when they are due on April 15, call the IRS hotline (800-829-1040) and request Form 1127, “Application for Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue Hardship.” By filing this form, you will have until June 15 to pay without penalty. If the IRS says they’ve never heard of this form, be persistent. Insist on speaking with a supervisor. It does exist, it is legal, and you have every right to file it if you qualify. This is different from the form “Extension to File Taxes” in which case you must still pay any taxes owing on or before April 15.

Taxes—lower your withholding

Don’t give the Internal Revenue Service a free loan. If you receive a large refund each year, you’re losing interest on the money. It pays to lower your withholding and bank the difference. Your employer’s personnel office can tell you how to arrange it.

Taxes—prepare for tax deductible reporting

Keep a separate checking account for tax deductible expenses, and sort them every month by category, such as charitable contributions and medical and dental expenses. By year’s end you’ll be way ahead in the tax preparation hassle.

Taxes—property tax evaluation

Challenge your property tax bill. If the value of your property has declined, you might be entitled to a reassessment of your taxes.

Utilities—good customer perks

Usually if you have been a good customer of the utility companies (gas, water, electricity, phone) for at least a year, you can arrange to have your deposits refunded or credited toward your account. You may be able to get interest, too, if you ask.

Utilities—home energy audits

Request a home energy audit from your electricity or gas companies. Typically these audits are free and will help you discover where all that energy is going.

Word to the wise—choose to be content

Be content with what you have. As much as possible, do not spend your life scheming and planning to get more things.

Word to the wise—company ratings

Make sure you are dealing with a highly rated company of B+ or better. These days the smaller, lower-rated companies are dropping out regularly. Better safe than sorry.

Word to the wise—D-E-B-T reality

Convince yourself that unsecured debt is a four-letter word. As soon as you teach that to yourself, teach it to your children. Banish unsecured debt from your life.

Word to the wise—don’t carry extra cash

Take along only as much money as you expect to need each day. Impulsive purchases are difficult to make when you have no dollars to spare.

Word to the wise—don’t pay credit with credit

Never pay your credit card bill with a credit card. Just don’t.

Word to the wise—keep a money diary

Keep a money diary by writing down every expenditure, no matter how small. Not only will you know where the money goes, but you will also automatically spend less because no one wants to write down lamebrain purchases.

Word to the wise—“on sale” doesn’t guarantee savings

Myth: Buying things on sale is a great way to save money. Truth: Buying things on sale is a way to spend less money, but it has absolutely nothing to do with saving money.

Word to the wise—save money no matter what

Regardless of how much in debt you are or how little money you make, saving something consistently in a special place or account is going to change your attitude. Saving even a few dollars each week helps fill the emptiness that drives some of us to spend. Something of everything you earn is yours to keep.

Word to the wise—skip extended warranty coverage

As a general rule, extended warranty coverage on anything is a waste of money. Modern-day appliances, automobiles, and electronic equipment will operate well during the first year or 3, or whatever time the extended warranty covers. And most of these items come with some kind of a warranty anyway. You’d be better off taking that same amount of money and putting it into an interest-bearing account. That way when the item doesn’t break down, you will not have thrown your money down the drain.

Word to the wise—spending rule of thumb

Stop spending money you do not have in your possession—today. This means no charging on credit cards, no borrowing from friends or relatives. If that sounds too radical and impossible, agree not to incur any debt just for today. Taking it one day at a time is really much easier.

Word to the wise—start giving

Every life well lived should be giving back regularly; then that life will have meaning. When we are the neediest is when we should be giving the most. Financial bondage is a dead giveaway for an out-of-balance life.

Word to the wise—stop spending more than you have

Stop spending more money than you have. Consciously begin today to reduce expenses so that your outgo never exceeds your income.

Word to the wise—stop trying to impress others

Stop trying to impress other people. If you can stop spending according to demands put on your life by others (through peer pressure or the necessity to keep up), you will see a tremendous difference in the way you spend.