Repairs and Maintenance

Air conditioner—clean filter

To clean an air conditioner or humidifier filter, take the foam filter out of the grill and soak it in a solution of equal parts white vinegar and warm water. If you clean the filter regularly, an hour of soaking will be plenty. Just squeeze the filter dry when it’s clean, and then place it back in the air conditioner.

Air conditioner or radiator—disguise

To hide an under-the-window radiator or air conditioner when not in use, hinge together three 30-inch-high window shutters to form a folding screen.

Appliances—chip touch-up

The nasty black chip on any white home appliance, porcelain sink, ceramic tile, or even your white car can be quickly repaired with a liquid correction fluid like White-Out or Liquid Paper, available at office supply stores. Carefully paint the chip, and it will dry in just a few minutes.

Appliances—keep small repair parts together

When repairing appliances, line up small parts on masking tape to keep them in order and to prevent their mysterious disappearance.

Appliances—preserve finish

To preserve the finish of your washer, dryer, and other appliances, wax them with car wax twice a year.

Balcony safety

If your home or vacation spot has widely spaced posts on an outdoor balcony, get a roll of plastic webbing for repairing lawn chairs and weave it between the posts to protect anyone or anything from falling through.

Bucket measurements—no more guessing

Mark pint, quart, and gallon measurements on a bucket with red fingernail polish to make sure you never have to guess on the measurements.

Carpet and rugs—renew for bathroom

Don’t throw out bathroom rugs that have lost their rubber backing due to multiple launderings. Slip a piece of rubber shelf liner under the mat. That will keep it from slipping and extend its useful life.

Carpet and rugs—repair bleach spots

Color in the bleached-out spot in your carpeting (which often occurs near a bathroom where bleaching products have splashed or dripped) with a nontoxic marking pen in a shade as close as you can find to that of the rug. This is exactly what a carpet professional would do if you called for repair.


For the smoothest finish, run an ice cube over fresh caulking to shape it and get rid of lumps.

Ceramic tile—change color

If your kitchen or bathroom is suffering from outdated avocado green or some other 1970s colored ceramic tile, and you don’t choose to replace it at this time, do this: Purchase a product like Fleckstone (manufactured by Plasti-kote), available at home improvement centers. It is a multihue, textured spray paint sold together with a clear acrylic topcoat that, when applied as directed, produces “new” tile that can be cleaned with a damp sponge. Even if it takes five kits to do the job, you’ll spend around $50, and that sure beats remodeling.

Circuit breakers

Never switch on two or more circuit breakers simultaneously. Turn them on one at a time, and pause slightly after each to prevent a power surge.

Closet rod—fix sagging

To fix a sagging wooden closet rod, buy a length of ½-inch galvanized pipe and a length of ¾-inch thin wall PVC piping, both the same length as your rod. You can get these at your local home improvement center. Slip the pipe inside the PVC and slide the PVC into the existing rod brackets. (You can remove the printing on the PVC with rubbing alcohol.)

Closet rod—improve glide

If hangers don’t glide along the clothes rod, rub it with waxed paper or a candle.

Doors—aluminum like new

Make aluminum doors (or window casings) look new by rubbing a ball of aluminum foil back and forth across the pitting.

Doors—cushion slamming

To cushion the bang of a door that has a habit of slamming shut, glue -inch-thick pieces of foam rubber along the stop.

Doors—improve sliding screen door action

Sliding screen door lost its smooth gliding action? Rub an old candle along the bottom metal track of the door’s frame. It will work like new again without a drippy, oily mess.

Drains—completely stopped up

If a drain is completely stopped up, don’t try to clear it with chemical drain cleaners. They may bubble back up into the sink or tub and cause permanent damage to the finish of the fixture. If there’s only a moderate clog, pour boiling water with a few teaspoons of ammonia down the drain, wait a few minutes, then plunge.

Drains—preventing clogs

Pour ½ cup washing soda (not baking soda) directly down the drain, then slowly and carefully add 2 quarts boiling water. This weekly preventive maintenance will ensure that clogs will never be a problem.


To clear a sluggish drain, pour 1 cup baking soda into the drain followed by 1 cup white vinegar. Allow to sit overnight. In the morning, flush with a kettle of boiling water. Plunge the drain a few times with a plunger. This is an excellent maintenance tactic to keep drains running well.


To remedy a sticky drawer, rub the sides with a candle.

Furniture—scratches on wood

Make your own inexpensive cover-up for furniture scratches: Mix instant coffee and water into a thick paste and apply it to hide nicks and scratches on dark wood furniture.

Furniture—uneven legs

If a furniture leg is uneven, try buttons of different sizes under the leg until you find one that makes it even. Use hot glue around the button edge and position in place.

Grout—clean and whiten

Use white shoe polish—the kind with an applicator top—to clean, whiten, and brighten stained tile grout. Simply apply the polish, wipe the tiles with a damp cloth, allow to dry, and buff.

Grout—paint over the gray

If the white grout on your tile has become gray and grimy, that’s a fairly good sign the grout was not sealed, in which case there is no way to make it completely white again. But you can paint it white, using an oil-base paint. Ask at your local paint or home improvement store about which type to use. Do this only if the tiles are glazed (sealed); any paint that gets on them can be wiped off with a dry cloth. If paint gets on unglazed tiles, it will be absorbed, leaving the tiles looking even more unsightly.

Hair dryer revival

If your once-trusty hair dryer sounds like it’s gasping for its last breath or turns itself off midsession, check the intake vent before you toss it out. When those air holes are clogged with hair or dust, the unit overheats, and its built-in safety mechanism turns off the motor. To clear the air holes, run a vacuum over the clogged holes.

Hot glue—items stuck together

Items stuck together with a hot-glue gun can often be pried apart if heated with a hair dryer. You may also heat a thin-bladed knife from a hobby or art supply store, then carefully work it between the two items.

Insulation rebates

Many utility companies give rebates for this type of home improvement because it conserves so much energy. As a bonus, you’ll save a lot of money on heating and cooling costs.

Keyholes—no more fumbling in the dark

Brush keyholes with luminous paint, and you won’t fumble for the lock in the dark.

Ladders—protect your aluminum siding

Place a pair of athletic socks on the top ends of an extension ladder to protect aluminum siding from the ladder’s sharp edges.


If you notice water leaking through the ceiling, immediately hammer a 16d nail through the Sheetrock to allow the water to drain before it damages the plaster or drywall. Later, after the leak is repaired, all you’ll need to cover the emergency repair is a dab of Spackle and touch up paint.

Leaks—faucet wisdom

A faucet leaking 60 drops a minute wastes 113 gallons of water a month. That’s 1,356 gallons a year down the drain. Better to fix the leak right away.


If your roof leaks, control that leak by tacking a string into the roof sheathing where the water comes through. Place a bucket under it. The water will run down the string into the bucket rather than down your ceiling.


To find the water leaks in your home, try this test: Turn off all running water in the house. Find your water meter and take a look. Is it still moving? Chances are you have a water leak, and chances are even better it’s your toilet. Put a few drops of food coloring into the toilet’s tank. If without flushing, the color shows up in the bowl, it’s leaking all right. Get a toilet repair kit at the home repair center. This is a very simple do-it-yourself repair.

Lighting—extracting broken bulbs

If an electric bulb breaks off in the socket, follow this simple procedure: Turn off the power to the fixture by either unplugging the fixture or turning off power at the main service panel. Cut a potato in half, and push one of the halves into the broken bulb piece. Turn the potato, and the broken piece will come right out.

Messy job—when answering door or phone

When you’re painting or doing other messy jobs around the house, keep a couple of plastic sandwich bags nearby. If you have to answer the door or the phone, just slip your hand into a bag to avoid spreading the mess.

Nailing—hold nail with a comb

The best way to hammer a very small nail into the wall is to place the nail between the teeth of a tiny comb, hold the comb to the wall, and hammer away.


Prevent nails from rusting by placing them in airtight jars with a little WD-40 or oil.

Nails and screws—use heat

To keep the wall or plaster from splitting or cracking when hammering in a nail, drop the nail into a pot of hot water for 15 seconds, remove, then carefully hammer it in. To remove a stubborn screw, pass a lighted match over the end of the screwdriver; the hot tip will then twist out the screw.

Nuts—for sockets

Find a nut to fit each socket of your set. Glue the nuts in a row in a tool tray. Now store each socket on its own nut, and it will stay secure and in place.

Nuts, bolts, and screws—loosen

If you don’t have penetrating oil and need to loosen a nut, screw, or bolt, use vinegar, lemon juice, or hot pepper sauce instead. All of these products contain acid that attacks minerals and rust.

Painting—around door hardware and window edges

Before painting a door, coat the knobs, locks, and hinges with petroleum jelly. Afterward, use a cloth to wipe off the jelly and any paint that may have been spilled. Use this method on window edges as well.

Painting—avoid drips on your hands

Push a paintbrush handle through a slit in a sponge. It’ll stop the drips from running onto your hand.

Painting—barrier for splashes on face

Cover your hands and face with a very thin film of petroleum jelly before you start painting. Paint splashes will simply wash off.


Borrow your kid’s skateboard when painting baseboards. Sit on it and roll along as you work.

Painting—catching can drips

Glue a paper plate to the bottom of a paint can to catch drips. Before you open the can, apply several dots of glue from a hot-glue gun to a plate. Position the can on the dots and let sit for 5 minutes. Or place a small amount of paint on the paper plate. It’s much more convenient than using newspaper because when you pick up the can, the plate goes along.

Painting—citronella to repel insects

A few drops of citronella oil added to a bucket of paint will keep mosquitoes and other flying insects away from a fresh paint job.

Painting—don’t waste paint if delayed

When tackling a painting job you may not be able to complete in 1 day, don’t waste the paint in the rollers and brushes by cleaning them. Simply wrap the brushes or rollers tightly in plastic wrap and store them in the freezer. Remove them from the freezer a little while before you start painting again, and you can pick up right where you left off.

Painting—gentle scraper

An old, metal kitchen spatula is perfect for scraping up softened paint remover and paint. Regular paint scrapers have sharp corners that make it all too easy to scratch or gouge the wood.

Painting—how much paint is left?

Mark the level of paint on the outside of the can so you can tell how much paint is left without reopening the can.

Painting—keep brushes soft

Keep paintbrushes soft by giving them a final rinse in water containing a bit of liquid fabric softener.

Painting—no doors painted shut

Fold a couple of sheets of newspaper over the top of the door. You won’t be able to paint the door shut—no matter how hard you try.

Painting—nonslip outdoor steps

When painting outside steps, add a bit of fine sand to the paint to create a nonslip surface.

Painting—picture hook markers

Replace picture hooks with thumbtacks before you paint a wall. Paint over the tack, then remove it once the wall is dry. Now you can rehang pictures in exactly the same spot, using the same hole for the hook.

Painting—scraping paint from windows

To quickly scrape the dried paint from windows, use a single-edged razor blade that you dip into a solution of liquid soap and water. The blade will glide along and the job will take little time and effort.

Painting—soften hard brushes

Soften hard paintbrushes in hot vinegar for a few minutes. Then wash them in soap and warm water and set out to dry.


If you need to paint the stairs while living in your house, do this: Paint every other step. Let those dry thoroughly, mark them with a piece of masking tape, and then paint the rest. Taking the steps two at a time during this renovation should give the family some great exercise.


Store partially full cans of paint upside down. The paint will form an airtight seal, extending its useful life.

Painting—strain lumpy or debris-filled paint

If paint appears lumpy or contains debris, stretch a pair of pantyhose over the top of a clean bucket and strain the paint by pouring it through the hose into the bucket.

Painting—window frame trick

Before you begin painting window frames, cut strips of newspaper, dip them in water, and press them onto the glass close to the frame. When the paint dries, moisten the newspaper with a damp sponge and peel it right off. Presto! No messy windowpanes to scrape clean after the painting is done, and no sticky tape to remove.


First open the faucet to release pressure from thawing water. Then apply heat with a hair dryer, heat gun, or heat lamp, starting at the faucet side of the frozen area.

Pipes—prevent freezing

If a particular pipe in your home freezes regularly, allow the corresponding faucet to drip ever so slightly when subfreezing weather is predicted.

Reassembling wisdom

Before you take something apart to fix it, take a picture so you can see how it fits back together. To help you remember how to reassemble it, place each part in the correct sequence onto the sticky side of a piece of duct tape.

Refurbishing wisdom

When you finish refurbishing a room in your home, write down this important information on a piece of paper and tape it to the back of the switch plate: the brand and color of the paint, how much it took to paint the room, how many rolls of wallpaper were required, and the circuit breaker number that serves this room. You’ll be happy to find the information the next time.

Roof repair

If you have a loose or missing roof shingle, slip a piece of sheet metal or builder’s felt (tar paper) over the damaged area and under the shingle above it. Hold it in place with dabs of roofing cement.

Rubber mallet—make your own

Cut an X in an old tennis ball and put it on the head of a hammer to make a rubber mallet.

Sanding—in tiny or hard-to-reach spaces

Use an emery board to sand small or hard-to-reach areas like shutter slats or drawer runners.

Sandpaper—longer lasting

To make sandpaper or emery paper last longer, back it with masking tape. The tape helps keep the paper from tearing or creasing while you are working and doubles or triples its longevity.

Saw blade storage

Store circular saw blades in old record album jackets.


Sharpen scissors by cutting several times into 220 grit sandpaper. Turn the scissors over and repeat to sharpen the bottom blade.

Screwdriver caddy

To make a great screwdriver caddy, tightly coil a roll of corrugated cardboard and stuff it into a 2-pound coffee can. Poke all your screwdrivers between the corrugations.

Screws—anchor in plaster wall

Here’s how to anchor a screw in a plaster wall: First make the hole by driving a nail into the plaster. Plug the hole with fine steel wool. The screw will go in firmly—and stay.

Screws—holes in wood

If a screw hole in wood furniture becomes too large to hold the screw, try this: Remove the screw and pack the hole with toothpicks and wood glue. Wait for the glue to dry, then trim the toothpicks even with the surface. Re-drill the hole, and replace the screw.

Spray cans—keep nozzles clear

Hold a spray can of anything upside down to clear the nozzle between uses. While the can is completely inverted, spray a few times to clear the passage.


Lubricate the pin on a squeaky hinge with petroleum jelly instead of oil. You won’t need to worry about drips on the floor.

Squeaks—stair steps and floors

Both squeaky stairs and floorboards can often be silenced temporarily with talcum powder. Work the powder into the cracks and wipe away the excess. Repeat as necessary.


Store leftover water-base stain in a thoroughly cleaned ketchup bottle with a flip-top lid. You’ll be able to dispense exactly the amount you want with no mess. Be sure to label the bottle with the exact contents.

Staining and refinishing—clean sanded surfaces

Dampen a rag with rubbing alcohol to clean sanded surfaces prior to applying stain or finish.

Stud location in walls

Studs are the vertical wooden supports behind your walls. They’re handy for hanging pictures and such because a nail or screw is more likely to stay in place when it’s been driven into a stud as opposed to just the drywall. To locate the studs in a wall, find a light switch or electrical outlet in the room and take the plate off. If you peek in there, you might be able to see a nail or screw from one side of the box going into a stud. Switches and outlets are almost always initially installed against a stud for stability. The stud is 2 inches wide, so visualize and mark the center of that stud. Sixteen-inches from that mark in either direction should be the center of its neighbor. And so on around the room. Note: Some new homes have studs 24 inches on center.

Toilet replacement

Before forking out the big bucks to purchase a toilet or sink, check with a local plumbing contractor. Many times they have used items that are in perfect condition because they were removed from new homes when the homeowner wanted to upgrade or change the color.

Tool protection for small tools

Staple a pocket protector to your workbench so you can keep track of those really small tools that have a way of disappearing.

Vacuum hose clog

To dislodge a vacuum hose clog, first turn the vacuum off and unplug it. Unwind a metal hanger and, leaving a slight hook on the end, slide the hanger into the hose, hook the blockage, and pull it out.

Vinyl floor tile removal

To remove a vinyl floor tile, aim a hair dryer set on medium at the tile’s corners and center. Heat will cause the adhesive on the underside of the tile to become moist and sticky. Slowly work a putty knife between the floor and the tile to pry it loose.


Remove bubbles and blisters in wallpaper by cutting an X into the wallpaper with a very sharp razor blade and regluing the paper.

Wallpaper—grease spots

Remove a grease spot from wallpaper by rubbing baby powder into it. This serves as an absorbent.

Wallpaper—moisten and smooth prepasted paper

If you’re working with prepasted paper, use a plant mister to moisten it. A handheld squeegee is a great tool for smoothing prepasted wallpaper quickly and evenly.

Wallpaper—papering around outlets

When wallpapering over outlets, first insert childproof electrical outlet plugs. When you cut through the paper, you won’t get a shock.


Two days before you plan to wallpaper, reroll the roll of paper the opposite way. The paper will be flat, and the job will go faster.


To remove wallpaper, start by cutting several crisscrosses in each panel of paper with a utility knife so the wallpaper remover or steam can seep into the cuts and help loosen the paper.

Wallpaper—squirt gun as tool

Keep a child’s squirt gun handy when wallpapering. It’s perfect for dampening corners that have dried out or didn’t get quite wet enough the first time around.


If vinyl wallpaper is too tightly curled, you can relax it with a hair dryer set on warm. Hold the dryer 6 to 8 inches away, and wave it back and forth over the paper.

Walls—hanging pictures on wallpaper

To hang pictures on wallpaper: Cut a notch in the paper, bend it back gently, then drive the nail into the wall. If you remove the nail later, you can simply glue the paper flap over the hole, and there won’t be an ugly blemish on the paper.

Walls—removing clear tape

Remove clear tape from walls by warming it slightly with a hair dryer.

Washing machine maintenance

Take care of your washing machine, and you’ll add years to its useful life: To unclog hoses and flush out all the minerals and all the gummy buildup, fill the machine with hot water (no clothes), pour in 1 gallon of distilled white vinegar, and allow to run through an entire cycle.

Water heater maintenance

Perform water heater maintenance twice a year, and you’ll get many more years of service from it. Turn off the power to the water heater at the circuit breaker and drain the sediment from the bottom of the tank. In areas with hard water, draining is best done every month.

White glue—soften in bottle

To soften white glue in a plastic bottle, place the bottle in boiling water for a few seconds until the glue softens. If it’s in a glass bottle, run hot tap water over the bottle for a minute or two, then place the bottle in simmering water. Or simply add a bit of white vinegar to the amount of glue you’re going to use and stir with a toothpick.


If a window cracks in your house, protect yourself and the sash frame until you can replace the glass by taping the crack with packing tape or adhesive-backed weather stripping. But don’t count on this temporary fix to hold for very long.

Windows—match storm windows and screens

To match storm windows and screens to the correct windows, draw a diagram of the house and number each window frame. Use a permanent marker to write the same number on the corner of the appropriate storm window or screen. Attach the diagram to the garage or basement wall, and you’ll never have to guess which window or screen goes where.

Windows—paint worn mini-blinds

Instead of replacing worn metal mini-blinds, paint them. Wash them with soap and water in the bathtub, rinse thoroughly, and dry completely. Carefully spray-paint them. Selecting the same or similar shade will make the job easier.

Windows—painted shut

Don’t use a screwdriver to try to pry open a window that has been painted shut. Instead, move a pizza cutter back and forth in the stubborn groove.

Windows—screen patch

To repair a small tear in a window screen, cut a square patch a little larger than the damaged area. You can buy screening at the hardware store. Unravel and remove a few strands of wire from all four sides. Bend the wire ends over till you can slip them through the screen. Then bend them farther to hold the patch in place.

Windows—spring-clean windowsills with paint

Instead of trying to scrub windowsills clean each spring, just paint them. It’s faster, and the results are much better.


To identify the type of clear finish on wood so you can refinish it, touch the finish with a cotton ball dampened with nail polish remover. If the cotton ball sticks or the finish softens, it’s varnish, lacquer, or shellac. If there’s no effect, it’s polyurethane. The best tool for removing old finish from carvings and other hard-to-reach areas is a natural bristle paintbrush with the edges trimmed to a stubby length.


Softwoods like pine, poplar, and fir may absorb stain unevenly. To test for firmness, press your thumbnail into the wood. If it leaves an indentation, it’s a softwood. Seal all softwoods before staining by coating with a wood conditioner.