wolf and shadows

what are you becoming brown warrior

is it another ride you seek

taking you away from past sins

you think        but       the days stretch into another ride

to where

what are you becoming brown warrior

after you lost the trail

on city streets and back alleys

full of shadows and blues

oh        how they tempted you with that back

alley song and neon lights

did you see this vision as a child

through spruce boughs and shadows

brown warrior

traditional smoke

you can have your fake beads and furs

you can dance to a broken drum for tourists

you can talk about peace and understanding

cleansing yourself with sweetgrass

and crawling into the womb of a sweatlodge

seeking visions and salvations

while at the same time you dream of ways to exploit

this gift

but not me

i hang out with traditional smoke

people with nothing but tobacco to offer

so you cross the street to avoid eye contact

might get infected and you brag of your children’s blood

and the strength they get from this blood that flows in them

and you forget about traditional smoke

it won’t make you rich

traditional smoke people don’t lie to me

offering as a gift the last of what they may have

expecting nothing in return but friendship

they will not dance to a discordant drum

or enter the sweatlodge womb

while they conspire against another

they do not wash with sweetgrass smoke

and pray to the directions

while plotting inside their minds to use their gifts

to gain favor inside the white god’s house

traditional smoke people don’t dance to the thunder eagle’s song

for themselves

blue collar blues

i miss working with men

with their beliefs hanging over their belts

sun booze scarred faces and nicotine stained

bodies stretched into clothes

smelling of yesterday

eyes red rimmed

nervously looking inward

trying to see back to last night

after the lights went out

glimpsing flashing lights

passed around in the dark

head hanging retching echoes

bruised skins and scarred elbows

tattooed arms in the latest rug burn

insane laughter

driving without lights

on some northern road

acting like we were in the wild west

strutting in

stumbling out

yelling obscenities at the woman

laying you down with one backhand

someone laughing picking us up

two hours before daybreak

was that just yesterday

i knew these men

who looked at me and wondered

we crossed each others’ lives

but we never stayed

i miss working with these men


oh bent naked mis-shapen spokesman of god

with nothing to cover your shame

but half built circles to hide you from the cold

faced away from the river that gave your kookum life

now discarded by your descendants

with some ill-conceived notion of greatness

oh bastard child of the prairies

whipped and beaten by time and myth

placed on a pedestal made of leather and bones

bleached white by the prairie wind and sun

gaunt body holding grotesque head

writhing in pain

forever and ever

in mind’s eye we see lies that were told

revealed now in your anguish

staring in vain at the doors in front of you

they remain closed

but one of you sits in the queen’s house

shoulder to shoulder

with one like them that draped the noose around your neck

a brother of the wind

rejecting the past

as though you were pre-ordained to serve your enemies

oh discarded child of the prairies

the wind carries your message

but no one hears the agony of defeat

the weight of years lost standing naked

ridicule heavy on your twisted shoulders

insane he spoke to spirits

but we understood

oh abused man of god

the tears have not stopped

your sons have discarded the leather and tobacco

trading them for a bible and collar

that binds you to a vengeful god

leaving your children to wander for a century

still seeking their place

while hiding a part of themselves


you too lived inside leather houses

you slept on buffalo robes

now the pain of rejection by two nations

is etched in your body

mis-shapen man of the prairies

you hold your head high

on a false pedestal

your circle is incomplete

what was your dream


slipping into the river in my dreams

when it would wake in the spring

ignoring the chill of spring

i would dive into its depth

to cleanse myself of winter’s grip

bursting out of its embrace


after the stories were put away

laid to rest in my heart and mind

i would wander the river

searching for signs of life

waiting for the return of music

that would travel the wind

from the south


tripping back

it’s always a trip back

looking north

city sky fading behind me

taking a glance at my youth

the scent of hide and cedar

peat moss stuffed logs

white washed sun faded

houses lining the river

stumbling on the path i had taken

still tripping

on seen and unseen deadfalls

scraping the same memories

of pain and joy

etched on a faded cross

unable to face the promises

i made and broke

a thousand times

to too many strangers

now faceless

i can’t remember your name

though you enter my dreams

when i glance back

i glimpse your smile


eagle woman sky flyer (revised)*

eagle woman sky flyer

dancing on summer breezes

drawing invisible patterns against the sky

do you dream

as you soar above me

silent as the northern lights

that brightened my northern sky

do you sing

where i lay as a child

watching you fly above me

i was a man/child when you first appeared

do you remember

eagle woman sky flyer

i begged you to take me

but you couldn’t hear me

do you mourn

the death of a young one

burned by the wires that hum between us

strung between metal trees

do you weep

as my song comes to an end

and my voice has changed

now i hum the melody

for the words are now only a memory

eagle woman sky flyer

take me

my path is unclear

full of hidden traps


easy to lose oneself in the night

eagle woman sky flyer

they offer me nothing

only promises

like before


they circle the wagons in their minds

and the church stands guard

protecting the sinners

eagle woman sky flyer

the child only plays at night

coming out from the last door

around the last corner of my heart

eagle woman sky flyer

i want to see the sun

where dreams begin

where dreams begin

inside a mother’s womb

listening to the drum beat of her heart

and the gentle sounds of water

life giver

the rustle of leaves outside the window

a block from city traffic

children’s voices drifting in

skipping along on music that i hear

on a summer night


trying to catch my dreams

kookum rocking in her chair

rattle of dishes

aroma of fresh bannock

mothers calling children inside

and the singing river in the background

where dreams begin

a memory awakens

the barking of the dogs

the slap of waves against the boat

rocking gently on the lake

sounds of sirens

wake me

and i can feel the baby inside you

struggling to see the place

where dreams begin