Note: Page numbers followed by f refer to figures.
- Abbott, Charles, 30, 176n1
- Acoustic ecology, 164
- Acoustic phonetics, 130
- Acoustics
- biological, 4
- buildings effect on, 72
- field, controlling, 79–80, 82–83, 85–86
- Agassiz, Luis, 29
- Albert Brand Bird Song Foundation, 97
- Alexander, Horace, 68
- Allen, Arthur A., 1, 29, 60–63, 93, 97–98, 108, 114, 119, 129
- Altman, Rick, 83
- American Bird Songs (Kellogg and Allen), 97, 168
- American Foundation for the Blind
- American Museum of Natural History, 1, 13
- American Ornithologists’ Union, 27
- Amphibian vocalizations, 129, 182n9
- Amplifier Corporation of America, 101
- Andrew, Richard J., 133
- Anechoic chamber, 58
- Animal behavior studies, 42–43
- Animal communication studies, 105
- Animal Language (Huxley), 67
- Animal Phonography Collection, 93–94
- Ansley, Hudson, 148–149
- Ansley, Sandra, 148–149
- Anthropomorphism, 153
- Anti-Noise League, 77
- Art and Birdsong (Kunst und Vogelgesang) (Hoffmann), 41
- Association for the Study of Animal Behavior, 130
- Audile technique, 89, 174n7
- Audio Research Laboratories, 62
- Auk, The (journal), 27–28
- Authorship identification, 117–118
- Axtell, Harold, 69–70
- Baker, Myron, 189n1
- Barrow, Mark V., Jr., 26
- BBC Sound Archives Natural History Recordings Catalogue, Plate 4
- Beach, Amy, 32–34, 35, 179n17
- Behavior (journal), 130
- Bell, Alexander Melville, 126
- Bell Laboratories, 63, 125–126, 130
- Biagioli, Mario, 118
- Bioacousticians, 13, 102–107
- Bioacoustics, 4, 15, 163–166
- Bioacoustics Bulletin (CLNS), 101
- Bioacoustic sounds library, 93–94
- Bird Fancyer’s Delight, The, 177n2
- Bird protection movements, 26–27, 34
- Birds
- in fiction, 177n1
- learning ability of, 132–134
- teaching to sing, 177n2
- Bird shooting regulations, 27
- Birds in Britain (BBC), 98
- Bird societies, 27
- Birds of Britain and Europe (Delin and Svensson), 168
- Birds of North America: A Guide to Field Identification (Robbins and Zim), 142
- Birds of the New York City Region (Griscom), 29
- Birds of the Western Palearctic, The (Cramp and Simmons), 150
- Birdsong
- behavioral role debate, 43
- census of, 67–68
- evolution of, 41–43
- listening to, ways of, 25
- naturalist’s celebration of, 30–31
- popular interest in, 30–32
- species-specific patterns, 132–133
- in urban environments, 163
- writing on, sentimental treatment of, 36
- Bird Song (Stillwell), 103f
- Bird-Song (Thorpe), 190n13
- Birdsong analysis
- by ear, 20, 124, 131
- by musical notation, 145–154, 146f, 170
- by spectrograph, 20, 123–141
- Birdsong biology, 12, 15–18
- Birdsong imitations
- acceptance of, 71–72
- whistled, 34–35, 61, 71
- Birdsong of the Month (BBC), 66
- Bird Song Panel (BBC), 111, 131
- Bird Songs, Flower Songs (Olds), 33
- Birdsong studies, 104, 177n2
- Birds World of Song, The (Ansley and Ansley), 148
- Birdwatching, 11, 26, 65
- Blackbirds, 147–148
- Blind Tom, 47
- Boas, Franz, 46
- Bobolink song, 23–24, 24f, 47, 53–54
- Body, the human, 168–169
- Borror, Donald, 103, 130–131, 134, 139, 142–143, 184n4
- Botany, 54
- Boyes, Ed, 185n11
- Brand, Albert R., 1, 57, 62–63, 67–70, 72–73, 76–77, 83, 85, 90, 93, 97, 124, 131, 145
- Brandt-Rauf, Sherry, 96
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 12, 65–66, 98–100, 109, 111, 131
- British Institute for Recorded Sound, 94
- British Library of Wildlife Sounds, 15, 176n24
- British Ornithologists’ Union, 27
- British Recording Institute, 176n24
- British Trust for Ornithology, 65, 67, 98
- Broadcasting industry, 97–100
- Brown, Earle, 177n3
- Brunswick Records, 71
- Burroughs, John, 31, 176n1
- Burton, John, 99
- Cage, John, 177n3
- California School of Artistic Whistling, 35
- Calls of the Savannah (Schrei der Steppe) (Heck), 64
- Camera, 87
- Capital
- social, 111, 115–117
- symbolic, 117–119
- Cardinals, 142, 157, 158f, 159f, 177n1
- Carolina wren, 142
- Carson, Rachel, 3, 164
- Chaffinches, 105, 130, 132–134, 144, 145, 157
- Chappuis, Claude, 176n23
- Chautauqua movement, 34
- Cheney, S. P., 34, 48, 177n2, 180n32
- Children, nature study for, 33–34
- Children’s Hour (BBC), 65
- Clark, Xenos, 36
- Coffin, Lucy, 48
- Collias, Nicholas, 129
- Columbia Records, 71
- Comstock, Anna Botsford, 33
- Conscription devices, 52–53
- Conservation, 3, 26, 33–34
- Cooper, Franklin, 128, 136
- Copyright, 107–111, 120–121
- Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology (CLO), 1–2, 60, 93–94, 107–108
- Cornell Library of Natural Sounds (CLNS)
- archival status, 106–107
- authorship identification, 117–118
- beginnings, 94–95
- collaborators, 95–96
- copyright, economics of, 107–111, 120–121
- decline, 119–120
- exchange economy, 107–113, 119–121, 169
- exchange relations, 96–97, 100, 107, 108–109
- expansion of, 99–100
- listeners, use of, 115–117
- moral economy, 119–120
- ownership regimes, 112–113
- problems faced, 106–107
- production standards, 113–115
- recording protocols, 113–115
- recordists, relations with, 101–102, 112–119, 169
- research associates, 118–119
- social capital, 111, 115–117
- symbolic capital exchange, 117–119
- unsanctioned uses, 108–109
- Cornell Trust for Ornithology, 108
- Cornell University
- bioacoustic research, 106
- ivory-billed woodpecker recordings, 1, 13, 76
- jungle sound recordings, 12–13
- movie industry and, 60–63
- Cornish, Vaughan, 77
- Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), 77
- Country Magazine (BBC), 65
- Craft, Robert, 177n3
- Crist, Eileen, 42, 153
- Dansk Stadsradiofonien, 64
- Dart, Thurston, 146
- Darwin, Charles, 41–42
- Daston, Lorraine, 8, 141
- Data, 96
- Davis, L. Irby, 102–103, 111, 140
- Dawn in a Duckblind (Kellogg and Allen), 97, 112
- Deafness, 127, 160
- Decibel, 77
- Denmark, 64
- Der Wald erschallt (The Forest Resounds) (Heck), 64
- Descent of Man (Darwin), 41–42
- Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft, 61
- Deutsche Ornithologen-Gellschaft, 27
- Die Anfänge der Musik (The Origins of Music) (Stumpf), 42
- Dilger, William C., 104, 106
- Dixon, Charles, 30
- Dobson, Charles, 152
- Doegen, Wilhelm, 185n5
- Dreyfus-Graf, Jean, 189n3
- Ear
- the avian, 145–146
- the human, 7, 23, 29, 33, 39, 44, 67–70, 77–78, 113, 132, 142–144, 168
- the microphone as an, 77–78
- the phonographic, 47
- the spectrographic, 123–129
- Ecology, 106, 164
- Electric and Musical Industries (EMI), 65
- Electroacoustics, 57
- Endangered species, documenting, 63, 76
- Entertainment
- Chautauqua movement, 34
- whistled bird imitations, 34–35
- Entertainment industry, 13–14, 60–64, 97–100, 107
- Ethnomusicology, 46–47, 191n27
- Ethology, 42–43, 64, 106, 130, 153
- Evening at Sapsucker Woods, An (Kellogg and Allen), 97, 112
- Evolution, 41–42
- Exchange economy, CLNS, 107–113, 119–121, 169
- Exchange relations, 96–97, 100, 107, 108–109, 169
- Eyring, Carl, 63
- Falls, Bruce, 105
- Fassett, James, 98, 148
- Fewkes, Jesse, 180n32
- Feynman, Richard, 53
- Field, the
- epistemic authority, 59–60
- laboratorization process, 59–60, 89–90
- listening in the, 142–143, 169–171
- mobilizing the studio into the, 72–79, 74f, 75f
- soundscapes, 57–60, 90
- Field Book of Wild Birds and Their Music (Mathews), 23, 31, Plate 1
- Field guides, 31–32, 54, 97, 142
- Field Guide to the Birds (Peterson), 88
- Field Guide to Western Bird Songs, A (Kellogg), 97, Plate 3
- Field recording. See also Recordings
- acceptance of, 71–72
- acoustics, controlling, 79–80, 82–83, 85–86
- BBC, 65–66
- collaborators, 13
- contexts of, 97–100
- formative conditions, 60–66
- techniques, 59
- technological challenges, 72–79, 74f, 75f, 80, 82–83, 84f
- Field studies, 11–13
- Fieldwork, amateur
- interest in, 24, 26
- listeners, 30, 37–39, 67
- professional acceptance of, 28–29
- training in, 29
- Fieldwork observational standards, 29–30
- Fish, William R., 103, 111, 134, 141, 148, 155, 156f, 184n3
- Fisher, James, 98
- Fox-Case Movietone, 60–62
- “Fox Sparrow as a Songster, The” (Moore), 40f
- Frings, Hubert, 93, 105
- Frog/toad vocalizations, 129, 182n9
- Galison, Peter, 8, 141
- Garstang, Walter, 42
- Gefiederte Meistersänger (Feathered Master Singers) (Heinroth and Koch), 64, 71
- “Geographical Variation in the Vocalization of the Western Meadowlark” (Lanyon and Fish), 156f
- Germany, 64
- Gieryn, Thomas, 59–60
- Gift economy, 112
- Gift exchange, 121
- Gitelman, Lisa, 9
- Goodwin, Derek, 142
- Gorst, Charles Crawford, 71
- Green, Harriet, 129, 137–138
- Greenewalt, Crawford H., 140
- Griscom, Ludlow, 29–30, 178n14
- Gunn, William, 141, 184n4
- Haley, William, 98
- Hall-Craggs, Joan, 146–148, 150, 151f, 152–153
- Harrison, Beatrice, 62
- Hartshorne, Charles, 100
- Harwood, Michael, 120
- Hearing, 68–70, 91–92, 124, 127–128, 161. See also Ear
- Heck, Lutz, 64
- Heinroth, Oscar, 64, 71
- Henderson, Kathryn, 181n36
- Hensen, Victor, 126
- “Hermit Thrush at Eve, A” (Beach), 32
- “Hermit Thrush at Morn, A” (Beach)
- Herzog, A., 157, 158f, 159f
- Hilgartner, Stephen, 96
- Hinde, Robert, 130, 138
- HMV, 62, 64
- Hockett, Charles, 129
- Hoffmann, Bernard, 41
- Hold, Trevor, 146
- Hornbostel, Erich Moritz von, 46–47
- Horning, Susan Schmidt, 79
- Hunt, Richard, 43
- Huxley, Julian, 28, 65–67, 80, 86, 98–99, 130, 182n15
- Ince, S. A., 143–144
- Industrialization, 26, 76–78
- Inscription, 52–53, 154–160, 156f, 167
- International Bioacoustics Council (IBAC), 184n3
- International Committee of Bioacoustics (ICBA), 93–95, 103
- International Library of Publications in Biological Acoustics, 93
- Jairazbhoy, N. A., 191n27
- Joos, Martin, 129–130
- Judgment, trained, 141
- Jungle sounds, 13, 63, 182n9
- Kahn, Douglas, 124
- Kaiser, David, 53
- Kay Electric Company, 129, 131, 135, 189n3
- Kellogg, Peter P., 2f, 60–63, 70, 82–83, 85, 91, 93–98, 101–102, 104, 106–110, 114–115, 117–120, 134–135, 139–140, 148, Plate 3, Plate 5
- Kircher, Athanasius, 177n2
- Kirkman, Frederick, 28
- Kirtland warbler, 70
- Knowledge, scientific
- commercialization of, 120
- production of, 58–59
- Knowledge acquisition, 7
- Koch, Ludwig, 64–67, 71–80, 74f, 75f, 84f, 85–86, 91, 98–99, 176n24, Plate 2
- Kohler, Robert, 31, 59, 97
- Konishi, Masakazu, 133
- Kopp, George, 129, 137–138
- Krause, Bernie, 164
- Kreit, M., 137f
- Kroodsma, Don, 171
- Laboratory, the, 58–60, 89–90
- Lade, Barbara, 137–138, 142, 152
- Landois, Hermann, 177n2
- Landscape, reproducing the, 87–88
- Lanyon, Wesley, 104, 134, 155, 156f
- Latour, Bruno, 154, 160
- Law, John, 170
- Leisure patterns, 26
- Lekander, Gunnar, 64, 175n23, 183n16
- Lemon, Robert, 142–143, 152, 157, 158f, 159f
- Leopold, Aldo, 3
- Liberman, Alvin, 128, 136
- Library of Natural Sounds, 176n24. See also Cornell Library of Natural Sounds (CLNS)
- Library of Wildlife Sounds (Soviet Academy of Sciences), 184n5
- Life Story of the Gannet, The (film), 65
- Lindström AG, 64, 65
- Listeners
- abilities of, 68–70
- amateur, 30, 37–39, 67
- critical, consumers as, 72, 83
- displacement of, 160
- expert, 168–170
- hearing, 68–70
- training, 33, 37–39, 67–69
- Listening
- artistic, 38–39
- audile techniques of, 89
- epistemical significance of, 168–169
- in field observations, 142–143, 169–171
- historical formations of, 7
- knowledge acquisition through, 7
- musical, 37–39, 145
- notation in, 25
- as a practice of investigation, 7
- recordings for, 9
- scientific, 7–8, 25, 36–39, 38–39
- sound recordings for, 69–70, 148
- in spectrographic analysis, 143–144, 149, 152, 161–162
- sterilized, 165
- trained, 145–147, 161
- Literature
- birds in, 177n1
- birdsong in, 36
- nature writing, 23, 30–31, 176n1
- Lorenz, Konrad, 42, 64, 71, 130
- Lynch, Michael, 90, 170
- Macaulay Library, 15, 176n24
- Madingley station, 130, 133
- Magnemite tape recorder, 101, Plate 5
- Malchevsky, A. S., 185n5
- Marey, Étienne-Jules, 126
- Marler, Peter, 100, 105, 123, 125, 130–134, 135f, 136, 137f, 141, 144, 148
- Marshall, Joe, Jr., 149–150, 160
- Mass communication media, 14
- Mathews, Ferdinand S., 23–24, 31–34, 37, 48, 53, 149, 177n1, 177n2, 179n18, Plate 1
- Mauss, Marcel, 112
- McChesney, Donald, 102, 112
- McChesney, Marian, 102
- Mechanical objectivity, 8
- Melographic devices, 150, 191n27
- Messiaen, Oliver, 152, 168, 179n17
- Metfessel, Milton, 126, 191n27
- Microphone, 77–80, 82–83, 84f, 85–92, 86f, 99, 114
- Middle class, 26
- Miller, Edward, 152
- Misurgia universalis (Kircher), 177n2
- Mnemonics, 53
- Modernity, soundscape of, 57–58
- Moore, Robert T., 39, 40f, 44–46, 50
- Moral economy, 96–97, 119–120
- Moreau, Reginald Ernest, 104
- More Songs of Wild Birds (Nicholson and Koch), 65, 67, 74f, 84f
- Moscow University Library of Animal Voices, 184n5
- Movie industry, 60–64
- Mundy, Rachel, 137, 181n34
- Music, evolution of, 41–42
- Musical notation. See also Notation
- adaptations/modifications/variation in, 40f
- age of revolution in, 177n3
- for analysis, 145–154, 146f, 170
- Musical notation, recording birdsongs in. See also Notation
- acceptance of, 43–44, 47, 50–51
- by Beach, 32–33
- for comparative variability, 48–50
- example of, 24f
- functional variety, 52–55
- historically, 177n2
- imitative, mimetic function, 36
- Mathews’s method, 23–24, 24f
- for nonmusicians, 23–24
- for pedagogical purposes, 33–36
- purposes of, 35–36
- scientific relevance, 44–46
- training in, 37–38
- variation in, 39–41
- Music and Bird Songs (Kellogg and Fassett), 148
- Musician-ornithologists, 36–37
- Music of the Wild (Stratton-Porter), 177n1
- “Musikpsychologische Bemerkungen über Vogelgesang” (Music-Psychological Remarks on Birdsong) (Boas), 46
- Music teaching, 33
- Natural History Museum of the University of Aarhus, 184n3, 184n5
- Natural history writing, 31
- Naturalist, The (BBC), 66, 98
- Naturalists, 26, 30–31, 65
- Nature
- anthropomorphization of, 32
- changing attitudes toward, 26
- interesting children in, 33–34
- Nature Conservancy, 1–2
- Nature recordists. See Recordists
- Nature study movement, 33–34, 38
- Nature writing, 23, 30–31, 176n1
- Naumov, Rudolph, 185n5
- Nettl, Bruno, 191n27
- Neufeldt, Irene, 185n5
- Neuroethology, 134
- New naturalism movement, 65
- Nichols, John T., 49–50
- Nicholson, E. Max, 65–67, 73–78, 74f, 75f, 84f, 86, 98–99, 150, 166, Plate 2
- Nightingale recordings, 61–62, 80
- Noise, 57–58, 76–79, 82, 137–139, 163–164
- Noise-abatement campaigns, 77
- Noise Abatement Commission, 77
- North, Myles E., 102–103, 146, 147
- Notation. See also Musical notation
- based on sound spectrograms, 137–138, 138f
- graphic notation method, 13, 44–50, 45f, 49f
- whistling, 35
- Nottebohm, Fernando, 133–134
- Oiseaux Exotiques (Messiaen), 168
- Olds, William B., 33–34
- Oldys, Henry, 34–35, 37, 39, 41, 48
- Ornithological societies, 27
- Ornithologist-musician, 48
- Ornithologist-recordist, 71–72, 85
- Ornithology, 11–13, 26–28, 104
- Oscilloscope, 126, 154
- Page-Wood, Gladys, 40–41
- Painting, landscape, 87
- Palmér, Sture, 64, 76, 175n23, 183n16, 185n11
- Parabolic microphone, 79f, 82–83, 85–92, 99, 114
- Parlophone, 65
- Patterns, aural, 142–145
- Peet, M., 165
- Peterson, Roger Tory, 88, 97
- Phonautograph, 160
- Phonetics, acoustic, 130
- Phonographic recordings, 46–48, 57, 61–65, 97–98, 160
- Phonophotography, 126
- Photography, aerial, 87
- Pollution, noise, 76–79, 163–164
- Population ecology, 105
- Porcello, Thomas, 39
- Potter, Ralph K., 125–126, 128–129
- Poulsen, Holger, 131–132
- “Practical Method of Recording Bird-Calls, A” (Rowan), 51f
- Radio, 64–66, 76, 98, 100
- Radiotjänst AB, 64
- Ramseyer, Ulrich, 30
- Recording horn, 79
- Recording industry, 79, 97–100
- Recordings. See also Field recording; Wildlife recordings
- amateur, publication of, 111
- for amateur use, 66–67
- for birdsong identification, 63
- of captive birds, 70–72
- context, ordering, 89–90
- controversy over, 3
- as cultural practice appropriated for scientific use, 5–6
- early, 1–3
- ecologists use of, 4
- ethnologists use of, 4
- evidentiary value of, 5
- exchange and circulation of, 12, 14–15, 95–97, 100, 107
- funding, 62
- legitimization of, 5–6, 8, 106–107
- for listening, 9, 69–70, 148
- material forms, 10
- mathematization of, 90
- for pedagogical purposes, 64
- popular interest and use of, 6, 97–98
- professional value of, 66–67
- regimes of ownership and authorship, 14–15
- reproduction of, 154
- as scientific objects, 8–9, 167–172
- studio, learning from, 79–80
- taxonomists use of, 4
- uses for, range of, 13–14
- Recordings, transcribing
- in compositions, 32–33
- by ear, 23, 29, 132
- in field guides, 31–32
- functions, 52–55
- graphic notation method, 13, 44–50, 45f, 49f
- graphic-syllabic method, 51–52, 51f
- imitative, mimetic function, 36
- inscriptions, 154–160
- mimetic functions, 53–54
- mnemonic role, 53
- musical notation for, 23–24, 24f, 32–38, 43–55, 145–154, 146f, 177n2
- for nonmusicians, 50–52, 54
- notation systems, whistling, 35
- on paper, 25
- parameters, 45–46
- for pedagogical purposes, 33–34, 36
- Schmitt’s method for, 38
- standardization of, 52, 57
- Recordists
- authorship identification, 117–118
- copyright holding, 117
- listening, 169
- radio, 76
- recognition of, 117–119
- skills required for, 169
- training, 29, 169
- Recordists, amateur
- characteristics, 100–101
- CLNS relations, 112–119, 169
- collaboration with, 13, 65, 101
- networks of, 12
- professional acceptance of, 28–29
- publication of works, 111
- reliability of, 13
- training, 29, 101–102
- Reese, Carl, 130–131
- Reich, Karl, 61–62
- Reynard, George, 102, 111
- Ridgway, Robert, 28
- “Ritualization in Ontogeny” (Thorpe), 146f
- Roche, Helen, 184n3
- Roche, Jean-Claude, 184n3
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 31
- Roth, Wolff-Michael, 53
- Rowan, William, 50–51, 54
- Sandwich tern, 169
- Saunders, Aretas, 44–51, 45f, 54, 131, 149
- Saunders, William, 68
- Schafer, R. Murray, 164, 181n1
- Schmitt, Cornel, 37–38, 40f, 51
- Schwartz, Paul, 102, 111
- Science, popularization of, 100
- Science and technology studies, 9–10
- Science-entertainment intersection
- Scientific literacy, 65
- Scientist-musicians, 38–39, 43, 52
- Scott, Leon, 126
- Scott, Peter, 98
- Scripture, Edward Wheeler, 126
- Seashore, Carl, 126
- Secord, Anne, 54
- Secord, Jim, 16
- Seeger, Charles, 191n27
- Self-elimination doctrine, 141
- Shivaev, Yuri, 185n5
- Shrikes, 145, 146f
- Signal, 57
- Sill, Edgar Rowland, 32
- Simms, Eric, 99
- Singer Refuge, 1
- Singing Dogs, The (Weismann), 183n16
- Slabbekoorn, Hans, 163, 165
- Slater, Peter, 143–144
- Smith, Jacob, 35
- Social capital, 96, 111, 115–117
- “Some Suggestions for Better Methods of Recording and Studying Birdsongs” (Saunders), 45f
- Sonagrams, 131–132, 134, 138f, 142–144, 150, 155, 157, 158f. See also Sound spectrograph
- Sona-Graph, 129, 131, 135, 140, 189n3
- Songbirds of America in Color, Sound and Story (Kellogg and Allen), 97
- “Song Development in Hand-Raised Oregon Juncos” (Marler, Kreit, and Tamura), 137f
- “Song Dialects” (Marler and Tamura), 135f
- Song of the Cardinal, The (Stratton-Porter), 177n1
- “Songs and Calls of Our Native Birds” (Gorst), 71
- “Songs of Some Families of the Passeriformes, The” (Thorpe and Lade), 137
- Songs of Wild Birds (Nicholson and Koch), 66–67, Plate 2
- Sonic landscape, 77
- Sonograph, 189n3
- Soundbooks, 64–65
- Sound concentrators, 82
- Sound-film recording, 61, 69, 77–79, 90
- Sound hunters, 13, 100–103, 112–115
- Soundscape ecology, 164
- Soundscapes, 57–60, 77, 90, 164, 181n1
- Sound spectrograms
- example of, 128f, 135f, 137f
- interpreting, 141, 143–145, 149–150, 152, 161–162, 171
- musical, 145–154, 170
- notation based on, 137–138, 138f
- producing, 135–141, 154
- Sound spectrograph
- for bird communication studies, 129–135
- development of the, 63
- function of, 105, 131, 154
- inscriptive visualization, 154–160, 156f
- introduction of the, 52
- limitations of, 160–162
- making sound visible, 123–129
- for star studies, 130
- “Sound Spectrographic Analysis” (Hall-Craggs), 151f
- Sound visualization, 78–79, 123–125
- Soviet Academy of Sciences, 184n5
- Spectrograph, 52, 63, 105, 123–129, 128f
- Speech, visible, 125–128, 137–138, 152–153, 160–161
- Spencer, Herbert, 42
- Stadler, Hans, 37–38, 40f, 51
- Stein, Robert, 104, 106, 134, 139, 141
- Stenography, 126
- Sterne, Jonathan, 89, 174n7
- Stethoscope, 91
- Stillwell, Jerry, 102–103, 103f, 111
- Stillwell, Norma, 102–103, 103f, 111
- Stone, Witmer, 37–39, 44, 145
- Stratton-Porter, Gene, 177n1
- Stravinsky, 177n3
- Stresemann, Erwin, 99
- Studio, the
- laboratory analogy, 89
- learning from, 79–80
- “Study of Bird-Notes, The” (Stadler and Schmitt), 40f
- Stumpf, Carl, 42
- Summers, Ewing, 50
- Sweden, 64
- Symbolic capital exchange, 117–119
- Symphony of the Birds (Kellogg and Fassett), 97–98
- Szöke, Peter, 148–149
- Tamura, Miwako, 134, 135f, 136, 137f
- Tanner, James, 81f
- Tape recorders, 94, 100–107, 103f, 169, Plate 5
- “Teaching of Nature-Study, The” (Comstock), 33
- Technology. See also specific types of
- alliances required to use, 10
- digital, 165–166
- in the field, 72–79, 74f, 75f, 80, 82–83, 84f
- of landscape representation, 87–88
- portable, 62, 66, 100–104, 103f
- scientific use of, 5–6
- of sound mediation, 89
- Tembrock, Günter, 105, 184n4
- Thielcke, Gerhard, 105
- Thierstimmen (Landois), 177n2
- Thompson, Emily, 57
- Thorpe, William H., 99, 105, 123, 124f, 130–133, 136–139, 141–149, 152–153, 160, 171
- Tinbergen, Nikolaas, 42, 130
- Tits, 163–165
- Toad vocalizations, 182n9
- Torrey, Bradford, 176n1
- Transcription, 191n27
- TransMagnemite tape recorders, Plate 5
- Twenty-Five Bird Songs for Children (Olds), 33
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 98
- Unknown Music of Birds, The (Szöke), 148
- Urbanization, 26, 76–78
- Veprintsev, Boris Nikolayevich, 184n5
- Vibralyzer, 131
- Victor Records, 61, 63, 71, 97
- “Visible Patterns of Sound” (Potter), 128f
- Visible Speech (Potter et al.), 126
- Visualization
- of sound, 78–79, 123–125
- of speech, 125–128, 137–138, 152–153, 160–161
- Visualization technologies, 9–10, 123–129
- “Vocal Behavior of Cardinals and Pyrrhuloxias in Texas, The” (Lemon and Herzog), 158f, 159f
- “Voice in Communication and Relationships among Brown Towhees” (Marshall), 149
- Voices of the Night (CLO), 129, 182n9
- Voigt, Alwin, 40
- von Glahn, Denise, 32–33
- Wax discs, 73–74, 76, 80
- Weismann, Carl, 64, 76, 175n23, 182n16, 185n11
- Western Electric, 63, 68
- Western meadowlark, 155–156, 156f
- Wheeler, William, 49–50
- Whistled bird imitations, 34–35, 61, 71
- Whistling as an Art (Woodward), 35
- “Why Birdsong Cannot Be Described Adequately” (Brand), 68
- Wildlife recordings
- archives of, 15–16, 98–99
- exchange value, 95
- frog/toad vocalizations, 129, 182n9
- jungle sounds, 13, 63, 182n9
- movie industry and, 60–63
- popular interest in, 64, 97
- on the radio, 65–66, 98
- Wildlife recording societies, 100–102
- Williams, J. J., 36
- Witchell, Charles A., 177n2
- Witherby, Harry, 65
- Wood Notes Wild (Cheney), 177n2
- Woodpecker, ivory-billed, 1–3, 9, 63, 76
- Woodward, Agnes, 35, 39
- Woolgar, Steve, 154