Lenny ran to the rail to get the best view of the horses. I went with him, but it was all beyond me. The horses were in one big jumble, and the announcer talked too fast to understand.
But Lenny knew exactly what was going on. “They’re coming into the stretch now! Move him! Come on, Happy Boy!”
He was shouting, his face bright red. He looked so funny that Sheldon was laughing at him instead of paying attention to the race. But Lenny only had eyes for the horses as they thundered across the finish line.
“Unbelievable! He almost had him! If only he had made his move sooner, we would have won for sure!”
“We lost?” I asked worriedly.
“No, silly. Happy Boy came in second, so we get money back for place and show. We hardly lost anything at all. Don’t worry about it. We’ll make it up on the next race.”
I wished there wouldn’t even be a next race. I didn’t like the way Lenny was acting, and I had a feeling this track business just meant trouble. ...