I am indebted to a number of people, some of whom did not want to be named. Their expertise in encryption and hacking into corporate systems was fascinating—and disturbing. Thanks also to Fred Rea and Detective Marc. A debt of gratitude to Kevin Smith, a terrific editor; as well as to Jan Gordon, Cara Black, and Kent Krueger, all of whom always tell it like it is. Special thanks, too, to Don Whiteman, who knows something about everything, including drones; and to Eileen Chetti, whose eagle-eyed copy edit picked up issues I never would have. And to the Red Herrings who listened—and critiqued the entire manuscript over the past year. My research took me from one end of the internet to the other, but I especially want to credit an essay, Anatomy of the Deep State, by Mike Lofgren on Bill Moyers.com, which I quote in the book. Finally, I am delighted to once again be working with Poisoned Pen Press. Thanks Rob, Barbara, and Diane.