Linking OpenCV to Python

Let's follow these steps to link OpenCV to Python:

  1. Open the python 3.5 folder (/usr/local/python/cv2/python-3.5): 

Inside this folder, you should see a file named or cv2.cpython-35m-arm-linux-gnueabihf.soIf the filename is, you do not need to make any changes. If the filename is, you have to rename it to To rename this file, change the directory to python 3.5 by entering the following command:

cd /usr/local/python/cv2/python-3.5

To rename this file from to, enter the following command:

sudo mv /usr/local/python/cv2/python3.5/
  1. Move this file to the dist-package folder (/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/) using the following command:
sudo mv /usr/local/python/cv2/python-3.5/ /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/
  1. To test whether OpenCV 4.0.0 is linked properly to Python 3, go to the pi directory by typing cd ~ in the Terminal windowNext, type python3:

  1. You should see a three-corner bracket. Type import cv2.
  2. To check the OpenCV version, type cv2.__version__. If you see opencv 4.0.0, this means that OpenCV is successfully installed and linked with the Python packages:

  1. Type exit() and press Enter:

After installing OpenCV, we need to reset CONF_SWAPSIZE back to 100:

  1. Open swapfile:
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
  1. Change CONF_SWAPSIZE to 100:

  1. To apply these changes, enter the following commands:
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop
sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start

You have successfully installed OpenCV 4.0.0 on your Raspberry Pi. We are now ready to attach the RPi camera to the RPi.