The domain of witchcraft is the realm of the unseen and the point at which it impinges upon man’s psyche...
Paul Huson, Mastering Witchcraft
The VEXNA-KARI are an astral priesthood of Nephilim that reside in a subplane just between the angelic and physical planes. Unlike the others of their kind that we are most used to hearing about (those that were born of the daughters of humanity and who became the giants and tormentors of antiquity), these Nephilim were born as beings of space, time, and energy. Bodiless at birth, they were unable to dwell as physical beings on our plane and were stowed away in the angelic plane, where they still reside and have avoided conflict for some time.
VEXNA-KARI is the name of their order, with members possessing a unique name or title that is an obvious variant. There are three of these spirits—VEXNA-KARA, VEXNA-KARO, and VEXNA-KARU—who preside over a coven of thirty spirits; all of whom can be made familiar if the three are courted. VEXNA-KARA appears to be the supreme of the three and governs over the celestial preternatural forces of space. VEXNA-KARO presides over the forces of time, and VEXNA-KARU presides over forces of energy.
the vexna-kari
Being the descendants of Nephilim ourselves but rooted in the physical plane just as much as the VEXNA-KARI are rooted in the angelic plane, we are able to harmonize with these spirits and use our witch blood to trace back through our ancestral memories and further activate our witch power. The more time we spend under their tutelage, the more gifts they bestow.
There are varying degrees of connection and intimacy we can develop with the VEXNA-KARI, and depending on your overall intentions they are more than likely willing to oblige. For most of us, this relationship will develop naturally over time; once you have communed with them and performed the Nephilim fire ritual, they will make themselves available to you when needed and will help to facilitate the meeting of the other thirty spirits. If you want to take the relationship deeper and the VEXNA-KARI are interested in working with you as spirit teachers, then perform the Rite of Treatise, which will ally your power with theirs. Once you perform the Rite of Treatise, you will be able to work with the other spirits deeper as well and will be able to work with them as spirit mentors in their respective fields. Some of you may not jive with the energy of these spirits, and that is okay; however, that will dramatically limit your ability to work with the other spirits under their direction.
Standing quite tall, with sapphire eyes, black wings, and golden skin, the chief of the VEXNA-KARI holds sway over the cosmic forces of space. Sexless but masculine, this spirit holds court over the other thirty-two as their high priest. VEXNA-KARA (KARA for short) is the offspring of a human mother and angelic sire and was one of two born. Under the protection of Hecate since birth, KARA is close to the Witch Queen and is often called upon to aid witches.
KARA comes as a crow, a raven, or a beetle, and this spirit should be summoned at dusk or midnight. Specifically, KARA helps to make sense of the cosmic nature of things and their outcomes, and KARA is a very protective entity when one in their charge is threatened. Work with this spirit in all matters of astrology, exorcism, protection, and when in need of a befitting familiar.
KARA’s symbol looks like a capital Y with two outward bent appendages and is crowned with a triangle. To petition KARA, open the gates of Heka in your prepared ritual space, draw this symbol in gold on a white candle, and chant “VEXNA-KARI, VEXNA-KARA-KARA!” repeatedly for several minutes until you feel the energy shift around you. Light the candle, and then make an offering of any three pieces of precious stones or metals (no matter the size) and place them on a window overnight. In the morning after the sun begins to rise, place these offerings in a white or clear bottle or jar made of either ceramic or glass. On this bottle place the golden sigil of KARA. Allow the candle to remain lit for as long as you can keep an eye on it. Snuff out when you have to leave or sleep, but relight it as often as possible and chant this spirit’s name.
Like KARA, VEXNA-KARO (KARO for short) is tall and radiates intense energy, with black eyes, silver skin, and white wings. Though sexless, KARO has a much more feminine energy and is frequently seen carrying a disk of silver light like a shield. KARO is the result of a human father and an angelic sire (yes, KARO had two male parents).
KARO comes as a moth, a bee, or a wasp, and this spirit should be summoned in the late afternoon. KARO is uniquely gifted with the powers of prophecy and mediumship with the dead and is known for being the natural predator of shadow beings and other smaller parasitic spirits. Work with this spirit for all matters of psychic development, when needing a clear answer from a spirit, or if you fear that you are drawing the attention of unwanted spirits.
KARO’s symbol is the shape of a capital Y with two bent appendages and is crowned with a diamond. To petition KARO, open the gates of Heka in your prepared ritual space, draw this symbol in silver on a white candle, light it, and chant “VEXNA-KARI, VEXNA-KARO-KARO!” repeatedly for several minutes until you feel the energy shift around you. Make an offering of any three pieces of gemstones or metals (no matter the size) and place them on a window overnight. In the evening after the sun sets, place these offerings in a white or clear bottle or jar made of either ceramic or glass. On this bottle place the silver sigil of KARO. Allow the candle to remain lit for as long as you can keep an eye on it. Snuff out when you have to leave or sleep, but relight it as often as possible and chant this spirit’s name.
VEXNA-KARU (KARU for short) is the third and final priest of the Nephilimic order. Tall and copper skinned, with the speckled wings of an owl and copper-colored eyes, this spirit rules over the universal forces of energy and magnetism. KARU was sired by an angelic father and a human mother.
KARU comes as an owl, a locust, or a cricket, and this spirit should be petitioned in the early morning. Presiding over the conceptual forces of energy, KARU is capable of causing change by causing events to either proceed or stop on your behalf. Work with this spirit whenever you have need to stop or begin the forward motion of events in your life as well as when you need to draw forces to you or repel them away, or when you need help unlocking the hidden frequencies within plants or objects.
KARU’s symbol is copper and in the shape of a capital Y with two bent appendages and is crowned with a circle. To petition KARU, open the gates of Heka in your prepared ritual space, draw this symbol in copper on a white candle, light it, and chant “VEXNA-KARI, VEXNA-KARU-KARU!” repeatedly for several minutes until you feel the energy shift around you. Allow the candle to remain lit for as long as you can keep an eye on it. Snuff out when you have to leave or sleep, but relight it as often as possible and chant this spirit’s name. Make an offering of any three pieces of gemstones (no matter the size) and place them on a window overnight. In the morning as the sun rises, place these offerings in a white or clear bottle or jar made of either ceramic or glass. On this bottle place the copper sigil of KARU.
The Nephilim Fire
The Nephilim fire is conjured to commune and summon the VEXNA-KARI but can also be used in all acts of exorcism or banishment as a tool to quickly raise the vibration to make the environment inhospitable to lower frequency beings that are not aligned to your will. The Nephilim fire can also be used to bless and purify fetishes, bottles, ritual dolls, and tools.
This spell is a souped-up version of the old Strega “witch’s fire,” which involves burning fuel of some kind (generally 70–91 percent alcohol) over purified salt. Unlike the witch’s fire, however, the components to this spell are slightly more complicated, and the fuel should be prepared in advance by steeping the herbs and woods in the high-grade alcohol for at least twenty-four hours. I have a bottle of this perpetually steeping on my shelf. When it gets low, I just add some more alcohol to the bottle and let that steep till next time.
This can get hot and fumy, so when doing this make sure you are outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, and, as always, practice fire safety.
For the Nephilim fuel, you will need:
A glass jar or bottle
Oak leaves (fresh or fallen—I think the fallen smell the best!)
A piece of gold
Mandrake root
High John root
High-grade alcohol
To make the fuel, fill the jar or bottle halfway up with oak leaves and rue. Put in your piece of gold, mandrake root, and High John root, then fill up the jar completely with the alcohol. This should be prepared on a Sunday and should rest for at least one night before use. On the bottle or jar draw the seal of the VEXNA-KARI in gold.
For the fire, you will need:
Nephilim fuel
White salt (not Epsom)
Black salt (Commercially available in most places but can also be prepared a number of ways, such as by burning the nine sacred trees together and mixing their ashes with salt, by mixing lamp black in with salt, or by dyeing the salt.)
A firesafe bowl or cauldron
Activate the first and second Keys of Hecate. Fill your firesafe bowl or cauldron three-quarters of the way with white salt and level the salt so that it is flat (but do not pat it down too much). In the center, over the white salt, take your black salt and draw the sigil of the VEXNA-KARI. Hold the fuel over the salt and tune in to the frequency of the VEXNA-KARI, and once you sense them, pour about 15 ml (or 3 teaspoons) of the fuel over the black salt and say:
By the alpha and the omega, the blood of my blood,
the witch power in my veins, I summon the VEXNA-KARI
in the name of Hecate! Be here now!
Strike your match and then light the fuel in the center of the salt. The fire will burn for about three to five minutes, which is just long enough for you to be direct and call upon them. Once the flame goes out, they are there.
The Rite of Treatise
Once you have worked with each of the VEXNA-KARI and have been properly introduced through your own means, you will want to formalize your relationship to them in order to receive their protection and to gain admittance into their order as an ally. To do this, we perform the Rite of Treatise, a ritual designed to fully harmonize the VEXNA-KARI and ourselves so that we are all on the same page. The oath that has been drafted to be part of this treatise has already been negotiated on your behalf. You will want to follow the outline presented here but will also be responsible for negotiating any terms that you feel might need to be more clearly defined for your taste.
The Oath
By the authority of Hecate, I enter this agreement with an open mind and an open heart of my own accord and do so of my own free will. In exchange for service, loyalty, and dedication, I shall take on the responsibilities of caregiver to the thirty-three. As long as they be true and faithful and never lead me astray, I will feed them and give them a place to stay. Twice a year, when the worlds turn, I will be there at the Witch’s Tree, reaffirming my bond. They shall not be strangers in my home, nor will I be in theirs. For all our days, so shall this be.
Once you have performed this rite, you will be required to reaffirm or renegotiate your commitment to them twice a year, during astrological Beltane (Sun is 15 degrees Taurus) and at Samhain (Sun is 15 degrees Scorpio). To renegotiate, perform the ritual again and add your new terms if needed. To reaffirm, however, you merely need to perform the chant, make the offering again, and spend time on those days in meditation or in soul flight, communing with them.
This ritual requires you to give three drops of blood in order to empower the vessels and seal the deal. As long as you don’t have to renegotiate and can reaffirm your commitment twice a year, you will only have to do this once. I recommend getting a diabetic lancet to make this easier and more sterile.
You will need:
Parchment paper and scissors
Gold paint (or metallic pen)
Silver paint (or metallic pen)
Copper paint (or metallic pen)
Paint brush
The three bottles/jars (from working with each of the VEXNA-KARI)
3 drops of blood (one for each seal)
A freely given feather (find this in nature)
A shell (or remnant from a sea creature)
Freely given fur (your cat or dog brush will have this)
A large pinch of frankincense
A large pinch of myrrh
A large pinch of copal
An offering of your favorite incense
To perform the Rite of Treatise, you should first prepare the sigils by painting or drawing them on the parchment paper and then cutting them out; you may need multiple pages. Each triangle should have a base of at least three inches. You should also hand write the contract on parchment paper and have that ready off to the side. Once you have cut them out, arrange them so that they are overlapping and touching.
Stand over them, trace a triangle of white flame over the paper sigils, and tone the vowel ohm as you send this triangle into the parchment sigils. Activate the fifth and seventh Keys of Hecate. Chant “VEXNA-KARI, VEXNA-KARI, VEXNA-KARI” three times. Prick your finger, offer one drop of blood onto the center of each seal, and say the name of the corresponding priest. Fold the points of each triangle inward toward its center so that it covers the central circle entirely. Once each seal has been folded, place them in their corresponding jars or vessels. As you do this put the feather, shell, and fur in the corresponding vessels: the feather for KARA, the shell for KARO, and the fur for KARU. Activate the eighth Key of Hecate, and in the center of it light a Nephilim fire. Pass each vessel over the fire while saying:
Askei kataskei eron oreon ior mega samnyer baui phobantia semne! By Hecate, I bless this vessel and make it pure—a living body for the VEXNA-KARI! Enter this vessel and be here now!
Now you will place the resins in their corresponding vessels: frankincense for KARA, myrrh for KARO, and copal for KARU. While making the offering of resin, say:
(Insert name of priest here), I’ve called you here and given you my blood; now take this (pick your resin) and let there be peace between us! Let us be friends and allies, co-workers and co-conspirators, witches of the same fiber! So must this be!
Finally, make an offering of additional water, wine, and milk, as well as a burnt combination of frankincense, myrrh, and copal, and place this offering on an appropriate altar or in a prominent location in your home. Each time you reaffirm your connection, you will need to light a Nephilim fire and make this same offering. Once all is said and done, place these three possessed vessels on your spirit altar and add to them as instructed by the VEXNA-KARI.