With money, you can make the devil push a millstone.
—Chinese proverb
Get what you can and keep what you have; that’s the way to get rich.
—Scottish proverb
It’s not money that brings happiness, it’s lots of money.
—Russian proverb
With money you’re a dragon; without it you’re a worm.
—Chinese proverb
A wealthy man always has followers.
—proverb that appears in several cultures
Money earned with pains should be spent on pleasure.
—Chinese proverb
No one is poor but he thinks himself so.
—Portuguese proverb
‘Tis money that begets money.
—English proverb
Money makes money, and the money that money makes makes more money.
—Italian proverb (and the theory of compund interest)
Money can move the gods.
—Chinese proverb
With money in your pocket, you are wise and you are handsome and you sing well too.
—Yiddish proverb
Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.
—Cree Indian prophecy
Poverty is no disgrace, but it’s also no great honour.
—Yiddish proverb
When the sea turned into honey, the beggar lost his spoon.
—Bulgarian proverb
Penny wise and pound foolish.
—Scottish proverb
A rich man has more relations than he knows.
—French proverb
A fool may earn money, but it takes a wise man to keep it.
—Scottish proverb
If you cannot become rich, be the neighbour of a rich man.
—Armenian proverb
A heart free from care is better than a full purse.
—Arab proverb
He who has money can eat ice cream in hell.
—Lebanese proverb
Too much prosperity makes most men fools.
—Italian proverb
Money is only good for a weekday, a holiday, and a rainy day.
—Russian proverb
If the rich could hire others to die for them, the poor could make a nice living.
—Yiddish proverb
Those who have money go abroad in the world, but those who have no suitable clothes are reluctant to do so.
—Chinese proverb
Great riches come from heaven; small riches come from diligence.
—Chinese proverb
Cut your losses and let your profits run.
—American proverb
Business is like a wheelbarrow—it stands still until someone pushes it.
—American proverb
A wealthy man always has followers.
—Proverb found in many cultures
If thou art poor, do not make a rich man thy friend.
—Arab proverb
Money makes people brash; if they do not speak well, they just shout.
—Chinese proverb
If thou goest to a foreign country, do not alight at a rich man’s house.
—Arab proverb
It is better to be poor and live long than rich and die young.
—proverb found in many cultures