Quotation Acknowledgements

numbers refer to pages

1 Mushariff-Ud-Din (1184–1291); 3 Harold Nicolson (1980) The Harold Nicolson Diaries. Collins; 5 Thomas De Quincey (1785–1859) (Title unknown); 6 Voltaire (1759) Candide, ou l’Optimisme; 6 T E Lawrence (1935) Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Cape; 9 John Muir (2001) John Muir’s Last Journey: South to the Amazon and East to Africa. Shearwater; 15 Neil Munro. (1914) The New Road. Blackwood; 17 John Bunyan (1678) Pilgrim’s Progress; 17 Charles de Foucauld (1888) Reconnaissance au Maroc. Challamel; 28 Robert M. Ballantyne (1858) Coral Island. W & R Chambers; 29 Hamish Brown (1983) In the Rut from Time Gentlemen: Some Collected Poems. Aberdeen University Press; 33 Frank Showell Styles (1950) The Mountaineer’s Weekend Book. Seeley Service; 37 Edward Gibbon (1737–94) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; 47 Hamish Brown (1983) Time Gentlemen: Some Collected Poems. Aberdeen University Press; 54 Terry Pratchett (1987) Equal Rites. Gollancz; 68 Dervla Murphy (1965) Full Tilt. John Murray; 69 Louis Neltner (1938) Le Massif du Toubkal. Office Chérifien du Tourisme; 87 Author unknown, note in Marrakech branch of CAF newsletter; 101 Konrad Gesner, in a letter in 1541; 109 P. B. Shelley (1875) Love’s Philosophy; 112 Norman MacCaig (2005) Poems of Norman MacCaig. Chatto Poetry; 121 Samuel Johnson (1775) A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. Strahan; 122 Eric Shipton (1943) Upon that Mountain. Hodder and Stoughton; 129 Charles de Foucauld (1888) Reconnaissance au Maroc. Paris; 137 Robert Browning (1855) Bishop Blougram’s Apology from Men and Women. Royal Holloway, University of London; 139 Charles de Foucald (1888) Reconnaissance au Maroc. Challamel; 151 Emily Brontë (1818–48) Often rebuked, yet always back returning; 152 Nicholas Crane (1996) Clear Waters Rising:A Mountain Walk Across Europe. Viking; 159 Tom Weir (1957) Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal. Scottish Mountaineering Club; 160 Richard Gilbert (1979) Young Explorers. G. H. Smith; 165 Joseph Thomson (1889) Travels in the Atlas and Southern Morocco. Longman Green; 177 Irish traditional, source unknown; 179 Source unknown; 179 Samuel Pepys (1660–69) The Diary of Samuel Pepys; 181 J Dresch and J de Lépiney (1938) Le Massif du Toubkal. Office Chérifen du Tourisme; 187 Jim Crumley (1992) Waters of the Wild Swan. Cape; 197 J J Rousseau (1761) Julie, or the New Heloise; 203 François Villon (1431—c.74) Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis; 207 Jonathon Swift (1733) On Poetry:A Rhapsody; 212 Alexander Pope (1711) Essay on Criticism; 225 D. G. Rossetti (1853) The Hill Summit; 228 Isaak Walton (1653) The Compleat Angler; 229 Pamela Windo (2005) Zohra’s Ladder. Eye Books; 234 Pierre Loti (1890) Au Maroc; 237 R Browning (1883) Donald from Jocoseria; 241 Emily Dickinson (1862) #327 Before I got my eye put out; 243 Thomas Browne (1643) Religio Medici.

For Peyron quotes and extracts see Bibliography; Willison journal extracts quoted with kind permission of Graham Willison.