I would like to thank the following people, who have been incredibly helpful and supportive:

Above all, my wife, Erin, who supports me completely and yet challenges me to be better still.

My sons, Ethan and Everett, and my daughter, Harper, who demonstrate their own leadership genius every single day.

My parents, Kathy and Bruce Barlag, for whom there are not adequate words to express the depth of my gratitude and appreciation, and without whose support, none of this would be possible.

My sisters, Katie and Amy, and the guys lucky enough to have married them. We are a great team.

To my very dear grandparents, Bette and Bill Hoskins, who always set a shining example of what it means to have a generous spirit.

Jim, my partner in history, whom we all dearly miss, and Pat, for her excitement.

Ryan Masters, a stalwart friend and unconditional editor, always ready to help make everything better.

Trey Alverson, a terrific editor and a world-class friend, for his vision and passion for the subject, not to mention his countless hours of work in making this happen.

Antonio Fuertes Zurita, who has always been incredibly supportive and encouraging, particularly with this book.

Tom Conklin, professor, under whose guidance I went down the intellectual rabbit hole that led to this book.

Anthony Zolezzi, who has been a tireless supporter and great friend in everything, personal and professional, and who made me promise not to quit.

Pankaj Ghemmawat, who went above and beyond in offering advice, guidance, and friendship.

Jim Collins, for being even better than the best.

My agent, John Willig, for his energy and enthusiasm and for believing in this book from the beginning.

Keith Ferrazzi, for telling me that this was a good idea, even when I thought it was crazy.

Adam Grant, who is very much the real deal, giving even when he doesn’t have to.

Doris Kearns Goodwin, a true source of joy in my life. Charlene Lake, who has been much kinder to me than I deserve, and for a long time.

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, a true statesman and a gracious human.

Charlene Wheeless, who reminds me of what it means to be exceptional.

Robert Norfleet, a mentor and friend for whom I could never begin to express adequate appreciation.

Filippo Passerini, who believes in this book and kept telling me to keep going.

Paul Polman, a leader changing the world for the better every day.

Jenn Cooper, whose exemplary notarial services inspire me to greatness.

Bill Frerking, the one and only.

Robert Blackburn, whose generosity still makes me gasp. Danielle Goodman, who helped me bring this thing together.

Elissa Rabellino, who helped make this a book of which I’m truly proud.

Andy Stefanovich and Courtney Ferrell, who poke, prod, and inspire me. Thank you for always bringing out my best.

And finally, a very special thanks go to Anna Leinberger, Neal Maillet, and Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, and the extraordinary team at Berrett-Koehler, for giving me a shot and then pushing me to do more than I could have thought possible. I love you guys.