
The concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the location of the single largest mass murder in history. Over one million men, women, and children were brought to this death camp and murdered in the gas chambers. Others, however, died a more slow painful death as the ravages of disease and starvation took a hold.

Auschwitz Death Camp, is a chilling highly illustrated record of those that were sent to the camp to work and be murdered. It chronicles those that actually run the camp and vividly describes in detail using some 250 photographs together with detailed captions and accompanying text, how Auschwitz evolved from a brutal labour camp at the beginning of the war, to a factory of death.

Each chapter gives a highly accurate portrait of how people lived, worked and died in the Auschwitz Death Camp. It describes the men who conceived, created, and constructed the killing facility, and how the camp became the centrepiece for a vast labour pool for various industrial complexes erected around Auschwitz.

Auschwitz Death Camp provides a unique insight into a camp where over sixty-three-years ago was separated from the outside world. Only through illustrated records will the reader realize the magnitude of horror that was inflicted on innocent men, women and children.

[The views or opinions expressed in this book and the content in which the images are

used, do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of, nor imply approval or endorsement by

the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.]