Chapter 36


“This place is great,” Max said as they entered the steakhouse in Quincy. The walls were decorated in a music motif, guitars and other instruments nailed in place over wallpaper with famous song lyrics and vinyl records. A five-piece band on a small stage played a funky version of “Blue Suede Shoes.”

The hostess led their party to a quieter room in the back and sat them at a large round table near the bar. Penelope and Joey brought up the rear behind Max, Arlena, Sam, and surprisingly, Sybil Wilde, who Randall guided to the table with a hand on the small of her back. After everyone was settled, the owner came over to introduce himself and take drink orders.

“Cool place, Daddy,” Arlena said. She looked radiant in a black V-neck sweater and jeans, with silver hoop earrings matching the silver necklace around her neck, her birthday gift from Sam. She held his fingers loosely in her own.

“Happy birthday, Baby Girl,” Randall said, raising his glass of wine and toasting his daughter. “I couldn’t be more proud of you. I love you to the moon.”

Arlena smiled and raised her glass too. “I love you too. All of you,” she said, her eyes landing on Sybil last. Her smile stayed in place, but her eyes lost a bit of sparkle. Sybil toasted her back and placed her hand on Randall’s forearm.

“Your father has been telling me all about what you were like when you were little,” Sybil said, setting her glass on the table.

Arlena smiled at her father. “Really?”

“Oh, yes,” Sybil said. “He says you were a spitfire.”

Randall laughed as Arlena blushed. “She was a perfect little girl in every way. And now look at her.”

“Stop,” Arlena begged. “Someone talk about something else, please.” She threw Penelope a pleading glance.

“Sybil, how are Jackson and Dakota liking show business?” Penelope asked, taking a piece of bread from the basket in the center of the table.

“Oh, they have good days and bad, like all of us. But overall, they really do love it,” Sybil said.

“If they ever decided to stop acting and do something else, how would you feel about that?” Penelope asked, ripping the bread into smaller pieces.

Sybil’s smile faltered for a second, then became bright again. “Well, I suppose that would be fine. I love my children, and they should pursue whatever career they choose.”

“These two took to acting like a fish to water,” Randall said, pointing at Max and Arlena. “But some of my other children are interested in other things.”

Penelope considered what Sybil was saying. “How would you feel though, Sybil?”

Sybil met her gaze. “As long as my children are happy and thriving, I’m happy.”

Penelope nodded, satisfied.

The owner returned and took their orders, promising them the best steaks in the state of Indiana.

“Randall, did you guys notice a camp in the woods about a mile up the main path with a bunch of kids hanging around it, with a green camouflage tent?” Penelope asked.

Randall thought for a moment. “Maybe. We did see some different folks out there, right?”

Max nodded. “You know, there was one group, kind of rowdy, near one of the caves. They were just hanging out, drinking.”

“Did you notice anything unusual about them?” Penelope asked.

“No,” Max said. “It was just kids hanging out. It’s not like they have a mall to go to. It’s probably the only place to spend time away from home.”

“Yeah,” Randall said. “I only saw them twice. Didn’t pay much attention. Ah…” He rubbed his hands together when the appetizers arrived. A bunch of fried things Penelope had never seen Arlena eat before and was surprised to see her digging into now.

“Hungry?” Penelope asked, laughing.

“You have no idea. That flu wiped me out,” Arlena said, nodding and grabbing a potato skin off the large platter. “I don’t want them to have to take my dress in again. That might send Jennifer right over the edge.”

“If she survives that long,” Penelope said. She gave them a brief rundown of her encounter with the executives that morning.

Sybil looked at Penelope with alarm as Randall refilled her wineglass from the bottle on the table. “Do you think they’re here to kill the project?”

“Oh, I’m not sure about that,” Penelope said, backtracking. “I just know Jennifer is worried, that’s all.”

“Well, I’m worried too,” Sybil said. “It’s not often a brother and sister role in the same film comes along, and that real siblings are cast. I looked for a project like this one for a while.”

“Wow,” Penelope said. “I guess one or the other of them will be working separately at times, right?”

“I guess.” Sybil sighed. “The business is so fickle, you could go years without work.” She glanced at Randall. “Well, not all of us. But middle-of-the-pack working actors have to fight for roles. That’s why I’m always careful with our money. I’m a big believer in saving and investing in real things, getting ready for the lean times.”

Sybil turned to Randall when he lowered his voice to ask her a private question.

Penelope turned to Joey. “Having fun?”

“Sure,” Joey said, rubbing her shoulder. “Want to dance after dinner?”

Penelope laughed. “I can’t dance.”

“Sure you can,” Joey teased. “A night on the town might be just the thing you need.”

“Okay, I’ll try,” Penelope agreed.


After they finished dinner, Arlena’s party moved to the main bar room of the restaurant. Randall ordered a round of drinks and spun Sybil out on the dance floor, the two of them moving to the music so well it looked like they’d been practicing beforehand.

The band was encouraged by the enthusiastic response and seemed to step up their game, launching from one upbeat classic rock number to another, keeping the energy going on the dance floor.

Randall signaled the band and they launched into a choppy version of the Beatles’ tune “Birthday.” Arlena joined her father and they danced together, Arlena shaking her hair at her dad and Randall laughing out loud as he spun her around the floor. Sam and Max watched from nearby barstools with the rest of the crowd. Sybil sidled over to Penelope and, surprisingly, put an arm over her shoulders. She was a little tipsy, but Penelope thought it was more from the good time and being around Randall than the wine she’d had with dinner.

“You’re enjoying yourself,” Penelope said.

Sybil nodded quickly and took a sip of something pink from a straw. “He’s quite a man.” She watched Randall and Arlena dance together with clear admiration.

“Yes, he is,” Penelope said. “Hopefully he’ll stick around a while so you can get to know each other better.”

“I hope so too,” Sybil said. “So far, so good.” She glanced behind them, eyeing a set of drums that had been nailed over the bar. “This isn’t usually my kind of place, but I have to admit it’s fun.”

Joey sidled up to Penelope and handed her another glass of wine.

“Surprisingly, the food was good too,” Sybil said, bopping her head slightly to the music. “I mean, Festa is good, but how many times can you eat at the same place and not go crazy? I could never live here year round.”

“I know what you mean,” Penelope said.

“And that Ava woman is all over me every time I’m in there. It’s hard to relax and enjoy a good meal with her hovering,” Sybil said.

Penelope stopped short and looked at Sybil. “What do you mean?” Penelope raised her voice to be heard over the music.

Sybil waved her hand, as if she was sorry to have brought it up. “She’s very nice, I didn’t mean that. She’s just been pitching me on an investment, and I haven’t had a chance to review it. She’s like a dog with a bone, never lets a visit go by without bringing it up.”

“Really?” Penelope asked, glancing at Joey. “She’s never said anything to me about an investment opportunity.”

Sybil laughed sharply. “You’re lucky. I’m sorry I ever said I’d look at the information. I was just being nice, really. Excuse me,” she said as Randall waved her over. A new song came on and she took Arlena’s place, swaying with Randall during a slower number. Sam took Arlena’s hand and pulled her back onto the dance floor, rocking with her to the music.

“It’s now or never,” Joey said, taking Penelope’s glass and setting it down on the bar. “Dance with me.”

Penelope smiled and followed him onto the floor.


When they arrived back at the inn, Penelope was exhausted, but her head was still buzzing from the music. She’d never danced with Joey before, and she couldn’t remember the last time they’d laughed as hard as they had shimmying together in front of the band. Joey had some moves he’d obviously been holding back, and Penelope decided she’d start practicing so she could keep up with him the next time. Arlena had enjoyed her birthday surrounded by her favorite people. And Sybil.

When they reached the Forrestville Inn, their headlights swept across the edge of the forest, and Penelope swore she saw someone at the edge of the main path.

“Wait,” Penelope said as they drove past.

“What?” Joey asked, tapping his fingers to invisible music.

“Someone’s there,” Penelope said, pointing at the trail.

“So what?” Joey soothed her. “If some hiker wants to go out there and freeze their tail off, that’s their business, right?”

Penelope relaxed back against the seat. “Right, I’m sorry.”

“No need to be sorry,” Joey said. “It’s a regular hangout—you’re just more aware of it now because of this morning.”

“I suppose,” Penelope said. She wished she was still dancing in Quincy and not back home at the inn.