Chapter Thirty-Two
O kay, now will you tell me where we’re going?” I ask for the thirtieth time. It’s so easy to drive him crazy.
“You’re trying to make me frustrated, but it’s not going to work. I’m highly trained,” Liam throws his arm over the back of my seat. “What can I say? I’m just superior like that.”
I look at him waiting for the smirk or something to let me know he’s kidding. “Superiorly stupid!” I retort.
“Of what?” I ask with my jaw hanging.
I wait for him to answer.
And wait.
And wait some more. He continues to drive and looks anywhere but at me. Aarabelle giggles and plays with her toy in the backseat.
This man is maddening.
“Liam!” I shriek and he begins to chuckle. Which of course only fuels my irritation. Fine. I can play.
I lean back and put my feet up on the dash. With my eyes closed, I lean back into the seat and I can feel his eyes. Yeah, this is going to be good.
“Sweetheart,” Liam says through his teeth.
“Hmmm?” I reply keeping my eyes closed and feet in place. My face stays stoic as I fight the urge to smile.
“Would you be so kind as to take your feet off of Robin,” Liam’s voice is strained but polite.
I open my one eye and look over. “Oh, I’m quite comfortable.”
“That’s great, but really, you wouldn’t want to lose your foot if we crashed. I’m only thinking of you.”
My head rolls to the side lazily and I shrug. “You’ll carry me around. I’m good. Thanks for caring though.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. I can practically feel the steam building in his head.
I look over coyly. “Liam.”
“If I tell you where we’re going, will you take your feet off my baby?”
Oh, the joy of winning. Some men are hard to figure out what their trigger is, but Liam is simple: his car. Robin, as he calls her, is his version of a child.
“Do you use rope on Robin?”
Liam tries to smother his smile, but I see his eyes crinkle. “Feet, Natalie.”
“Where are we going?” I ask as I shift my legs a little.
No way am I conceding. It’s too much fun, first of all. But secondly, it keeps my mind off not knowing where we’re going, for how long, and whether or not I’m going to sleep with Liam. My type A personality is going a little crazy not knowing. I’m trying to relax and go with the flow, but that’s not in my DNA. Everyone knows I’m the take-the-bull-by-the-horns-and-do kinda girl. I’ve had to be with Aaron always gone.
“Do you really want to know?” Liam takes my hand and laces his fingers with mine.
I look up and boldly meet his eyes, “Not really. I just like annoying you.”
“Men,” I answer back as I take my feet off the dash.
“She’s sound asleep,” Liam notes while looking in the rearview mirror.
Glancing back, I see how peaceful she is. Not a care in the world. I envy that kind of serenity. I’d be lying if I said that being away from home right now isn’t a little bit of a relief. There’s something to be said about leaving your worries behind.
“Thank you for this,” I squeeze his hand gently.
Liam lifts our intertwined hands and kisses my fingers. “I’m glad I didn’t have to tie you up and carry you out. Let’s just focus on relaxing and seeing where this goes. No expectations.”
“I can do that.”
He laughs, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Whatever. So, how many days do I need to call out of work for?”
“I already talked to Muff and Twilight. You’re good.”
I look over with wide eyes. “You did what?”
I’m not sure whether I want to slap him or kiss him. On one hand, it shows he cared enough about my job to even think of it. On the other, it’s my job and I should be the one to handle things.
I’ve only been working for Jackson for a few months and I love it there. I don’t want to risk losing my position. Although, I highly doubt that Jackson would ever fire me. I’ve increased their manpower and reduced costs in some areas. I’ve also been able to utilize my contacts through my time as a journalist. I did a lot of military reporting and knew a few people who worked in similar companies. They were all too happy to give me some new people looking to create some areas of opportunity for growth.
“I called Muff and told him my plan. He said—and I quote—take her for as long as you want.” Liam pauses and let’s that sink in. “So I’m taking you.”
I let out a deep breath. Relax and enjoy. Relax and enjoy. I tell myself repeatedly so I don’t go postal.
“I’m going to just say thank you.”
“There’s a first,” he grumbles.
“Why does this feel so easy with us?” I ask out of nowhere. I don’t know why it came out of my mouth, but I wonder it often. Our relationship feels like it went into hyperdrive. It’s not instant because I fought him for months, but when I gave in…it just felt natural.
Liam looks over with his brow furrowed. “Easy? I don’t know I’d call this easy.”
“No, I mean being with you. It’s easy and effortless. As if we’ve been doing it forever,” I muse.
“I think it’s because it’s right. I don’t know. Why? Are you wanting me to be difficult? Because I can.”
I laugh and shake my head. “I’m sure you can. You already are difficult, but I mean us as a couple. I wonder if this is normal.”
Liam’s hand grips the inside of my leg. “I’ve never felt like this with anyone. I think it’s because we’ve been friends for a long time. I know you and you know me. There’s no getting-to-know-you phase. I loved you before we were ever more—just not like I feel now. You were one of my close friends, but you were off limits. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have done anything for you, though. Now, it’s just different.” Liam looks out the window as he tries to figure it out too.
“I loved you, too. That being said, I never thought about making out with you all the time. This is new to me so I wasn’t sure if this is how it happens. To go from friends to lovers and feel as if it’s the right choice.” I grab his hand and lace our fingers together.
“I stopped fighting feeling wrong about us and it happened. Maybe that’s why it feels so easy, because it’s right. We’re not two strangers who met at a bar. I know your family, friends, and I would’ve kept being a part of your life even if Aaron hadn’t died.” He pauses and scratches his jaw. “I never looked at you the way I do now and I can’t honestly say when it happened for me. I can pinpoint when I decided it was okay though. In the hospital, after we were flirting, I decided I was allowed to feel for you. I think you were meant to be mine.”
“Do you now?”
“I do.”
“And how exactly do you think that’s the case?”
I love this part of our relationship. We can go from serious to playful in a second.
Liam huffs. Maybe he doesn’t love this part so much. “I don’t fucking know. I think you were in love with me years ago.”
“No, I thought you were hot though. Always have.”
He smirks and nods his head. “I’m a catch.”
“You know you wanted me.”
He turns his head slightly to give me his sexy panty-melting smile. “Oh, I did. You’ve always been beautiful. Only now, you’re mine and I will have you.”
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch there, pumpkin. Maybe I’m going to meet a handsome stranger on this trip who’s going to whisk me away on his yacht. Show me all the things I’m missing out with you,” I joke and watch the muscle in his jaw tick.
Oh, alpha men are all the same.
“I’ll fucking kill anyone who tries.”
“So scary.”
“Keep testing me, woman. Watch what happens,” Liam warns and I grin.
Liam smiles and pulls off the highway toward the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I didn’t even notice where we were going until now. I knew we were going south, but it didn’t dawn on me that we would be going to one of my favorite beaches.
“Why are you smiling?” Liam asks.
I didn’t realize I was. “I’m just happy. I love OBX.”
“See? Superior.”
“Oh, shut up,” I laugh and smack his chest.
We drive north a ways and through all the quaint little towns that make up the Outer Banks. There are tons of little shops and restaurants. I love where I live now, it’s the old feel of Virginia Beach, but these towns are homey. They have charm and scream beach living. Where my house is still has a lot of tourism. All of these towns thrive on the summer tourists, but they still keep their roots.
Liam enters the town limits of Corolla and I close my eyes and breathe in the salt air. The smell of sun and sand mixed with the sea. It’s home to me. We pull into the drive of one of the most breathtaking houses I’ve ever seen.
“Wow,” I say, looking up.
“It’s Quinn’s family’s house.”
I look over and Liam looks as surprised as I am. “Who knew?”
“No shit. Aara’s still sleeping. Do you want to grab her and I’ll get the bags?” Liam offers.
“Sure.” He goes to exit the car, but I put my hand on his arm stopping him. He looks over with his mouth slightly open.
“What’s wrong?”
I lean across the console practically into his lap. “Thank you,” I say and press my lips to his.
The second our lips connect, something shifts. Liam’s hands thread into my hair and he kisses me roughly. Our tongues move together and my body ignites. I’m euphoric in this moment as I give my appreciation to him. He holds my face to his and I feel his teeth nip at my lip.
There’s no way he’s sleeping on the couch.
Liam gently pulls my face back and kisses me tenderly. “You can thank me anytime you want.”
My laugh is short and my breathing is heavy. “I bet you’d like that.”
“Damn right I would.”
“Go get the bags. I’ll get the baby,” I instruct and climb back over to my side.
I get Aarabelle out of the car miraculously without waking her and look closely at the house. It’s a beautiful, blue, two-story house with white plantation shutters. The porch wraps around the left side and sits on stilts. Even though it’s old, you can tell it’s been well cared for. Through whatever storms it’s been dealt, it’s strong and stands proud. The front door is white and the sand dunes almost cover the wood stilts. I walk up the stairs and Liam’s behind me.
He unlocks the door and allows me the time to take it in. “It’s magnificent,” I say hushed, careful not to wake Aara. She’s napped for about an hour, but if she doesn’t wake on her own time, she’s a beast.
“Look around. I’m going to bring the bags up.”
I nod and start to explore. The kitchen has been recently updated and has beautiful black granite countertops with country white cabinets. I walk forward and the windows make me stop short. Beautiful, cream, satin fabric drapes across the glass and pools on the ground making the blue ocean look bluer. I know I have the view of the ocean at home, but it’s as if I’ve never seen this ocean before.
I hold Aarabelle who’s fast asleep in my arms and look out at the sea before us. I hear Liam come down the stairs and feel him behind me. His arms wrap around my torso and we both stand looking out.
“Beautiful,” he whispers.
“Yeah, it is.”
“I was talking about you.”
My heart is buoyant and his warmth cocoons me. I lean against his chest and cherish this moment. There’s so much I want to say, but this is enough right now. Being in his arms, away from all the shit at home, just spending time with Liam and Aarabelle. This is contentment.
“You ready?” Liam yells from downstairs. He’s had Aarabelle for the last hour while I’ve gotten ready for dinner. I assume she hasn’t peed or pooped since I haven’t heard massive amounts of cursing or Aarabelle screaming.
I have a white eyelet dress on with my hair in a low twist. I spent extra time shaving every inch of my legs and making sure I didn’t miss anything. If we do end up where I hope we do, I want to be as perfect as possible.
Standing before the mirror, I look at myself and smile. This trip was everything I needed. I feel alive and refreshed. After we got settled into the house, we took a walk on the beach. Liam carried Aarabelle while I held on to his arm. Aara was giggly, especially when Liam started to run into the water with her. She would squeal and laugh, then he would run back out.
A part of my heart became his in that moment. I’m hoping tonight another part will be his as well.
“I’m going to eat baby food soon!” Liam’s loud voice carries through the halls.
I grab my bag and head down the stairs.
“I’m ready. Sheesh,” I chide as I enter the living room area.
Liam stands there with his khaki pants and navy blue shirt. The muscles in his arms tug at the fabric, stretching it so the shirt looks almost uncomfortable. His blue eyes are deeper than normal, but still mesmerizing. The scruff he usually has is clean-shaven and his beanie that I love so much is missing. He’s ridiculously sexy.
“I’m not going to make it through dinner,” Liam grumbles.
“Can’t you wear sweatpants?” he asks, looking at my legs.
I scoff, “I’m not wearing sweatpants to dinner. I got dressed up, you’re going to have to learn to control yourself, Mister I’m-so-superior.”
Of course there’s a part of me that’s more than giddy that he seems to be having a hard time with my dress. I didn’t wear it to drive him crazy, but it’s a perk. I forgot what it was like to have a man’s sole attention be you. How it makes you feel when you’re desired. Liam awoke that inside me. He brought the woman in me back to life.
When I turn around, his breath hitches. The dress is a halter top, and the back drops to the small of my back.
“Fuck no,” Liam says and gently grips my arm. “Please tell me you have a sweater or a poncho for that dress.”
I turn slowly with a sly smile. “Nope. It’s warm out.”
“I’m gonna need a minute.” He lets out a deep breath and holds Aarbelle out for me to take.
I grab her and laugh, “Come on, Dreamboat. Let’s go eat before you lose your mind.”
We head over to a small seafood restaurant, which seems to be one of the only places in town. Liam had to stop for gas and we grabbed a town map. Tomorrow we plan to use the beach cruisers that we found in the house and check out the other local spots.
They seat us at a table by the windows with an ocean view. Aarabelle sits in the highchair between us.
“Mamamamama,” she says looking at Liam.
“I’m not your mama. I’m the fun one.”
“Fun? You tied her up.”
“And she lived and didn’t pee all over.”
I shake my head, “It’s okay, my love. Liam doesn’t know how to handle a little diaper,” I mock him and Aarabelle is her happy self.
Liam looks off and Aarabelle yells, bringing his attention back to her.
“Someone is just like her mommy,” his playful voice is animated. “I see you.” Liam gives Aara his hand and she slaps it a few times.
He gives her his attention and I sit in awe. They say the way to a man’s heart is his stomach, but mine is Aarabelle. She’s my world. There is nothing else that matters other than my daughter. A man can leave, die, cheat, but she’ll always be my child. Loving and accepting her is not only important, but without it, no man will ever have me.
Our food arrives and we eat and make small talk. I tell Liam about some of the things I’ve been handling at work and he tells me about the stupid things the teams have done. I laugh at his new game with Quinn of who’s the stronger one. It seems to be helping him with working out on a schedule again.
“Aarabelle’s birthday is coming up. Are you going to do a party?” Liam asks once we’ve finished dinner.
“I want to do something fun. Jackson said he and Catherine would fly in and I know my parents will come too. I should probably start planning.”
I have some time, but Liam’s known me long enough to know that my parties are Martha Stewart on crack. I go overboard and love to have extravagant events with each minute detail planned. Usually it takes me about a month to hand-make all the decorations. I have issues.
“I would volunteer to help but…” he trails off. “I’ve been to your shindigs…and I’ll bring the beer.”
“I don’t think so,” I state with a smile. “You’re with me, you have to help.”
Liam mumbles under his breath as the waitress brings the check.
We decide to take another walk on the beach since it’s beautiful out. Liam pays the bill and lifts Aarabelle into his arms.
“Come on, sweetheart.” He stands with his hand extended.
I place my hand in his and we exit to the beach. Liam has Aarabelle in his one arm and wraps his other around me. I walk surrounded by him as his body shields me from the wind. This is one of the things I love most. We don’t have to talk. Liam is okay with the silence and so am I. Neither of us has the need to fill the quiet, we can simply find comfort in each other.
As we walk, Aarabelle tucks her head onto his shoulder and he protects her. My heart fills with love watching him care for her. He loves Aara and I love him. I’ve always cared for him as a friend, but today there’s no doubt that my feelings of friendship have formed into something much deeper.
“Liam,” I say tenderly.
He stops and we face each other. I want to tell him. I want him to know how much I care.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I say feeling awkward. I look down and move the sand with my toes.
“Hey,” he says and pulls my attention back to him.
I take a deep breath. Liam isn’t Aaron. There’s no guarantee he won’t suffer the same fate, but the bottom line is that he’s different. Our relationship is much different as well. I was a kid when I met Aaron, we grew up together, and in some ways, we grew apart. The losses in his life caused him to put me in a different place in his heart. Maybe he didn’t want to hurt anymore, so he chose to hurt me instead. I’ll never know that answer, but I have to move forward.
I never planned to love again. But Liam…I can’t fight him. I don’t want to fight it either.
“I love you.” I say the words and I see the joy reflected in his eyes. Tears fill my own eyes as I let the love free in my heart. “I do. I love you. You make me happy and you make me feel safe.”
Liam steps closer and cups my cheek, “I love you, Natalie. I’ll always keep you safe.” My face tilts into his hand and he wipes a tear that descends down my cheek. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”
“I’m not sad. I just…there are things that scare me with loving you,” I admit.
“Like what?” Liam’s voice is tender and curious.
He must know the fears that I face. Or maybe he doesn’t. They immerse themselves in this world where they think they’re untouchable. Even though they live and breathe death.
“You’re an active duty Navy SEAL. I’m already a SEAL widow.” The words seep out and so does fear.
“I can’t make you promises. I’d be a liar and a fool to tell you it can’t happen to me. I know you know that. You knew when we started feeling more than friendship what it would mean. Deployments, training, dangerous things I can’t tell you about.” Liam’s words are measured, and his voice is strong and steady. He keeps his hand caressing my face, and my hand rests on his chest. “I can tell you all the bullshit you want to hear, but it’ll just be that. I want a life with you, Lee. I want to build something with you and Aarabelle. I want to spend my days thinking about coming home to you. I want to feel your body beneath me when I make love to you.”
I look up and my chest tightens.
“I want it all. I love you and Aarabelle, but it comes with a cost. I knew this was going to be something we have to work through. Loving me comes with the risk of knowing I might not come back home.”
A tear falls from my eye as the image flashes before me. Another knock on the door telling me he’s gone. Another flag on the mantel where I have to look at the only two men I loved taken from me. I can’t. I don’t think I could do it.
“I can’t lose you like that.”
“I can’t promise you won’t, but I can promise I’ll fight everything to make sure it doesn’t. I’ll do anything I can so you never have to feel that way. That’s the only promise I can make.”
Aarabelle sleeps soundly on Liam’s shoulder and I know the choice before me. Either I walk away from Liam now, save whatever is left of the heart I have left. Guard myself and be careful about who I let in, or give everything I have to him. Take the chance to end up with nothing or maybe the greatest love I’ve ever known. Liam and I have a chance to create a new love that I never had.
Aaron was easy and known. He was comfort and stability. I think even with his affair he wouldn’t have left me. We would’ve maybe found a way to get through it. It wouldn’t have been easy, but we have a kid, a life, a marriage together. I’ll never know those answers or whether it would’ve been true, but I loved him. Even now, as hurt as I am, Aaron holds an intangible piece of my heart and soul. It’ll always be his.
“If we do this,” I hesitate, “You’ll be careful?” It’s a stupid question, and that word is abhorrent to them. They don’t know how to be careful. It’s a hero complex, but he needs to know I need that.
“Natalie, I’ll do everything I can to come home to you.”
“Then let’s go back to the house. I’m ready for bed.”
I take his hand and we walk back to the car.