
ach: oh

aenti: aunt

Ausbund: Amish hymnal

boppli: baby

bruder: brother

bu, buwes: boy, boys

Budget, the: a weekly newspaper serving Amish and Mennonite communities

daed: dad or father

danki: thank you

dochder: daughter

doktah: doctor

dummkopp: dunce

Englischer: non-Amish

fraa: wife

geh: go

grossdaadi: grandfather

gudder mariye: good morning

gut: good

haus: house

hiya: a greeting

icehaus: icehouse

jah: yes

kaffi: coffee

kalt: cold

kapp: prayer cap worn by all Amish women

kinner: children

kumm: come

lieb: love

maedel: girl

mamm: mom or mother

mammi: grandmother

mei: my

nacht: night

narrisch: foolish

nau: now

nay: no

nett: not

onkel: uncle

Ordnung: the written and unwritten rules of the Amish; the understood behavior by which the Amish in the district are expected to live, passed down from generation to generation. Most Amish know the rules by heart.

outhaus: outhouse

Pennsylvania Deitsch: the language spoken by the Amish

redd-up: clean up

rumschpringe: running-around period that starts when a teenager turns sixteen years old and lasts until the person is ready to make a commitment to God and the Amish way

Schnell, verschteh?: Quickly, understand?

schul: school

smokehaus: smokehouse

sohn: son

wedder: weather

welkom: welcome

wunderbaar: wonderful