And now, dear reader, our complex journey into the multifaceted twilight realm of the Men in Black is at its end. What a wild and unsettling journey it has been. We’ve seen that what, for many, has long been perceived as a phenomenon having its roots solely in the realm of hoaxing, mistaken identity, government espionage, secret agents, and visitors from the Pentagon, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security, is actually nothing of the sort.
Yes, in some cases we are dealing with certain characters who lurk in positions of power, and who wish to keep us in the dark about what is really known about the UFO conundrum at a governmental level. And, yes, there have been cases of mistaken identity and hoaxing. But for the most part, when it comes to the Men in Black we are dealing with phenomena that are far, far stranger and much more terrifying than any government agent come to silence witnesses.
As we have seen, there may very well be several points of origin for the Men in Black. Some MIB, such as those experienced by Albert Bender, may have been borne out of nothing stranger than repeated misfiring of the man’s brain, coupled with a fertile, overactive, alien-dominated imagination that spent far too much time cooped up alone in a creepy, cobwebbed attic. But out of the sheer potency of this MIB imagery a horrific birth was given to Tulpas of three shadowy men that quickly found they very much enjoyed their newfound freedom and existence, and have ever since embarked upon a reign of terror as a means to continue their precarious existence in our world.
Given the close links that the Men in Black appear to have with psychic possession of the individual, Ouija boards, and poltergeist activity, it seems safe to conclude that their link with the occult is also a valid area of research that may unlock the secrets to yet another aspect of the MIB phenomenon, or perhaps even to a related aspect that we have yet to fully comprehend. As well, if the unique theories of Joshua P. Warren are correct—that some of the Men in Black may originate from a point far in our very own future—such startling revelations provoke, and even demand major revisions to our scientific beliefs and teachings. That the past, present, and future may not be cast in stone, that all three might be in constant, dizzying states of flux, and that the MIB could be intimately involved in secretly protecting and manipulating countless time lines on a nearly infinite basis, is almost as weird as the black-suited visitors themselves!
Before you go, remember my careful advice in the Introduction: If you do decide to pursue the MIB, and you one day receive that dreaded slow knocking on your front door, for your sake and that of everyone you hold dear to your heart, let it remain firmly locked and unopened. If you fail to heed that advice, at the very least take careful and respectful notice of the following cautionary words of Brad Steiger, for they are the words of one who knows of what he speaks:
“The Men in black are real, and if you truly devote yourself to pursuing this, then one can become in great danger. We’re up against something that none of us can fully comprehend.”