[revised by M. Corbella]

Years refer to the composition of the work.

1946 Il mattino [The Morning] for pianoforte and voice (text by Fukuko, trad. by B. Balbi)
1947 Imitazione [Imitation] for pianoforte and voice (text by G. Leopardi)
Intimità [Intimacy] for pianoforte and voice (text by O. Dini)
1952 Barcarola funebre [Mournful Barcarole] for pianoforte
Preludio a una Novella senza titolo [Prelude to an Untitled Short Story] for pianoforte
1953 Distacco I [Detachment I] for pianoforte and voice (text by R. Gnoli)
Distacco II for pianoforte and voice (text by R. Gnoli)
Oboe sommerso [Submerged Oboe] for voices and instruments (text by S. Quasimodo)
Sonata for brass, timpani, and pianoforte
Verrà la morte [Death Will Come] for pianoforte and voice (text by C. Pavese)
1954 Musica per orchestra d’archi e pianoforte [Music for string orchestra and pianoforte]
Sonata for pianoforte
1955 Cantata for chorus and orchestra (text by C. Pavese)
Sestetto for flute, oboe, bassoon, violin, viola, and violoncello
Variazioni su tema di Frescobaldi [Variations on a Theme by Frescobaldi]
1956 12 variazioni [12 Variations] for oboe d’amore, violoncello, and pianoforte
Invenzione, Canone e Ricercare for pianoforte
Trio for clarinet, horn, and violoncello
1957 Concerto for Orchestra
Quattro pezzi [Four Pieces] for guitar
1957–1958 3 Studi [3 Studies] for flute, clarinet, and bassoon
1958 Distanze [Distances] for violin, violoncello, and pianoforte
Musica per undici violini [Music for Eleven Violins]
1966 Requiem per un destino [Requiem for a Destiny] for chorus and orchestra
1969 Suoni per Dino [Sounds for Dino] for viola and two tape machines
Caput Coctu Show for eight instruments and a baritone (text by P. P. Pasolini)
Da molto lontano [From Far Far Away] for soprano and five instruments
1970 Meditazione orale [Oral Meditation] (text by P. P. Pasolini) [reprises Requiem per un destino]
1972 Proibito [Forbidden] for eight trumpets
1974 Totem for five bassoons, two contrabassoons, and percussion
1975–1988 Tre scioperi [Three Strikes] for a class of thirty-six children (trebles) and a teacher (bass drum) (texts by P. P. Pasolini)
1978 Immobile [Immobile] for French horn and four clarinets
Tre pezzi brevi [Three Short Pieces; originally composed for Good News by Elio Petri (1979) but not used in the film]
1979 Bambini del mondo [Children of the World] for eighteen treble voices’ choruses
Grande violino, piccolo bambino [Big Violin, Little Child] for treble voice, violin, celesta, and string orchestra
1980 Gestazione [Gestation] for female voice and instruments, prerecorded electronic sounds, and ad libitum string orchestra
1981 Totem secondo [Second Totem] for five bassoons and two contrabassoons
1982 Due poesie notturne [Two Nocturnal Poems] for female voice, string quartet, and guitar (texts by E. Argiroffi)
1984–1985 Second Concerto for flute, violoncello, and orchestra
1984–1989 Quattro studi per il “piano-forte” [Four Studies for the “piano-forte”]
1985 Frammenti di Eros [Fragments of Eros]; cantata for soprano, pianoforte, and orchestra (text by S. Miceli)
1986 Rag in frantumi [Shattered Rag] for pianoforte
Il rotondo silenzio della notte [The Round Silence of the Night] for female voice, flute, oboe, clarinet, pianoforte, and string quartet
1988 Refrains, 3 omaggi per 6 [3 homages for 6] for pianoforte and instruments
Mordenti [Mordents] for harpsichord
Neumi [Neumes] for harpsichord
Cantata per l’Europa [Cantata for Europe] for a soprano, two reciting voices, mixed chorus, and orchestra
Echi [Echoes] for female (or male) chorus and ad libitum violoncello
Fluidi [Fluids] for ten instruments
Cadenza for flute and tape, from the Second Concerto
1989 Epos [unretrieved ensemble]
Studio for double bass (Homage to Giovanni Bottesini)
Specchi [Mirrors] for five instruments
1989–1990 Riflessi [Glares] for solo violoncello
1990 Frammenti di giochi [Fragments of Games] for violoncello and harp
Quattro anamorfosi latine [Four Latin Anamorphoses] (text by S. Miceli)
1990–1991 Third Concerto for amplified classical guitar, marimba, and string orchestra
1991 Canção para Zelia na Bahia [Song for Zelia in Bahia] for two soprano voices and pianoforte (text by J. Amado)
UT for trumpet in C, strings, and percussion
Questo è un testo senza testo [This Is a Text without Text] for treble voices (text by S. Miceli)
Una via crucis. Introduzione a forma di croce [Introduction in the Shape of a Cross] for orchestra
Una via crucis. Stazione I “. . . Fate questo in memoria di me . . . ” [A Via Crucis. 1st Station “ . . . Do this in remembrance of me . . . ”] for double chorus and instruments (texts by S. Miceli)
Una via crucis. Stazione IX “. . . Là crocifissero lui e due malfattori” [9th Station “. . . There they crucified him and two thieves”] for reciting voice, tenor, baritone, and orchestra (texts by S. Miceli)
Una via crucis. Stazione XIII “. . . Lo avvolse in un candido lenzuolo” [13th Station “ . . . She covered him in a candid sheet”] for soprano, chorus, and instruments (texts by S. Miceli)
1991–1993 Epitaffi sparsi [Scattered Epitaphs] for soprano, pianoforte, and instruments (text by S. Miceli)
1992 Una via crucis. Secondo intermezzo [Second Interlude] for orchestra
Una via crucis. Stazione V “. . . Crucifige! . . . Crucifige! . . .” [5th Station “. . . Crucify him! . . . Crucify him! . . .”] for alto and orchestra (texts by S. Miceli)
1992–1993 Esercizi for ten strings (six violins, two violas, and two violoncellos)
1993 Wow! for female voice
Braevissimo I, II, III for double bass and strings
Vidi Aquam. Id est Benacum for soprano and a small orchestra
Elegia per Egisto [Elegy for Egisto] for solo violin
Fourth Concerto for organ, two trumpets, two trombones, and orchestra “hoc erat in votis”
Canone breve [Brief Canon] for three guitars
1994 Il silenzio, il gioco, la memoria [The Silence, the Game, the Memory] for trebles chorus (texts by S. Miceli)
Monodie I for guitar and voice
1995 Ave Regina Caelorum for a four-mixed-voice chorus and instruments
Blitz I, II, III for four saxophones
Blitz I, II, III for French horn, two trumpets, trombone, and tuba
Coprirlo di fiori e bandiere [Covering It with Flowers and Flags] for soprano, clarinet, violin, and violoncello (text by A. Gatto)
Corto ma breve [Short but Brief]
Omaggio [Homage]
Ricreazione . . . Sconcertante [Unsettling . . . Recreation]
Tanti auguri a te (Happy Birthday to You)
Due pezzi sacri [Two Sacred Pieces]; previously released as “Borromeo e l’innominato” in the original soundtrack of the TV series The Betrothed (1989)
1995–1996 Lemma (by Andrea and Ennio Morricone) for two clarinets and two pianofortes
Ipotesi [Hypothesis] for clarinet and pianoforte
1996 A L.P. 1928 for string quartet
Flash for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass (texts by E. Sanguineti)
Partenope. Music for the siren of Naples on a libretto by G. Barbieri and S. Cappelletto
Passaggio [Passage]
Passaggio secondo [Second Passage] for reciting voice and orchestra (texts by A. Ginsberg)
Scherzo for violin and pianoforte
1997 Tre duetti [Three Duets] for violin, viola, and voice
Il sogno di un uomo ridicolo [The Dream of a Ridiculous Man] for violin and viola
Musica per una fine [Music for an End] for a four-mixed-voice chorus, orchestra, and a taped text by P. P. Pasolini read by himself
Ombra di lontana presenza [Shadow of a Distant Presence] for viola, string orchestra, and tape
Quattro anacoluti per A.V. [Four Anacoluthons for A.V.] for strings
1998 Amen for six mixed choruses
Grido [Howl] for soprano, string orchestra, and ad libitum tape
Non devi dimenticare [You Must Not Forget] for reciting voice and orchestra
S.O.S. (Suonare O Suonare) [S.O.S. (Play or Play)] for horn, trumpet, and trombone
1998–1999 Il pane spezzato [The Broken Bread] for twelve mixed voices, ad libitum instruments and strings on the liturgy text
1999 Abenddämmerung for soprano (or mezzosoprano), violin, violoncello, and pianoforte (texts by H. Heine)
Grilli [Crickets] for four quartets (text by S. Benni)
Ode for soprano, male reciting voice, and orchestra (text by G. Bonaviri)
Per i bambini morti di mafia [For the Children Murdered by Mafia] for soprano, baritone, two reciting voices, and six instruments (text by L. Violante)
Pietre [Stones] for double chorus, percussion, solo violoncello
2000 A Paola Bernardi for two harpsichords
Flash (2nd Version) for eight voices and string quartet (texts by S. Benni, S. Miceli, E. Sanguineti, and anonymous from the seventeenth century)
Quinto studio (Catalogo) [Fifth Studio (Catalogue)
2000–2001 Tre studi per tre chitarre [Three Studies for Three Guitars]
2001 Immobile n. 2 for mouth harmonica and twelve strings
Metamorfosi di Violetta [Violetta’s Metamorphosis] for string quintet
Se questo è un uomo [If This Is a Man] for soprano, reciting voice, and strings (texts by P. Levi)
Vivo for violin, viola, and violoncello
2002 Due × due [Two × Two] for two harpsichords
Finale (Invenzione improvvisata) [Finale (Improvised Invention)] for two organs
Notturno e passacaglia [Nocturne and Passacagla] for ensemble
Notturno e passacaglia for clarinet, violin, and pianoforte
Voci dal silenzio [Voices from Silence] for reciting voice, mixed chorus recorded voices, and orchestra
2003 2 TT × 4 for flute, clarinet in B♭, violin, and viola
Geometrie ricercate [Sophisticated Geometries] for ensemble
2004 Cantata narrazione per Padre Pio (fuori da ogni genere) [Cantata Narration for Padre Pio (Outside of Any Genre)]
Ricercare patriottico [Patriotic Ricercare] for flauto (or piccolo or violin), violoncello, and pianoforte
Riverberi (per i 100 anni della nascità di Goffredo Petrassi) [Reverberations (for the Hundredth Year of Goffredo Petrassi’s Birth)] for flute, violoncello, and pianoforte
2005 Come un’onda . . . [Like a Wave . . . ] for solo violoncello
Come un’onda . . . for two violoncellos
Come un’onda . . . for solo bass clarinet in B♭
Frop for four-hand pianoforte
2006 Sicilo e altri frammenti [Sicilo and Other Fragments]
2008 Vuoto d’anima piena [Emptiness of a Full Soul] for orchestra and chorus
2009 Monodia for violoncello
2010 Jerusalem for baritone and orchestra
Ostinato ricercare per un’immagine [Obstinately Researching for an Image]
Roma (Pensando al “Ricercare cromatico” di Girolamo Frescobaldi) [Rome (Thinking of Girolamo Frescobaldi’s “Ricercare Cromatico”)] for soprano, male reciting voice, and ensemble (text by V. Morricone)
2011 Bella quanno te fece mamma tua [dial. Beautiful Like Your Mother Made You] for soprano and pianoforte, based on a Roman folk song
Quarto studio bis [Fourth Studio b] for pedal pianoforte
Totem No. 3 (Segnali) [Signals] for bassoon and pianoforte
2013 Missa Papae Francisci. Anno duecentesimo a Societate Restituta [Mass for Pope Francis in the Two Hundredth Year from the Societate Restituta] for double chorus and orchestra
I Vangeli. Una sacra rappresentazione [The Gospels. A Sacred Representation] for two reciting voices and prerecorded track on texts from the Gospels
2016 Varianti per Ballista Antonio Canino Bruno [Variants for Ballista Antonio Canino Bruno] for two pianofortes and string orchestra