Chapter Four

‘COURSE, I’VE HAD drunks before . . .’ Mimi drew her pale green candlewick housecoat round her with the confidence of a woman for whom the world could hold no surprises. ‘Oh yes, lot of my gentlemen been drunks.’

Charles grunted. At half-past nine in the morning the last thing he wanted to hear about was Mimi’s ‘gentlemen’.

‘Mind you, real drunks they was, most of them. I mean, drunks on the grand scale.’

So even his drunkenness was to be disparaged. Mimi was capable of disparaging anything. Why, not for the first time Charles asked himself, did he never end up with the theatrical landladies one always heard about, the ‘treasures’, the motherly ones, the ones for whom no trouble was too great? They did exist, they must exist – too many actors talked about them for their existence to be complete fiction. There were even, if the stories were to be believed, sexy landladies, whose bed and breakfast were really worth having.

But Charles Paris never ended up with them; he always got the Mimis of this world, the censorious, the resentful, the mean, the . . . God, Mimi couldn’t even cook. He looked down with distaste at waxy eggs which had brought half the frying pan with them, and wooden fried bread which had brought the other half. A pair of tomatoes shrivelled like used condoms. And her tea . . . Some vital ingredient seemed to have been omitted from its making. Tea, perhaps.

Granted, he was not in much of a state to appreciate any food. Nausea bobbed like an extra uvula in his throat. But even in that condition he could recognize the true horror of Mimi’s culinary efforts.

‘One drunk I had – Everard Austick. You met him?’


‘Now he was a drunk. Completely lost his senses when he’d had a skinful. Came home one night so drunk he told me I couldn’t cook. Imagine that.’


‘Said I cooked like an Irish labourer mixing cement.’


‘Didn’t mean it, of course. Ate up his scrambled eggs like a lamb the next morning.’

That’s what made Mimi so difficult to deal with-her unassailable confidence. Whatever was said to her, whatever complaint about her sloppy housekeeping, she seemed impervious. Worse than that, she took everything as a compliment. Her self-image remained perfectly intact. She saw herself as the lovable figure of the theatrical landlady who always eluded Charles.

‘Always comes back, Everard Austick, when he’s working Rugland Spa. All my gentlemen always come back. It’s like home from home with you, Mimi, that’s what they all say.’

God, thought Charles, a lot of actors are supposed to have depressing home lives, but not many of them could be that bad.

And yet what she said seemed to be true. She kept a visitors’ book, and Charles had not escaped scanning its pages. And there was the evidence – names, dates, comments – ‘Just like being back with Mum’, ‘Ee, you spoil me, Mimi’, ‘Lovely as always’ . . . Did she practise some mass sorcery on her victims? Or had her very first theatrical gentleman lost his nerve and, by putting something nice in the visitors’ book, embarrassed all his successors into doing the same?

Charles was determined that, when his stay was up, he would write exactly what he really thought of Mimi’s hospitality. But, even as he had the thought, he felt his conviction drain away and knew that he would succumb like all the others to smirking insincerity.

‘Oh yes, I seen drunks,’ she reiterated. ‘All the famous ones stay with Mimi. Ask specially to stay with Mimi. Because, you see, they know I’ll never pass judgement, never tell them how contemptible they are.’ With this, she flashed Charles a look of withering judgement and total contempt.

‘Oh yes, they all stay with Mimi. You name them, they’ve stayed with me.’

‘George Frederick Cooke?’ Charles hazarded maliciously.

‘Oh yes, he always comes. Whenever he’s in the area he pops in to see Mimi.’

Another of Mimi’s little charms was name-dropping. Whoever was mentioned, she knew them; and if discussion ensued, she knew them better than the person she was talking to.

‘What about Edmund Kean?’ Charles continued recklessly. ‘Has he stayed with you?’

‘Just the once,’ said Mimi tartly. Then she again looked sharply at her guest. ‘Oh, did I say – there was a telephone message for you?’

‘No, you didn’t.’

‘From the General Manager at the theatre.’


‘I didn’t wake you. Told him you was sleeping it off.’

‘Thank you very much, Mimi.’

‘Think nothing of it. Anything for my gentlemen.’ She gave a sickly smile, as usual obscuring whether she was aware or not of her own ironies. ‘Anyway, he wants you to go and see him.’

No surprise, really, thought Charles. Long time since I’ve been sacked. The prospect gave him a perverse pleasure; it was the logical culmination of the previous day’s kamikaze behaviour.

‘When does he want to see me?’

‘Soon as convenient, he said.’

‘I’d better go straight away.’ Charles rose.

‘Oh no, you’ve got time to finish your eggs.’

Charles sank back into his chair.

The administrative office was at the top of the Regent Theatre, above the bar. When Charles entered, it was empty. The room, snatched out of storage space as an afterthought, was cramped but, compared to most of the theatre administrative offices he had seen, well organized. Its tidiness, he thought, probably reflected the mind of the General Manager. Donald Mason, it seemed, had been with the Regent less than a year, but had made a quick impression on the efficiency of the theatre. His predecessors, according to Gordon Tremlett who knew about such things, had been, to a man, creatures devoted to the principle of minimum effort.

An in-tray and an out-tray were neatly aligned on the desk, with a telephone and intercom placed exactly between them. The in-tray was empty, a commendable sign of industry at that time in the morning. The out-tray was fairly full, and on top of it was a hand-written note.

The writing was recognizably tiny. Charles had received a good-luck note in the same hand on the opening night of The Message Is Murder.

He couldn’t read the note in the in-tray without crossing the room to peer at it. Which he knew he shouldn’t do.

But which, with the recklessness of a man about to lose his job, he did.

The note read as follows:





Oh dear. What was the Artistic Director’s latest feat of mismanagement?

Charles heard a movement outside the door and moved hastily across to the other side of the room. Donald Mason entered in another of his executive suits, looking grimly flustered.

‘Sorry, Charles, won’t keep you a minute. One important call I must make.’ The General Manager dialled without disturbing the symmetry of the telephone’s position on his desk. ‘Ah, Mr Hughes. Donald Mason here, Regent Theatre. Just checking the position on the Drill Hall. Yes, yes, that’s what I heard. Hmm. No, of course I can see your point of view.’ The General Manager sighed. ‘Oh yes, I did mention it to him, but it must have slipped his mind. Yes, well, he’s got a lot on his plate, particularly when he’s in rehearsal for a show. Yes, I agree, he always does seem to be in rehearsal for a show. Well, we must make allowances, mustn’t we? The old artistic temperament, eh? What? Oh, yes. Anyway, no hard feelings on my side. Mr Hughes. You gave us plenty of warning and, if it’s booked, it’s booked. Okay, sorry again. ’Bye.’

He put the phone down and looked at Charles with a grim smile. ‘Sometimes, you know. I feel like one of those men who follows a big parade with a shovel and cleans up after the horses. Except it’s a one-man parade that goes by the name of Antony Wensleigh.’

‘Ah.’ Charles didn’t feel he could comment on the Artistic Director’s behaviour.

‘Know what he’s done now? Only lost us the Drill Hall for rehearsals. Caretaker told us weeks ago the Badminton Club wanted to book it, but he’d hold it for us so long as he got written confirmation. Which he didn’t get – and guess who should have done it?’ He sighed. ‘So now we’ll have to get somewhere else as of the week after next, and that’s going to cost us more, and once again the budgeting all goes up the spout and . . . Still, I shouldn’t burden you with my problems.’

‘No.’ Then Charles volunteered, ‘I rather assume that I have problems of my own.’

‘Yes. So you know why I’ve asked you to come here.’

Oh God. The interview was beginning to sound like something out of a Billy Bunter school story. Charles wondered whether he should have stuffed a newspaper down the back of his trousers.

Donald Mason looked at his out-tray. Seeing Tony Wensleigh’s note, he casually picked it up, folded it and put it in his inside pocket. No need to advertise the Artistic Director’s lapses. He then picked up the next piece of paper from the tray. ‘I’ve had a report from the Stage Manager about your behaviour during last night’s performance.’


‘You were late for the “half”, and then, when it came to the moment – and I use the word advisedly – of your performance, you did not play your part as rehearsed, and the general opinion seems to have been that you were . . .’

Charles finished the sentence for him. ‘Smashed out of my mind.’

‘Yes.’ The General Manager paused. ‘A lot of people would regard such behaviour as grounds for dismissal.’


‘I’ve talked to Tony about it, and he says there’s no question about it – you should go.’


‘You’re just contracted for the one show?’

‘That’s right.’ Oh, for God’s sake, get on with it. ‘And my role is hardly onerous. It won’t be difficult to get someone else rehearsed up to take over.’


Oh, get on with it. What else is there to say? But Donald seemed hesitant. It was unlikely that someone with his abrasive manner would have difficulty in sacking an actor, but maybe he was finding it awkward. Charles decided to help him out.

‘Obviously I’m sorry for the trouble I caused, but I fully understand that you have no alternative but to show me out and –’

‘Oh, I wouldn’t say that.’

Donald Mason’s words were so unexpected that Charles gaped at him.

‘No, Charles, there are alternatives.’ Then, with surprising gentleness, the General Manager continued, ‘People usually have a reason for getting drunk. What is it – domestic problems?’

‘Well . . .’


For a second Charles felt tempted to spill it all out, to succumb to pathos, to plead for sympathy. But, hell, no. He couldn’t define the situation with Frances to himself, let alone spell it out to a stranger. ‘No, I just got drunk. I sometimes go on these benders. I know it’s unprofessional and stupid, but . . .’ He shrugged.

‘Hmm. My inclination, Charles, is always to give people a second chance.’ This again seemed inconsistent with Donald Mason’s brusque image. ‘If you want to stay, I’m prepared to ignore Tony’s opinion and let you. What do you say?’

Charles felt embarrassingly emotional. ‘Well, I . . . er . . .’

‘I mean I’m sure it’s not the sort of thing that’s going to happen again.’

This was once more back to the headmaster’s study. I’m going to give you one more chance, Paris, and I’m going to trust you, because in my experience most chaps respond to trust.

‘So tell me, do you want to stay in the show?’

‘Well, yes, I would be very grateful if . . .’ Mumble, mumble, grovel, grovel.

‘Good, that’s settled then.’ The General Manager screwed up the Stage Manager’s report and threw it into his waste paper basket. ‘You know, I think part of the trouble for you is that you’ve got so little to do in this show.’

‘Maybe. I think we should try to get you more involved in the company. Perhaps there’ll be a part in another of our forthcoming productions.’

‘Well, that’d be very . . .’

‘I’ll see what I can do.’

At that moment the intercom on Donald’s desk buzzed and a female voice crackled, ‘Mrs Feller in the foyer. She wants to come and see you about Shove It.’

‘Oh God. Okay, send her up.’ Donald Mason rose from his desk and straightened his tie. ‘Have you come across the redoubtable Mrs Feller, Charles?’


‘You will. She’s Rugland Spa’s answer to Mrs Whitehouse. A one-woman Puritan Backlash, who only comes to the theatre to count the number of letters in the words.’

‘So she isn’t going to care for Shove It.’

‘No. There’ll be protest meetings, picketings, strong letters to the local paper . . . Honestly, what a bloody stupid choice of play for Rugland Spa. Over half the population’s past retirement age – they’re hardly going to lap up the Anglo-Saxon diatribes of Royston Everett.’

‘The theatre’s got to do some modern stuff.’

‘Modern, yes, but it doesn’t have to be obscene. I sometimes think Tony’s judgement has gone completely. He’s just lost touch with reality.’ He shook his head ruefully. ‘Still, again not your problem, Charles. Anyway, with regard to you, we’ll leave things as they are – Okay?’

‘Yes. Thank you very much.’

‘And if Tony –’

Donald Mason was interrupted by a knock on the door. ‘That’ll be Mrs Feller. This is obviously the early stage of her campaign – she still bothers to knock. It’ll get worse.’

He extended his hand to the actor. ‘Thanks for coming in, Charles. I’m relying on you, so keep it up.’

Considering the circumstances, Charles reflected, the General Manager’s final cliché was singularly inapposite.

Well-being flooded through Charles. Partly it was the first symptom of recovery from his hangover, that breakthrough moment when continuing existence first seems a possibility. When he had woken, three hours previously, the movement from horizontal to vertical had seemed insuperable, and yet here he was, on two feet, moving around, suffering from nothing worse than a light headache playing around his temples. He was even feeling hunger, a sensation which he thought had abandoned his body for ever.

He went into a little café near the theatre and tucked into an espresso coffee and two jam doughnuts.

Of course the euphoria wasn’t just physical. The interview with Donald Mason had contributed enormously. Though he’d thought he’d wanted the catharsis of dismissal, he was deeply relieved to have been spared it. Basically he had a respect for his profession and was disgusted by his unprofessional behaviour.

And the surprise of how he had misjudged the General Manager’s character added an extra glow.

All he had to do was to behave impeccably for the remainder of the run of The Message Is Murder.

And sort out where he stood with Frances.

There was a payphone in the café. But there was still no reply from his wife’s number at her new flat in Highgate.

Still, she was unlikely to be there at twelve o’clock in the morning. If it was term-time, she’d be hard at work at the school where she was headmistress. And if it was half-term or holiday . . . oh God, he could never remember when they came. Frances’ life was always sliced up into neat segments by these academic dividers, while his own remained a shifting morass without any demarcation.

He contemplated trying the school, but rejected the idea. Even if she was there, she was bound to be busy, and the circumstances wouldn’t be ideal for the sort of conversation they needed to have. Instead he rang the Pangbourne number of his daughter, Juliet. She answered.

‘It’s me . . . Charles.’ She never called him by his Christian name, but he couldn’t bring himself to say ‘Daddy’.

‘Oh, hello. How are you?’

‘Fine.’ The conventional lie. ‘And you?’

‘Yes, fine. Busy, but fine.’


‘Twins are at school, thank God, but Sebastian’s being a bit of a pain. He’s teething.’

Charles had forgotten about his third grandson. Sebastian, born some eight months previously, ‘a brother for Damian and Julian’. God, why did they choose those names? Probably because Juliet’s husband, rising star of the insurance world, had discovered there were special reduced premiums for people whose names ended in I-A-N.

‘How is Miles?’

‘Oh, fine. He’s just been promoted. He’s now an Assistant Branch Manager.’

‘Oh.’ Then, because comment seemed appropriate, ‘Good for him.’

‘Yes, it is. It means we’ve been able to get a new dishwasher.’

‘Oh, good.’

‘Makes a big difference.’


‘And Miles has just bought me a food-processor, which is going to be a great help mashing up Sebastian’s stuff.’

‘I’m sure it is.’ He had to change the subject before he was treated to a complete inventory of the Taylersons’ kitchen. ‘I’ve been trying to contact your mother.’

‘Ah.’ He was sure Juliet’s tone changed with this syllable. It became more guarded. What was she hiding? Had she been given specific instructions from Frances as to how to deal with enquiries? Had Frances moved into some love-nest with her schools inspector and was Juliet the guardian of their secret address?

‘Can’t get any reply from her flat.’

‘No. Well, it’s half-term. She’s away.’

‘I thought you said your boys’re at school,’ said Charles with involuntary suspicion.

‘Yes, but they have different half-terms from the State schools.’

My, oh my, Miles was doing well. Private education. No doubt paid for by a carefully selected insurance policy.

‘Of course. When’s Frances back?’

‘Sunday afternoon, I think.’ The ‘I think’ was mere dressing: Juliet obviously knew the exact hour of her mother’s return.

‘Where is she?’



Silence hung between them, the old silence of poor communication and ungainly love, but now shadowed by another awkwardness.

Charles couldn’t just let the conversation drift to more kitchenalia and then goodbyes. He had to ask the questions hovering between them.

‘Is she there on her own?’


He must mention the name as if it were familiar, as if he were a man of the world accepting the fait accompli. ‘Is she there with David?’ he asked, begging for a negative reply.

‘Yes,’ said Juliet.

In some ways it made things better. At least it introduced an element of definition. Like a condemned man who has heard his sentence, Charles could begin to plan, devise ways of coping with his situation. He ordered another cup of coffee.

It had been inevitable and he had no right to complain. He had left Frances twenty years before, and had been lucky to retain her as an emotional long-stop for so long. There had been rapprochements and reconciliations, but none had lasted. His character and his life were not compatible with the regularities of marriage. The only surprise was that she, still an attractive woman in her early fifties, had not met anyone else sooner.

So he reasoned it out.

But it still hurt.

It was by forcing his mind off the subject of Frances that he began to think about the events of the previous night. His worries about her, the haze and pains of alcohol, the threat of dismissal, had prevented him from concentrating on the rather significant fact that someone had tried to kill him.

Some of his recollections of the night were blurred, but the sight of the sword-blade stabbing through the flat above him was cinematically clear.

It had happened. There was no doubt about it. When he inspected the flat under the working lights of the stage, Charles could see the new gash in the canvas. He stood in his normal dead body position and confirmed that gash corresponded with the middle of his back. He shivered.

He went round the back of the flat and found that the tear had been repaired. A rectangular strip of canvas had been glued on to prevent the split from spreading. Someone had made that repair, but had it been just an act of routine maintenance or the cover-up of a failed crime?

The theatre appeared to be empty. It was lunchtime on the Friday of the first week of the run. The Shove It cast would be at their outside rehearsal room (the Drill Hall which, he had learned that morning, they were about to lose). Any stage staff who might be in the theatre were likely to be up in the bar. But Charles did a little backstage tour to see if he could find the mysterious flat-repairer.

He heard a voice as he approached the Green Room. It was Rick Harmer’s. Charles stopped out of sight of the phone and listened.

‘Yes, I know that’s the situation at the moment, but don’t worry, I’m going to be up for that recording. And the whole day’s rehearsal. I’m going to see that cast says my lines right. Look, I know that, and I’m not going to risk losing the job here, but somehow I’m going to make the bastard change his mind and agree to release me. I don’t know how, I’ll think of something. He is not going to stand in my way. No, okay, leave it with me. Yes. Anything else come up? Any enquiries? Availability checks?’

These last questions identified Rick’s interlocutor as his agent. And Charles gained unworthy pleasure from the fact that Rick obviously got the same answers as he did when making the same enquiries of Maurice Skellern.

He waited till the phone was down before proceeding casually round the corner.

‘Oh, Rick. Hello.’

‘Hi. Feeling better this morning?’ the A.S.M. asked with a hint of malice.

‘Yes, thank you.’

‘Seen Donald?’

No secrets in a provincial theatre company.

‘Yes. Yes, I have.’ Charles deliberately delayed gratifying Rick’s patent curiosity, before saying, ‘I’m staying on.’

‘Oh.’ The A.S.M. was so surprised it was a moment before he managed to say, ‘Good.’

‘Yes. Oh, incidentally, Rick, I was just looking onstage . . . at the scene of my disgrace . . .’


‘And I noticed there was a tear in the flat at the back of my cupboard.’

‘Oh yes, I noticed that. I just repaired it, so that it doesn’t spread.’

The answer came quickly enough, and apparently without guile.

‘Any idea how it happened?’


‘The tear. What I mean is – did I do it while I was thrashing around last night?’

‘Oh, I don’t think so. No, I imagine something fell against it or someone caught a prop on it in the dark.’

Which sounded reasonable enough – to anyone who hadn’t seen the real cause.

Charles justified having a pint at lunchtime on medical grounds. It wasn’t going to be the start of another heavy day; it was just a necessary compensation for the dehydration caused by his hangover.

And it did taste good.

As he sat over it, he concentrated his mind on the stabbing.

Two things seemed clear. First, that it had been a deliberate act. And, second, that he had not been the intended victim.

The second conclusion came from lack of motivation. He had hardly been in the company long enough for anyone to build up murderous resentment against him, and the one person who might harbour such thoughts, Kathy Kitson, had been onstage at the moment of the attack.

Leslie Blatt had been pretty furious with him the previous evening for ‘making nonsense of my play’ (no very difficult task, in Charles’ view). But the unwitting sabotage of the plot of The Message Is Murder had come after the stabbing, so could not be claimed as motivation.

Nor were there any young ladies in the company who might (as in many other companies in which he had worked) have been offended by amorous advances from Charles Paris. His state of confusion over Frances had prevented him from even being aware of other women.

No, whoever had wielded the duelling sword was under the impression that someone else was playing the late Sir Reginald De Meaux. And there was no shortage of candidates for the corpse’s job. Practically every male in the company who wasn’t actually onstage at the end of Act One seemed to have been considered to take over Charles’ role.

He thought them through in the order that he had met them the previous evening.

Lesley Blatt was the first. The repellent old playwright had offered himself for the job and reckoned he was going to do it, until told otherwise by Rick Harmer.

Rick had officiously taken over, even getting dressed and made up for the part, before giving way to Charles himself.

And then Tony Wensleigh had forbidden Charles to go on and said that he would go into the cupboard.

Leslie, Rick and Tony – each one of these at one time thought – and no doubt told others – that he was going on for Charles Paris. The pivotal issue then became: who had each of them told? Or, who did the potential murderer think he, or she, was stabbing?

Again Charles thought back. When he had met Nella Lewis on the stairs, she had been coming down from the floor where both Leslie Blatt and Rick Harmer were. And she had told Charles that his part was going to be taken by ‘that bastard’. Since the two young A.S.M.s appeared to have a harmonious relationship, it was reasonable to assume that she referred to the old playwright. And since she was then occupied for the rest of the Act ‘on the book’, she could well have continued to think that Leslie Blatt was the occupant of the cupboard. And it might not be out of character for her to respond violently to some septuagenarian assault on her virtue (an action that would certainly be in character for the playwright).

What was more, Nella had actually been carrying the duelling sword when Charles met her.

But no jumping to conclusions. On to the next potential victim.

Rick Harmer had put a lot of backs up in the company by his cockiness and success, but the only person he had roused to real anger was Leslie Blatt. The younger man’s taunts obviously got through to the raw nerves of the older. Leslie Blatt had certainly been under the impression that Charles’ part was to be taken by ‘young Mr Smartypants’. On top of that, he had intended to spend the Act backstage, which would have given him ample opportunity to choose his moment for a murderous stab through the canvas.

Then on to Antony Wensleigh. Who had arrived late on the scene, heard about Charles’ condition from Rick Harmer, and announced the apparently firm decision that he was going to take over as Sir Reginald De Meaux (deceased).

Well, as Charles had just had confirmed by the telephone conversation, there was one person with a very substantial grudge against the Artistic Director. Rick Harmer was a very ambitious young man and Tony Wensleigh stood in the way of one of his ambitions.

It was like a game. Three sets of potential murderers and potential victims. And, in spite of all those permutations, the person who nearly got spitted was Charles Paris.

If he’d been standing up in his normal position when the lunge was made . . . The thought still gave him a nasty little frisson.

Drunkenness, he thought as he rose to buy himself another pint, does have its advantages.