LIAM OPENED HIS eyes the following morning, aware that he’d slept badly, but unsure why. In theory it should have been nice to have his own space, to know he could return to his regular routine for a few hours. There was an element of that, but he was also aware of a sense that something was missing over his solitary bowl of cereal. Or someone.


Yet that afternoon when his phone buzzed and Ava’s name flashed on the screen he felt a sense of anticipation as he snatched it up.


‘Hey. My mum called. She’d like to meet you.’

‘Any particular reason?’

‘I’m not sure.’ Her voice was guarded. ‘But it’s probably better to go and see—we don’t want any surprises. I thought we could go on to dinner after. I’ve booked us a table at Muscat—it’s showy but not too showy. We’ve had a lot of hits on my social media post and there is a definite level of interest.’


‘So how about I pick you up at four?’

‘Sounds good.’ Liam disconnected, aware of a sense of bitter curiosity about the woman he was soon to meet. Karen Casseveti, formerly Lady Karen Hales. The woman who had taken James Casseveti from his first family and thrown her wealth and position behind him, enabled him to set up Dolci, start the Casseveti fairy tale that had picked up pace in direct proportion to the Rourke family decline.

Liam tamped the feelings down. It was the past, over and done with, and he’d decided to put it aside. Yet by the time he climbed into the passenger seat of Ava’s car he was aware of an edginess.

One matched by Ava. As ever she looked incredible, her blonde hair styled in a chic knot on the top of her head, the long-sleeved grey floral dress elegant with a hint of pizzazz. Yet he could see the slight strain in the set of her lips and the tension in her shoulders, though her smile was as flawless as ever as she greeted him.

‘All set?’ she asked.

‘Yes. I’m a little curious and a little wary but I’m good.’ He glanced at her. ‘You OK?’

‘Of course.’

He raised his eyebrows and she gave a small rueful nod of acknowledgment. ‘OK. I’m a little wary too. I told you that my mum and I aren’t seeing eye to eye at the moment and I’m not really sure how she is going to be.’

Half an hour later they pulled up outside a huge Surrey mansion. The gates opened with majestic splendour and Ava drove her small white electric car onto the expansive gravelled drive.

‘It’s a family house. My mother inherited it,’ Ava explained. ‘After Dad died Mum moved here. It’s usually looked after by a housekeeper who’s been with her since Mum was a child.’

The door was pulled open by a stately looking woman, dressed in severe black, her grey hair pulled back in a bun. She bestowed a tight smile on Ava and graced Liam with a small nod.

‘Hello, Ellie.’ Ava’s smile was wide, but he was sure it was strained. ‘How are you?’

‘I’m fine, thank you.’ Ellie’s smile was cold. ‘But it’s not me you should be worried about. It’s your mother.’ She pulled the door wider. ‘Follow me.’

Once along a spacious corridor, with panelled walls and antique furniture, they entered a vast drawing room that imposed its plush richness. Velvet ruled and there was an indescribable air of wealth and heritage in the Georgian-style furniture and the heavy gold brocade curtains.

‘Ava.’ A woman stepped forward, a woman who shared Ava’s blonde hair, though her colour was discreetly and elegantly aided and cut in a sleek bob. Her make-up was perfect, her figure svelte and stylish, though Liam could see the ravages of grief in the dark circles that couldn’t be completely concealed. ‘And you must be Liam.’ The smile was a blend of welcome and appraisal with a hint of condescension, the blue eyes hooded as she rested her gaze on him.

‘Mrs Casseveti. It’s a pleasure to meet you.’

‘Please, call me Karen. Then sit down and we can discuss the best way forward. Ava told me how you are hoping to use your fake relationship to help save your company and help spin Ava some positive publicity too. I’d like to help.’

‘That’s great, Mum,’ Ava said.

‘Yes. And in return perhaps you will feel more inclined to get rid of the usurpers.’ The venom in the last word made him flinch.

‘We’ve been through this.’ Ava’s voice was firm, but he saw her nails clench into her palms, knew how hard this was for her. ‘For a start, the will would be very difficult to overturn and would wipe us out in legal bills.’

‘I have said I’ll foot the cost.’

‘Second, this is what Dad wanted. Luca and Jodi are his children.’

‘Luca and Jodi Petrovelli are nothing. They didn’t even keep your father’s name. They do not deserve to even step into Dolci headquarters.’

‘Perhaps. But they have the right to do so. I think we should make the best of it.’

‘How can you be so disloyal? Your father made a mistake and I will not let the Petrovellis get their grubby hands on James’s company.’ Karen turned to Liam. ‘You are an excellent businessman—you’ve come from nowhere and achieved a lot. I assume you must have a ruthless streak, a business sense. Show Ava the best way forward. The right way.’

Liam read the signs all too well; the same look had dulled his father’s eyes with obsession. Quickly he stepped closer to Ava, hoped his body warmth could somehow shield her. ‘I will support any decision Ava makes.’

Karen exhaled a long sigh; her eyes glittered with ice. ‘Ava, show some family loyalty and together we will take that woman’s children down.’

‘I won’t do that, Mum. I won’t overturn Dad’s wishes. Please, let’s work together to try and make the best of this, do what is best for Dolci.’

Karen shook her head, emitted a sigh that gusted disappointment and anger.

But Ava persevered. ‘Dolci is in trouble, will stay in trouble until we can get certainty and public confidence. Getting mired in a lengthy legal wrangle won’t help.’

The words fell into Karen Casseveti’s chasm of resentment. ‘Just leave. Come back when you are ready to fix the mess you made. If you had been a better daughter, then your father would not have done this.’

Liam’s heart ached for her as he saw the pain in Ava’s eyes, the quickly concealed flinch.

‘Perhaps that is true,’ she said quietly. ‘But at least I was given a chance to try to be a good daughter. They weren’t given a chance to be anything, not even a peripheral part of his life.’ She moved forward, approached her mother. ‘I know how betrayed you feel, but this was Dad’s fault, not Luca’s or Jodi’s.’

For a moment Liam wondered if Ava had got through but Karen shook her head. ‘I cannot believe you would take their side over me. Please leave now.’

Ava hesitated and then nodded. ‘I’ll call you later.’

She headed towards the door and Liam followed, knew there was nothing he could say that would turn Karen. He had spent years trying to mitigate Terry Rourke’s bitterness to no avail, sensed that Karen’s hostility ran equally deep. But at least Terry Rourke hadn’t blamed his son, hadn’t directed his anger against Liam.

Sensing Ava didn’t want to talk, he remained silent as she started the car and began the journey back to London, broke silence only when they were on the outskirts, had stopped to recharge Ava’s electric VW. ‘Are you sure you still want to go out for dinner?’ He knew how much Karen Casseveti’s words must have hurt Ava, but saw her expression close down into neutrality, knew she wouldn’t talk about it.

‘I’m sure. If we don’t turn up that’s the exact wrong message to send out. It won’t help you. Or me.’

After that she adroitly changed the subject, manufactured small talk for the remainder of their journey, until they pulled up in the vicinity of the exclusive restaurant.

Ava focused on the click of her heels on the pavement, the cold February air that permeated the wool of her navy-blue button-down coat. Tried to push down and freeze the negativity and doubts swirled up by her mother. Allowed herself an awareness of Liam’s strength and warmth, knew she needed to channel that to play the role of adoring and adored girlfriend, to cast the spell of an illusory love for the public eye to behold.

Because she was going to make this charade work, at least achieve something to help her embattled company. And so she entered the glitz and glamour of the star-studded restaurant with confidence in her walk and in her smile. Chose her food with care—there was no way Ava Casseveti would be snapped with spinach in her teeth, or a food stain on her dress.

When the drinks arrived she raised her sparkling water, aware that many of their fellow diners were watching. ‘Cheers,’ she said.

‘Cheers,’ he answered. ‘Thank you for seeing this through.’

‘No problem. My mother thought this charade a good idea and she knows what she is talking about. So this dinner is important.’

‘Just because she knows about spin doesn’t mean she knows everything. When someone is obsessed by bitterness their perspective is skewed. Looking back now, I know my father’s was. I think your mother’s is too. She didn’t mean what she said about it being your fault. About you being a better daughter.’

The echo of her mother’s words stung. ‘Unfortunately the only person who would know that is my dad so I’ll never know for sure. But as you said you’re dealt the cards you’re dealt in life.’

‘Yes. Now it’s up to you how to play the hand. Seems to me you’ve got a tricky one. Maybe I can help. Maybe talking about it will help.’

‘I don’t want to talk about my mother.’

‘I meant help with Dolci. In my ruthless businessman role.’

‘You want to help me rescue Dolci?’

‘Yes. You don’t deserve to be in this position. I wouldn’t have lifted a finger for your dad but I’d like to help you.’

‘I appreciate that.’ And she did. ‘But there is nothing you can do. I am caught between a rock and a hard place. My mother wants me to overturn the will, work to oust Luca and Jodi. Luca and Jodi are refusing to engage so I don’t even know what they want. My dad seemed to think we would all miraculously become a happy family.’

‘What about what you want?’

Ava paused, fork halfway to her mouth. ‘Me? I’d like... I’d like us all to sit down and talk. But I’d also like world peace—neither is very likely.’

That pulled a smile from him. ‘I admit it’s hard to see your mother shaking hands with the usurpers. Right now. So maybe that needs to be your long-term goal. You need to think about what you can control now. Focus on a short-term goal, an obstacle you can overcome.’

Ava sat for a moment, tasted the succulent flavour of the perfectly cooked lamb and thought about his words. ‘I’d like to show the world that I am capable, or at least more capable than they think I am. That my ideas could work.’

‘Then pick an idea and do it. Your way.’

Easy to say—she wasn’t sure she knew what ‘her’ way was. ‘That’s what you would do, but that’s because you know what you’re doing.’

Liam paused. ‘No, I don’t. Not always. I don’t want to ruin my image but I certainly made my share of mistakes.’

‘You did?’

‘Yes. There was the time I nearly landed us with a lawsuit when I let myself get distracted and riled during a security assignment. The police tried to arrest me whilst someone tried to attack the guy I was meant to be protecting.’

‘What happened?’

‘I knocked the police officer out so I could protect the client. It eventually worked out but it nearly didn’t. And another person may have handled it differently, figured out a less violent way. But sometimes you have to do it your way, take a stand, act on your own instincts, take a risk.’

‘Maybe I am too risk averse. All I see is the worst-case scenario.’

Liam shook his head. ‘I don’t think it’s that.’

‘Then what do you think it is?’

He hesitated and she gestured. ‘It’s fine. Hit me with it.’ She genuinely wanted his opinion, wondered how it had come to matter to her so much in such a short space of time.

‘Right. I think you’re too worried about everyone else. You want to please your father and your mother and the press and your staff and you’ve lost sight of you. That’s what I told you from the start. Make the company yours. Show everyone you can do this—if implementing a new green policy is problematic, do something smaller first. But do something.’

Ava swirled her water thoughtfully, pushed her plate away, her mind racing. ‘OK. So I need to do something to win their respect. I know what would help—I just have no idea how to do it.’

‘Tell me.’

‘My dad was about to close a deal with Leonardo Brunetti—he owns a chain of upmarket Italian emporium-type supermarkets. Since my father’s death he’s been prevaricating and now he’s on the verge of pulling out. He’s citing the uncertainty of Dolci’s future and my inexperience. I can’t help feeling that if Luca approached him he’d be fine.’

Liam could hear the bitterness in her voice. ‘Because he’s a man.’

‘Yes, partly, but mostly because Luca has set up his own company, made a success off his own bat.’

‘Then how about approaching Luca? You could go to see Leonardo Brunetti together, pitch for the deal.’

‘No.’ Ava needed to prove to everyone, including Luca, that she could do this herself. ‘I need something different. I’ve done everything I can think of to win Leonardo Brunetti over. Short of giving him the damn products. I have written reports, costed spreadsheets, put together a presentation on why Dolci products are great. But I can’t be my father and I can’t pretend that Dolci isn’t having leadership issues.’

‘No, but you can be yourself. Stop apologising for your past and your father. You are a successful woman in your own right.’

‘It doesn’t feel like that.’

‘Then fake it. Like you fake your smile.’

Ava stared at him—why on earth hadn’t she thought of that herself? ‘You’re a genius. Fake it till you make it,’ she said. ‘I’m good at that.’

There was a heartbeat of silence as the words lingered in the air and the atmosphere changed. Liam leaned forward, raised an eyebrow. ‘Really?’ he said, his word a long drawl, a teasing glint in his cobalt eyes. ‘Interesting.’

Heat crept over her face. ‘I wasn’t talking about...that.’

‘Talking about what?’ He maintained a tone of mock innocence but couldn’t hold back a grin.

‘I wasn’t talking about sex,’ she muttered. ‘I meant that it’s like modelling—sometimes you have to act, fake a smile and you keep doing it until it looks real and...then sometimes you find yourself genuinely...’

‘Making it?’ he offered helpfully.

‘Yes.’ Against her will she did smile. ‘I need to stop digging this hole until it’s so deep there’s no way I’m getting out of it.’

‘It’s fine. I’ll help you out. Any time.’ He wriggled his eyebrows and she chuckled, then he joined in and it was as though they couldn’t stop, the laughter an incredible and welcome release from all the pent-up tension and emotion.

‘I needed that,’ Ava said eventually.

‘So did I.’

‘Thank you for listening. It’s really helped. I feel like I can think more clearly. And you’re right. I need to jump off the treadmill because it isn’t working. It’s as though I’m running as hard as I can to maintain a status quo that can no longer exist.’ So she needed a new Ava Casseveti—a new persona. Needed to do something different, eye-catching... ‘I’ve got it!’

‘Tell me.’

There it was again, the deep voice, the genuine interest that seemed to caress her skin.

‘A fundraiser. A glamorous, glitzy fundraiser. I’ll call in some markers in the showbiz world. I’ll ask the Brunettis, I’ll ask the staff, I’ll use my aristocratic connections. Raise shedloads of money for charity. If Dolci goes under at least I’ll have done something good that I believe in.’

‘That’s a brilliant idea.’

‘You really think so?’


‘So how about we do it together? It would give us something to focus on. We could promote it together, organise it together as a “couple”.’ And with any luck they could somehow transform all the sexual tension into an energy to create an amazing event. ‘You can ask your clients and Ray Beaumont.’

He smiled. ‘It’s a great idea. Let’s do it. First things first. What shall we fundraise for? What is a cause that means a lot to you?’

‘I want to raise money for disaster victims and raise awareness about climate change. Given how many natural disasters there have been recently, fires, tornadoes and the devastation caused, I’d like to help.’


Sudden excitement fizzed in her, not only for the project, but because Liam hadn’t dismissed her idea. Instead he’d encouraged it and she couldn’t help but beam at him. And as she did her gaze took him in: the swell of muscle in his upper arm, the sheer masculine beauty of his strong, capable hands, the... Stop!

From now on it needed to be venues, ticket prices, food and canapés all the way. However hard that was going to be.