1964. “Trade Unionism.” In State and Society in Modern North Africa. Ed. Carl Brown. Washington, DC: The Middle East Institute.

December 1964. “Tunisia’s Trade Unions.” African Studies Bulletin. Volume 7, Number 4, pp. 13ff.

August 30, 1965. “Revolutionary Warfare: How to Tell When the Rebels Have Won.” The Nation. Volume 201, Number 5, pp. 95–100. Reprinted in Revolutionary Warfare: How to Tell When the Rebels Have Won. Boston: New England Free Press, 1965. Also printed in Viet Nam: History, Documents, and Opinions on a Major World Crisis. Ed. Marvin E. Gettleman. Greenwich: Fawcett Premier, 1965, pp. 351–62.

1966. “Trade Unionism in the Maghreb.” In State and Society in Independent North Africa. Ed. L. Carl Brown. Washington, DC: Middle East Institute.

1968. Dialogue with Samuel P. Huntington et al. In No More Vietnams? The War and the Future of American Policy. Ed. Richard M. Pfeffer. New York: Harper and Row.

January 29, 1968. “Primer for Revolutionary Guerrillas.” The Nation. Volume 206, Number 5, pp. 149–153.

July–August 1968. “Radical But Wrong.” Monthly Review. Volume 20, Number 23, pp. 70–83. Reprinted in Régis Dehray and the Latin American Revolution. Eds. Paul Sweezy and Leo Huberman. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969, pp. 70–83.

March 3, 1969. “America as Superpower: How We Look to the Third World.” The Nation. Volume 208, Number 9, pp. 265–269.

1971. Foreword to The June 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Miscalculation or Conspiracy? Ed. Samò Elias. Wilmette, Illinois: Medina University Press.

1971. “Revolutionary Warfare and Counterinsurgency.” In National Liberation: Revolution in the Third World. Eds. Norman Miller and Roderick Aya. New York: Free Press, pp. 137–213.

February 1971. “Theories of Counterinsurgency.” Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 76–80.

August 2, 1971. “Winning Hearts and Minds: The Theory and Fallacies of Counterinsurgency.” The Nation. Volume 213, Number 3, pp. 70–85.

September 2, 1971. “Letter to a Pakistani Diplomat.” The New York Review of Books. Volume 17, Number 3.

Winter 1972. “Notes on South Asia in Crisis.” Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 23–29.

February 1972. “Speaking Truth to Power: An Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, Tony Russo, and Eqbal Ahmad.” Interview by Studs Terkel. Harper’s Magazine. Volume 244, Number 1461, pp. 52ff.

July 1973. “South Asia in Crisis and India’s Counterinsurgency War Against the Nagas and Mizos.” Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. Volume 5, Number 1, pages 25–36.

1974. “Pakistan: Signposts to a Police State.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. Volume 4, Number 4.

March 1974. “America and Russia in South Asia: Conflict or Collusion?” Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. Volume 6, Number 1, pp. 22–27.

1975. “The Economic Implications of U.S. Foreign Policy.” With Cyril E. Black et al. Sound recording. Santa Barbara: California Center for the Study of Democratic Insitutions.

1975. “‘A World Restored’ Revisited: American Diplomacy in the Middle East.” In Middle East Crucible: Studies on the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973. Ed. Naseer H. Aruri. Wilmette, Illinois: Medina University Press.

Winter 1978. “M’hamed Ali and the Tunisian Labor Movement.” With Stuart Schaar. Race and Class. Volume 19, Number 3, pp. 253–76.

1978. “Indictment for Conspiracy to Murder Orlando Letelier.” Race and Class. Volume 19, Number 3.

May 1978. “Human Rights in Morocco and Tunisia.” With Stuart Schaar. MERIP Report. Volume 8, Number 4.

Summer 1979. “The Iranian Revolution.” Race and Class. Volume 21, Number 1, pp. 3–11.

1980. Eqbal Ahmad, “Political Culture and Foreign Policy: Notes on American Interventions in the Third World.” In For Better or Worse: The American Influence in the World. Ed. Allen Freeman Davis. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, pp. 119–31.

March 3, 1980. “Iran and the West: A Century of Subjugation.” Christianity and Crisis. Volume 40, pp. 37–44.

Summer 1980. “A Perspective from the Third World on War and Its Abolition.” Interviewed by Virginia Heiseman. Race and Class. Volume 22, Number 1, pp. 77–81.

Summer 1980. “From Potato Sack to Potato Mash: The Contemporary Crisis of the Third World.” Arab Studies Quarterly. Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 223ff.

Summer 1980. “The Question of Palestine” Review of Edward W. Said, The Question of Palestine. Race and Class. Volume 22, Number 1, pp. 85–91.

Autumn 1980. “Pakistan in Crisis: An Interview with Eqbal Ahmad.” Race and Class. Volume 22, Number 2, pp. 129–46.

Fall 1980. “Post-Colonial Systems of Power.” Arab Studies Quarterly. Volume 2, Number 4, pp. 350ff.

Spring 1981. “The Neo-Fascist State: Notes on the Pathology of Power in the Third World.” Arab Studies Quarterly. Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 170–80.

1982. “Rentier State and Shia Islam in the Iranian Revolution—Comments.” Theory and Society. Volume 11, Number 3, pp. 293–300.

March 1983. “The Public Relations of Ethnocide.” Journal of Palestine Studies. Volume 12, pp. 31–40.

Spring 1983. “Introduction.” In The Invasion of Lebanon. Special double issue of Race and Class. Eds. Eqbal Ahmad and Ibrahim Abu-Lughod. Volume 24, Number 4, pp. i–viii.

Spring 1984. “‘Pioneering’ in the Nuclear Age: An Essay on Israel and the Palestinians.” Race and Class. Volume 25, Number 4, pp. 1–20.

1984. “Islam and Politics.” In Islamic Impact. Eds. Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Byron Haines, and Ellison Banks Findly. New York: Syracuse University Press, pp. 7–26.

1985. “Cracks in the Western World(view).” Radical America. Volume 19, Number 1, pp. 37–46.

1985. “Islam and Politics.” In Islam, Politics, and the State: The Pakistan Experience. Ed. Mohammad Ashgar Khan. London: Zed Books.

September 21, 1985. “Only as Good as Its Members.” The Nation. Volume 241, Number 8, pp. 242–44.

May–June 1986. “Comprehending Terror.” Middle East Report. Volume 16, Number 3, pp. 3–5.

April 11, 1988. “A Reporter At Large: Bloody Games.” With Richard J. Barnet. New Yorker, pp. 44–86.

May–June 1989. “Middle East Peace Priorities in the US: Seven Perspectives.” With Noam Chomsky et al. Middle East Report. Volume 19, Number 3.

July 1990. “Kashmir and Its Challenges.” Pakistan Horizon. Volume 43, Number 3, pp. 11–20.

August 1990. “An Era of Grief: United States Policy in the Middle East Created a Power Vacuum that Saddam Hussein Has Moved to Fill.” New Statesman and Society. Volume 3, pp. 12–13.

1991. “What Arabs Know, and You Don’t.” In Gulf War: Views from the Other Side. Manila: Socio-Pastoral Institute.

1991. “Portent of a New Century.” In Beyond the Storm: A Gulf Crisis Reader. Eds. Phyllis Bennis and Michel Moushabeck. Brooklyn: Olive Branch Press.

March–April 1991. “Nightmare Victory?” Mother Jones. Volume 16, Number 2, pp. 4–7.

March 17, 1991. “The Hundred-Hour War.” Dawn. Volume 50, Number 76, p. 11.

June 1991. “Soul Struggles,” New Statesman and Society. Volume 4, pp. 23–24.

1993. “Racism and the State: The Coming Crisis of U.S.-Japanese Relations.” In Japan in the World. Eds. Masao Miyoshi and H.D. Harootunian. Durham: Duke UP, pp. 40–48.

1993. “M’Hamed Ali: Tunisian Labor Organizer.” In Struggle and Survival in the Modern Middle East. With Stuart Schaar. Ed. Edmund Burke III. Berkeley: UC Berkeley Press, pp. 253–76. Revised version of article from Race and Class, Winter 1978.

Summer 1993. “At the Cold War’s End: A World of Pain.” Boston Review. Volume 18, Numbers 3–4.

1994. Introduction to The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with Edward W. Said. Ed. David Barsamian. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press.

June 8, 1997. “Culture of Imperialism.” Dawn. Volume 50, Number 152, p. 13.

September 23, 1997. “Algeria’s Unending Tragedy.” Dawn. Volume 50, Number 257, p. 13.

February 2, 1998. “Feudal Culture and Violence (Roots of Violence in Pakistan) II.” Dawn. Volume 52, Number 31, p. 13.

Spring 1998. “Jihad International, Inc.” CovertAction Quarterly. Number 64, pp. 29–32.

May 17, 1998. “India’s Obsession, Our Choice.” Dawn. Volume 52, Number 130, p. 13.

June 6, 1998. “Reason as Spectator.” Dawn. Volume 52, Number 151, p. 13.

June 28, 1998. “No Alternative to Dialogue.” Dawn. Volume 52, Number 172, p. 13.

June 29, 1998. “Fire on the Mountain.” The Nation. Volume 266, Number 23, p. 6.

August 27–September 2, 1998. “A Mirage Misnamed Strategic Depth.” Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt).

September 21, 1998. “Missile Diplomacy.” The Nation. Volume 267, Number 8, p. 29.

November 5–11, 1998. “After the Peace of the Weak.” Al-Ahram Weekly (Egypt). Number 402.

1999. “When Mountains Die.” In Pakistan-India Nuclear Peace Reader. Lahore, Pakistan: Mashal, pp. 8–13.