We thought we could . . .
We said we would
go on the climb
to Mount Sublime
and we did it! Yes! We did it!
We got to the top! We did it!
They said it was impossible.
They said we wouldn’t last.
They said it was a grown-ups’ walk
and grown-ups walk too fast.
They said you must be big and strong –
The path is very steep
and you have to cross some channels where
the water’s very deep.
They said the climb is difficult
and we’re not old enough
to know you just keep going when
the going’s really tough.
They said there could be leeches and
creepy crawly things
and real explorers don’t complain
of scratches, bites and stings.
They thought we wouldn’t make it but
they let us go along
and we showed them, yes we showed them they
were wrong! wrong! wrong!
Kate O’Neil