You have a body.
You’re not air.
You’re not just anywhere,
you’re THERE.
I suppose you might feel new with it,
wondering what you might do with it.
Those arms and legs
can be flung about.
You can walk
or run
or fall over
which is, of course,
the problem with that.
You can breathe, you can gasp,
you can cough, sneeze or rasp.
You have fingers!
You can grasp!
And it’s all yours
to do what you want with,
to turn right round or
face the front with.
Or mostly yours,
though some of it belongs
to your mum and dad
to remind them of the bodies
they once had.
And yet it’s yours –
you’ll see it grow
though not so that
you ever know.
It’s fun, it’s great,
something you learn to operate.
Just pinch yourself and see.
Who is that? It’s YOU not me.
It’s yours to wear and yours to be.
And it comes free!
George Szirtes