
I love my family like crazy. Of course, they sometimes drive me crazy too—doesn’t everyone’s pack? But no matter how much they make my fur stand on end on an almost-daily basis, they truly mean the world to me.

Do I ever wish I could live in a house where I didn’t have to share the hot water every morning? Totally.

Do I love the days when I wake up first and get to shower and shave (and sometimes shave again) before Clawd clogs the drain with his shedding issues? For sure.

Would it be great to have my own bedroom so I wouldn’t have to worry about Howleen absentmindedly chewing the sleeve off my best leather jacket while she reads? Absolutely.

But being a part of my pack is (almost always) worth all the little inconveniences that come with a big family. Sure, it would be nice to be able to stretch out and have a little more space from time to time, but I really do think our house is cozy, loving, and fun. And we all look out for one another, which is a majorly clawesome perk of wolf culture.

Summer at our house gets even crazier. My big sis, Clawdia, comes home from Londoom for a few months, and we always have a rotating group of family guests—cousins, aunts, uncles, grandwolves (though thankfully not all at the same time!). Knowing how chaotic things can be in the summer at the Wolf house, it’s going to be extra tricky to find time to get everything ready for the Freaky-Fabulous Fashion Show this year.

So I guess that’s what I’m writing about in my diary today. I only have two weeks left to get everything done, and about two years’ worth of work to do. The good news is, with school out for the summer, I can work full-time on the show. Hopefully, I can kick Howleen out of our room for a while every day to get some work done. Believe me, I’m going to need every last second.

This show is so important to me, and because so much is riding on it, I want to get it right. Especially since my ghoulfriends have been giving up so much of their free time to help me out. I want to prove to them—and myself—that I can successfully manage a fashion show! This is a perfect chance to prove I can run my own fashion empire someday.

Enough writing about what I’m doing… time to get back to work. These designs aren’t going to sew themselves.

NOTE: This is a PRIVATE diary. To anyone who might be sniffing around inside these pages (that’s YOU, Howleen): Read this, and I’m sneaking boiled spinach into your breakfast scramble. Keep out!

Clawdeen image