
Most Americans at least have an inkling as to what the mood of the country had been on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese destroyed the Hawaiian fleet, killing 2,400 of our servicemen. But the 2,992 victims of 9/11 possibly evoke even more outrage. As devastating as it was, the Pearl Harbor attack was a military aggression and engagement. On 9/11, the dead were almost all civilians in their workplace at the World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, on airplanes slamming into buildings at hundreds of miles an hour, with one allegedly nose-diving into a field, and hundreds of New York City firefighters not only doing their job of putting out fires but also trying to save the lives of at least some of the civilian victims. FDR coined December 7, 1941, as the “Day of Infamy”; 9/11 is simply “9/11.”

Forty-eight hours after the attacks began, the FBI announced the names of the eighteen, and soon changed to nineteen, Islamic Al-Qaeda terrorists who were split into four hijacking squads. President Bush immediately declared a War on Terrorism, and soon thereafter, Afghanistan and Iraq were attacked in the name of 9/11 and terrorism. September 11, and the ensuing Anthrax “terrorist” attack, shocked Americans into a state of mind whereby they could not fathom how this could happen on their soil; shocked into a state of mind where their leaders became heroes, and the military became personal weapons of revenge. Americans willingly gave them carte blanche.

The events of 9/11 won’t be rehashed here. The author’s thesis is the almost likely aspect that the events of 9/11 were either made to happen or allowed to happen, duplicating similar maneuvers in the last century to invoke hate and fear in order to rally the American people against an enemy for the purpose of waging war for profits and military strategic placement.


Firefighter in front of burning building and rubble following September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on World Trade Center, New York City. Mike Goad.

Architect Richard Gage, AIA, is the founder and president of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth). Beginning in 2006, this nonprofit organization of architects, engineers, and affiliates has dedicated itself to establishing the truth about the events of September 11, 2001.

Mr. Gage has been an architect for thirty years, having worked on construction administration for a $125 million high school, and more recently, near Las Vegas, six blocks of retail and midrise office space, altogether about 1,200 tons of fireproofed steel framing. AE911Truth represents more than 3,000 architects and engineers demanding a new investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers.

The organization’s purpose written on their website is to “Pursue our mission by conducting research and educating the public about the scientific evidence related to the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers, and by working with victims’ families and other activists to advocate for a new investigation. At the heart of our work is our deeply-held conviction that establishing the truth is essential to achieving justice for the murder of nearly 3,000 people that day. Furthermore, we believe that an honest public accounting of 9/11 is the only way to bring about genuine and lasting change to the system that enabled this atrocity to take place and to the sweeping policies enacted in its aftermath.”

The following are excerpts of a talk that Mr. Gage made in Switzerland in November 2018:154

. . . But you know, we’re not here really just to talk about how three skyscrapers were destroyed. There is something much more important about this subject. . . . And that is that we’ve invaded two countries and killed a couple of million people in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have a $4.5 trillion ongoing global war on terror as a result of 9/11, and initiated by the events that occurred at the World Trade Center. We’ve lost civil liberties in our country. We can be arrested without just cause, and we can be held indefinitely without a right to a trial, a lawyer, or a jury.

The first thing we should note concerning the World Trade Center is Tower 7, comprised of forty-seven stories, the tallest buildings in most of the states of the US. It was part of the World Trade Center complex, about a football field away from the North Tower. When the Twin Towers came down, it got hit by some of the columns and beams that were ejected out of the towers, causing some fires, but it was standing just fine until about five-twenty in the afternoon. That’s when the building collapsed—in just under seven seconds. A third of its fall was in free-fall acceleration.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), assigned by Congress to investigate the collapses of the three towers, said that the Building 7 collapse was primarily due to uncontrolled fires. They focused their theory on one column underneath the east penthouse, because that penthouse came down six seconds prior to the overall building. Their theory of collapse was that this column gave way underneath the penthouse, and the rest of the building came down due to the failure of that one column.

AE911Truth has found that there have been dozens of much hotter, larger, and longer-lasting fires in high rises—such as a building in Los Angeles that burned for three and a half hours over five floors, and in Philadelphia, burning eighteen hours over eight floors, and in Venezuela, burning seventeen hours over twenty-six floors. Not one high-rise prior to 9/11 has collapsed due to fire. Yet on 9/11, we have three.

Let’s look at what can bring buildings down, and what has brought buildings down intentionally and historically—controlled demolitions, because there are dozens of them every year. They place shaped cutter charges at the columns and beams around the building, and then detonate them in a very precise order—synchronistically-timed, floor-by-floor so that the building can come down symmetrically, if that’s what they desire, or in any other way that they desire, and generally at or near free-fall acceleration. This is not something that fire can do; it’s something that only a handful of the top demolition companies in the world can handle.

There’s a set of features associated with these controlled demolitions, which you’ll see satisfy the features of destruction found in the three World Trade Center towers. Let’s concentrate on the forty-seven floor Tower 7:

SUDDEN ONSET of destruction—Building 7 began its collapse without any visible hesitation, which would be expected by a building impacting upon itself.

STRAIGHT DOWN symmetrical collapse into building footprint—After the penthouse collapsed, the remaining building came down straight and symmetrical in under seven seconds. For this to have happened, the core columns underneath that main penthouse had to have been taken out all at once—the twenty-four core columns, followed by the perimeters.

PATTERNED REMOVAL OF COLUMN SUP-PORTS— How do they bring a building straight down? In the case of Tower 7, they have to remove those twenty-four core columns followed by those perimeter columns within a fraction of a second of each other— synchronistically timed floor-by-floor. Does fire have that level of precision, especially the few small scattered fires in Building 7?

FREE-FALL ACCELERATION through the path of greatest resistance—How fast is Tower 7 coming down? Physics experts show us that it came down at free fall acceleration. But there’s forty thousand tons of resistance holding this building up, which is three to five times stronger than is needed to hold it up for the life of the building. How did Building 7 fall at free-fall acceleration when it had forty thousand tons of resistance holding it up? In addition, falling at free fall means that not one of the Building 7 columns gave any resistance at all. Fire has never brought down a skyscraper, and fire could never have dislodged each of those twenty-four core columns at once.

TOTAL SHATTERING of the structural steel frame—Tower 7 was a forty-seven-story steel frame building where most of the columns and the beams were rigidly welded to each other; yet they gave way like a house of cards, and it fell into a six-story pile. Buildings that fall naturally fall over, following the path of least resistance. They don’t fall straight down through themselves. The beams and columns are not dismembered one from the other. The concrete is not pulverized to a fine powder.

SOUNDS OF EXPLOSIONS heard by credible witnesses— Many witnesses reported hearing sounds of explosions and seeing flashes of light, yet NIST’s final report did not include any of these hundreds of testimonies.

Fire, the government’s official cause of destruction for the World Trade Center’s demise, doesn’t account for any one of these characteristics. Fires have caused less robust structures to collapse, and when they do so it’s:


It is gradual. It follows the laws of entropy. It’s chaotic.

It would fall over, in stages.

To the more than 3,000 architects and engineers who belong to AE911Truth, this is proof that Tower 7 was brought down by controlled demolition.

The Twin Towers

The official story is that the combination of the plane collisions and the fires burning so hot caused the steel frame of each building to give way. Suddenly, and with no warning, 110 stories crumbled to the ground at almost free-fall acceleration in about twelve seconds.

The official story of the tower’s collapse goes against every known theory of physics. The government says that the collapse of the top fifteen stories drove the rest of the tower down to the ground. When you watch a slow-motion video of the collapse, you will see that the top portion of each tower actually destroys itself in the first few seconds. After that, the top fifteen stories are gone. There’s nothing left to crush the rest of the building down to the ground. What we might have seen if the official story was valid is the upper and lower sections mutually destroy each other until all the energy is dissipated and the system comes to rest. Alternatively, the top section could have fallen off to the side after the initial collapse, leaving the rest of the floors below intact. What could not have happened is that the lightest section of the building above could not have fallen and crushed all the floors below it. It is such a simple fundamental concept that architects and engineers were astonished in seeing it totally ignored by NIST.

Let’s again apply the model of controlled demolition features and see if it applies or not to the Twin Towers collapse, just as we did Tower 7.

1. SUDDEN ONSET of destruction—Both towers were standing still, and then suddenly dropped smoothly. There’s no jolt, hesitation, impact, or the entropy of falling over.

2. PATTERNED EXPLOSIONS and FLASHES OF LIGHT— We didn’t know until August of 2005 that New York City had this treasure trove of testimonies orally recorded by the first responders in October of 2001. One hundred eighteen of the first responders observed flashes, sounds of explosions, and other phenomena indicative of explosive demolition. “All of a sudden the ground just started shaking. It felt like a train running under my feet. The next thing we know, we look up and the tower is collapsing.” “Shortly before the first tower came down, I remember feeling the ground shaking. I heard a terrible noise and then debris just started flying everywhere.” Assistant Fire Commissioner James Drury said, “I thought the terrorists planted explosives somewhere in the building. That’s how loud it was . . . crackling explosive.” Eyewitness after eyewitness describes “boom, boom, boom” or “pop, pop, pop,” exactly what it sounds like just prior to a building’s collapse during controlled demolition. The official story is that the towers began their collapse causing all of that phenomena, yet the reality proven from the eyewitness accounts is that the collapse was the result of the explosive phenomena.

3. STRAIGHT-DOWN symmetrical progression outside footprint—There is a symmetrical progression that is straight down, but unlike Building 7, not inside the footprint—that was a perfect implosion—but this was a very explosive, symmetrical straight down event, but out 1,200 feet in diameter. We have symmetrical progression all the way down despite the asymmetry from the plane damage and the fires in the building. The steel structure is completely broken up well beyond the boundary of The World Trade Center. By the way, if a hundred thousand tons of structural steel is delivered outside the footprint of each of the towers, then what’s left to crush the building? The concrete floors? Stand by.

4. EJECTIONS OF BUILDING MATERIALS AT LOWER FLOORS —In the case of the South Tower, all at once, there are dozens of isolated explosive ejections known as squibs in the controlled demolition industry, indicating the complete disintegration of this top section, which is why it comes down in and on itself, and couldn’t possibly drive the rest of the building down, because it’s being destroyed from within. In addition, twenty, forty, and even sixty stories down, we see these “squibs” which are pulverized building materials. NIST says these are puffs of air being produced by that giant block of building pushing air down the elevator hoists that has got to go out somewhere. If this was the case, though, we would not have seen these highly focalized pinpoint accurate violent ejections occurring at 160 to 200 feet per second. These are explosive speeds.

5. FREE-FALL ACCELERATION through path of greatest resistance—There was most certainly near free fall acceleration of collapse in about twelve seconds, at about ten floors per second. Exact free-fall time would have been 9.2 seconds. There’s not even time for those 280 columns to buckle on each floor.

6. TOTAL SHATTERING of the structural steel frame—The structural steel frame is almost completely shattered—all the way down to ground level.

7. LATERAL EJECTION of structural steel up to 600 feet at 60 mph—Flying structural steel sections landed up to 600 feet in every direction, blown out horizontally. If the building came down as the official story says, those steel sections would be brought down by gravity; not shot out horizontally, and with enough energy to fire a 200-pound ball, three miles. Where did all that energy come from?

8. Pyroclastic-like clouds of PULVERIZED CONCRETE— 110 stories fell in each tower. If you believe the official story, shouldn’t Ground Zero have been comprised of 110 floors of debris stacked up in a pancake-like collapse? Yet all we have is a two, three, or four-story pile of core columns, perimeter columns, and other miscellaneous metal. Where are all the concrete floors? Each of them was an acre in size and there’s 110 of them. We don’t find fifty, we don’t find ten, and we don’t even find one. What happened to them? They’re pulverized in midair during the collapse. All the photos and videos show us exactly what happened to 90,000 tons of concrete in each of these towers spread over lower Manhattan in a three-square-mile area. By the way, if ninety thousand tons of concrete is pulverized in midair and spread outside the perimeter of each building, what was left to crush the building? Certainly not the steel that was also outside the perimeter. So now it is two-thirds of the weight of this building that is not even present to crush the building below, which is what the official story tells us!

9. Persistent Extreme Heat MOLTEN STEEL/IRON—The National Fire Protection Association—Guide 921 says to look for extreme thermal effects in fire, because if you have that, then you have good reason to suspect incendiaries. “Large volumes of gas in the large amount of heat released in chemical explosions causing rapidly expanding plumes in cauliflower shapes.” Exactly what was seen at the Twin Towers as they were destroyed. This was a lot more heat than was available at the time of the collapses, which was minimal, indicated by the thick black smoke clouds. These fires are oxygen-starved and diminished at the time of the collapse. So where is the extreme heat coming from? Possibly the most important unexplained phenomenon at ground zero is the extremely high temperatures registered under the rock for many weeks after the collapses. Mayor Giuliani reported that underground fires were at temperatures of 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. The Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers wrote that thermal measurements taken by helicopter each day, showed underground temperatures of more than 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit eight weeks later, and the fires still had not subsided. As a matter of fact, the last fire finally extinguished itself on December 19, 2001, more than 3.5 months after the collapse. Numerous eyewitnesses saw molten steel and iron, even calling it molten lava. Officials tried to say that it was aluminum or lead, but there are tons and tons of it, and aluminum and lead don’t glow white-hot, which can be seen pouring out of the towers just prior to its collapse. FEMA reported that “a liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel. . . . No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified.” [See #10 below.] In fact, the New York Times called it “the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation,” but was completely eliminated from the NIST report. How do we get those kinds of temperatures? The fires are only said to be about 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Hydrocarbons—which is what building materials and jet fuel are—only burn 600 to 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit. How then did all of that steel melt when it takes 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit to melt steel? What could cause those high temperatures?

10. Forensic evidence of THERMITE INCENDIARIES— Thermite is a very effective means of destroying steel structures, more effective than explosives. In just two seconds, thermite reaches temperatures of 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit. And sulfur, combined with thermite, produces thermate, which is much more effective at cutting through steel. If thermite were used, it would explain the presence of molten iron. And, if thermite were used, it would have produced a characteristic burn pattern; a white, yellow hot liquid which can be seen pouring out of the South Tower. It would also produce a whitish cloud of aluminum oxide ash which can be seen rising off the top of that molten metal. And, regarding those freely flying structural steel members, why are their ends trailed by thick white smoke clouds? Structural steel is not combustible in office fires with jet fuel. The US Geological Survey performed studies on the World Trade Center dust, and found amounts to billions of previously molten iron microspheres—about the diameter of a human hair. They can’t explain where they came from, yet these molten iron microspheres just happen to be byproducts of thermite reactions, and they were formed during the event; not before and not after, but during.

Almost as soon as the book 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions by Ian Henshall and Morgan Rowland was released, the United States Department of State Information website, International Information programs, contained a section titled, “9/11 Revealed, New Book Repeats False Conspiracy Theories.” This article was on their website for years but has since been removed. It included the following statements:

9/11 Revealed, published in August 2005, is the latest book putting forth bizarre conspiracy theories about the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. Its two British authors, Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan, give credence to a hodgepodge of sinister, unfounded allegations. . . .

The book claims the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers collapsed because they were pre-rigged with explosives but ignores an extraordinarily thorough, three-year investigation by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).155 NIST concluded the towers collapsed because the impact of the plane crashes severed and damaged support columns and dislodged fireproofing insulation from the steel floor trusses and support columns, which allowed the fires to weaken them to the point where they bowed, buckled, and failed. It stated on its website that it found “no corroborating evidence for alternative hypotheses suggesting that the WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition. . . . The book suggests that the 47-story World Trade Center 7 building, which also collapsed on September 11, was intentionally demolished. . . .”

The first thing that must be noted is that the Warren Commission that investigated the JFK assassination and the nine Congressional commissions that investigated Pearl Harbor during and after World War II were both obviously inaccurate in their conclusions. A multitude of evidence has been brought out to-date disproving the conclusions of these former commissions, so there is no reason to believe that the NIST conclusions are any more reliable than those of its predecessors.

Furthermore, if Tower 7 was not brought down, it was the only steel-structured skyscraper in the history of the world to be destroyed by fire, falling just one-half second longer than if it was a freefalling penny with no air resistance.156

If the World Trade Center collapsed due to structural damage caused by the planes, why didn’t the portion of the Pentagon hit by the Boeing 757 collapse for the same reason?

Did the NIST staff verify that they were examining pieces of the steel girders from the WTC towers?

If the steel girders examined by the NIST staff were from the towers, wouldn’t a controlled demolition also have dislodged fireproofing insulation coating the steel floor trusses and steel columns?

What happened to all of the ninety floors of desks, file cabinets, sheetrock, elevators, and most importantly, the black boxes from the two hijacked planes?

Why were the remaining portions of the steel girders hauled away immediately and shipped to the Far East to be melted down? Those steel girders were evidence.

The State Department’s information site stated, “The book claims a drone Boeing 757, or a smaller plane painted in American Airlines colors, hit the Pentagon, but ignores the fact that forensic specialists identified the crew and passengers of American Airlines flight 77 from remains found in the Pentagon, proving irrefutably that the flight hit the Pentagon.” How did the forensic specialists know that the remains came from the Pentagon and not from somewhere else?

There were three known videos taken of the “hit” at the Pentagon. One was from a hotel roof, another from a gas station directly across from the Pentagon, and the last from a civilian. All three were immediately confiscated by FBI agents and never returned.


This is a composite of several images of the president and his national security team during a series of meetings in the Situation Room of the White House discussing the mission against Osama bin Laden on Sunday, May 1, 2011. We put this together so in addition to the previous, now-iconic image of this day, people might have a better sense of what it’s like in presidential meetings of historic significance. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza.

Why did the Al-Qaeda terrorist pilot make an unusually difficult 330-degree turn and then approach the Pentagon from almost ground level—both maneuvers very difficult even for an experienced pilot—and attack the exact portion of the Pentagon that had been under construction with a limited amount of personnel? For maximum damage and minimum ease, why didn’t he approach the Pentagon as a Japanese kamikaze pilot would have, smack dab in the middle, taking out the maximum number of army personnel and virtually destroying the heart of the war mechanism? And, using the NIST results, the structural damage would almost certainly have brought down the Pentagon.

Finally, the State Department’s information site stated: “The book takes the bizarre position that the September 11 attacks were not real terrorist attacks and were somehow designed to ‘limit casualties.’ Apparently, the largest terrorist event in history was not large enough to convince the book’s authors that it was real.”157

Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda terrorists planned an ingenious and near-flawless attack, taking out nearly 3000 of our citizens and causing billions of dollars in property damage. The only flaw turned out to be Flight 93, which was presumably headed for the White House but wound up crashing in a Pennsylvania field. Yes, it was the largest terrorist attack in American history, but from Bin Laden’s perspective, the results should have been far worse. An Al-Qaeda video shows Bin Laden laughing that the towers went down, which he almost certainly did not expect, but killing three thousand people was minuscule compared to what was possible.

The two planes that slammed into the World Trade Center took off at around eight in the morning with a minimum number of passengers, but more importantly, the impacts occurred at 8:48 a.m. and 9:03 a.m. If the perpetrators had hijacked planes at nine in the morning, hitting the towers an hour later, they would have been filled with thousands more employees, and many more would have been killed. Why didn’t the terrorists schedule their attack later in the day when they could have killed thousands more?

Again, why did the inexperienced Al-Qaeda pilot bother with very difficult maneuvers when he could have simply dive-bombed the Pentagon, taking all or most of it out, killing many more people, and more importantly, possibly taking out the heart of the nation’s military apparatus?


Route map of Flight 93, which includes a timeline of events starting with the takeoff in Newark. US National Park Service, restoration/cleanup by Matt Holly, 2017.


The anthrax used in the attack immediately following 9/11 was ultimately found to have come from a US facility located in Maryland. Was this attack to further terrorize and panic America’s citizens and divert attention away from investigation into the events surrounding 9/11?

Was Operation Northwoods, the proposal by the Joint Chiefs to down a drone plane over Cuba, the inspiration for 9/11? The Joint Chiefs were prepared to do it in 1962. What would prevent them from carrying it out forty years later?

NORAD had been engaged in week-long war games called Operation Vigilant Guardian when 9/11 occurred. Were the Arab terrorists so aware of America’s activities that they scheduled an attack when their actions might possibly be confused by NORAD as a game, slowing down US reaction time?

A large piece of one of the engines of Flight 93, which crashed into a Pennsylvania field, was found a mile away from the crash site, possibly indicating that the plane did not crash, but had instead been shot down. If the plane had been shot down, why was it kept a secret? Could it have been to add a “luster” of Americans fighting for their lives? Was it a coincidence that the rallying cry of the Afghanistan attack was “Let’s roll!” the famous last words of the cell phone conversation from on-board Flight 93?


September 11 attacks. The Twin Towers from Greenwich Street after United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into WTC2. Hans Joachim Dudeck, 2009.


Image of plane (highlighted) hitting the Pentagon. Washington, DC (Pentagon 9/11 security video). US Government Security Camera, September 11, 2001.

Mohammad Atta boarded a plane in Portland, Maine, bound for Boston, and then got on a connecting flight to New York City. Atta had been carousing in Boston the night before. Why did he drive the hour and a half up to Portland just to take a flight to Boston? Was it because he knew that Boston’s Logan Airport had no surveillance cameras and he wanted to be photographed by the Portland Airport cameras? Was this worth it? If the Portland to Boston flight had been delayed, the entire operation would have had to be scrapped and rescheduled? At Logan Airport, Atta’s suitcase was left off his flight. In the suitcase were Islamic maps, flying instruction booklets, and other items to help identify the terrorists. Even with all of the lost luggage during flights, isn’t it a million to one shot that Atta’s suitcase would have been the one left off his flight? It’s obvious that it was left off for identification purposes, but if Atta did this intentionally, did he have an accomplice working in baggage at Logan, or did operatives take care of it for him?

Though there appears to be conflicting evidence, in 2001 it was nearly impossible for a cell phone connection to go higher than an altitude of 10,000 feet, which means that each cell phone conversation almost certainly could not possibly have occurred when the planes were flying at cruising altitudes over 30,000 feet.

A few hours after the Twin Towers had collapsed, on or around 1:00 p.m. EDT, ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings conducted a phone interview with New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani from the Mayor’s temporary office in midtown New York. Remarkably, at exactly 1:50 p.m. of the interview, Mayor Giuliani told Mr. Jenkins, “When we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse . . .” An extraordinary comment considering three things: With hundreds of firefighters and police not only in the immediate vicinity of the Twin Towers, but inside on the stairwells conducting their rescue operations, why weren’t these firemen and the police not notified of the impending collapse so they could evacuate? Who told the Mayor that the towers would collapse, especially in light of the fact that not one skyscraper had ever collapsed from fire? And lastly, why would Mr. Giuliani ever have made this statement to a major network if it wasn’t true? The mayor has countless times since denied ever saying this, even in the face of this video being available for viewing, and the 9/11 commission never questioned Mr. Giuliani about this admission, and so it was not placed into the public record.

Possibly the most important question—if it’s true that the government fabricated the official story, why did they need to bring down a forty-seven-story building that really had nothing to do with 9/11? The hijacking of the commercial airliners, the government’s military installation at the Pentagon hit by one of the planes, and two of the hijacked planes slamming into the Twin Towers with the ensuing collapse, killing almost 3,000 people, were all that was needed to justify the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the ensuing regime-removals, the installation of strategic United States military bases, the oil companies resuming their role in Iraq’s oil production, TAPI, and the ensuing massive profits. With no added loss of life to the final body count, why did Tower 7 have to be destroyed, especially since many Americans aren’t even aware that it not only existed but that it collapsed along with the Twin Towers? Could it have been the central network hub for planning this 9/11 false flag operation?

Let’s ask some questions, and find some possible answers and motives to this last point:

Who occupied thirty-seven of those forty-seven floors in Tower 7? Answer: Salomon Smith Barney

Who was chairman of the Salomon Smith Barney International Advisory Board prior to becoming George W. Bush’s secretary of state? Answer: Donald Rumsfeld158

Who was on the International Advisory Board of Salomon Smith Barney prior to becoming George W. Bush’s vice president? Answer: Dick Cheney159

Who also occupied floors in Tower 7? Answer: A Secret CIA office,160 NYC Office of Emergency Management, The Department of Defense, and the US Secret Service.161

Need we say more?