Even though Inconvenient Relations is a work of fiction, it would not have come about without the involvement and encouragement of many.
My mother for her unerring belief in my abilities and my daughter who has come to share a similar fondness for writing.
Anica Mcfarlane and Marsha Sanders who took on the ordeal of reading the initial manuscript and Kelley Moulds for going over the proof with a fresh pair of eyes. Their contribution which lasted throughout the entire process and beyond has been invaluable.
Pooja Nagpal, Ramani Bhoothalingam, Vatsalya Gunjan, Kashish Agarwal, Sonali Dhir and countless other wonderful people whose support and companionship has made this entire journey a lot more meaningful and worthwhile.
And finally, I want to thank my editor, Brittiany Koren. Finding her was a stroke of luck for she’s a lot more than what she claims to be; she’s a writer’s dream.