
This story was both heartbreaking and inspiring to write, and yet Olivia and Darius have become two of my favorite characters (with Sofia totally capturing my heart as well!).

As usual, many people helped bring this story to life:

Thank you to David Long and Jen Veilleux, my editors at Bethany House. Jen, your thoroughness continues to amaze me! You catch so many details, big and small, that I often overlook. And thank you to the entire team at Bethany House who work so hard to make our books shine. I especially love this cover with Olivia at the gate of the maternity home!

I’d also like to thank my agent, Natasha Kern, for all her hard work and dedication.

My sincerest gratitude goes to my amazing critique partner, Sally Bayless, who gives me such great advice and treats my stories with as much care as her own work.

And, as always, thank you to my family for their love and encouragement. Thanks to my husband, Bud, who went with me on two different research trips to Toronto for this story in order to get the feel of Greektown and Little Italy. It was fun exploring with you!

Thank you to my wonderful readers and influencers. I appreciate you all so much, especially those who take the time to let me know how my stories have impacted them. After all, that’s the reason we write!

Blessings until the next time,


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