Across town, Splinter was also flying through the air, but for a very different reason. Shredder’s attacks were becoming more powerful. The armored warrior delivered a fierce kata-combo of power punches and speed kicks that sent Splinter sailing backward to the far wall. Shredder was clearly overpowering him, and Splinter began to doubt his chances.
Before Splinter could regain his footing, Shredder brutally kicked him back to the ground. Then he leaned over his opponent’s crumpled body. In Splinter’s moment of weakness, Shredder no longer saw a mutated rat. He only saw the defeat of his lifelong rival.
He decided to call him by his true name.
“It’s over, Hamato,” Shredder said, his blades extending from his armor. “Soon you will be no more.”
Ignoring his enemy’s words, Splinter tried to find whatever strength was still left within him to keep on fighting. He knew deep down that losing now wouldn’t just mean sacrificing his own life; it would mean sacrificing the lives of the Turtles, as Shredder would be free to hunt them down with no interference.
Splinter couldn’t allow that. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing any more children to this monster of a man.
Shredder prepared to deliver what he thought would be the final blow. Aiming his blades at Splinter’s heart, he growled, “And your own daughter will go through her life cursing your name.”
That was it. A rage filled Splinter. Hamato Yoshi may have been defeated by this coward, he thought, but Splinter the rat won’t be!
Suddenly, something snared Shredder’s wrist, making it impossible to complete his strike. He looked down to see—Splinter’s tail! It tightened around his arm and snapped it back like a whip. Using his tail as a snare, Splinter barrel-rolled forward, dragging Shredder helplessly to the ground. The battle was still alive, and so was Master Splinter!