It was the willow that Freya was drawn to. She wandered through her bluebells, moving instinctively. As she left the shade of her old gnarled woodland, she was conscious of the souls she was leaving behind, but their joy infused her, and she drifted on.

Diamond-encrusted grass, heavy with dew, bathed her feet as she walked, and bluebells sprang up through the greensward with every step, creating a carpet of blue trailing behind her.

Freya, charged with heady invigoration, sensed the change within and knew she was no longer an awkward seven-year-old. Her long legs carried her tall and strong, and feminine grace abounded. Her girly dress, once decorated with stars and ribbons had lengthened, and fit like a gossamer glove. Its lilac hue shimmered then faded into the purest white and Freya’s hair glistened and hung about her shoulders, framing the face of a beautiful young woman.

The sky above was azure and gold and familiarity seeped through Freya’s veins. Light immersed the landscape growing stronger all the time and Freya danced towards her willow’s trembling boughs. Its feathery leaves, bleached by the surrounding brilliance, tickled Freya and she giggled then paused, almost bursting with excitement.

“Are you ready?” An ethereal, but melodious and gentle voice drifted through the light and a surge of energy suffused Freya.

“I made rainbows…” she replied.

The light brightened as if in answer and a play of light beckoned her. Freya hurried on as the willow’s boughs parted and her soul awoke. Every sense in her body was heightened and exquisite. “I’m ready,” she affirmed and was immediately swallowed up into the most brilliant radiance, and Freya felt as though she were one with every living soul. Then the brilliance faded and Freya found herself alone wandering through a misty meadow. She glanced around, her gown wafting in the cool breeze. She twirled several times, enjoying the sensation of harmony, and then a voice broke her reverie.


She turned to see a man with piercing blue eyes and tawny brown hair, standing to her rear. He laughed and his laugh made her feel warm inside.

“Am I your assignment?” she asked with a smile.

“Not this time,” he replied pushing his floppy hair out of his eyes.

Jake took her hand and she perceived his soul.

“I’m ready,” she told him.

He smiled.

Freya’s eyes were suddenly alert. “Thomas!” she exclaimed.

“Let’s go.” Jake nodded. “You have a promise to keep.”

And with that they were gone…just a breath away.

The End
