Chapter 49

Hours later they crawled through a narrow crevasse and emerged in a deep valley. The moon hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the parched earth. After so long in the chilly caverns, even the scant heat rising from the earth was a comfort.

Bones stretched and looked around. In the distance, he saw the ridgeline that marked the entrance to Carlsbad Caverns. They’d come a long way, and could look forward to a long walk back.

“Too bad it couldn’t bring us out a little closer to our destination. I’ve done enough walking for today.” Padilla sucked in a deep breath of night air and let it out slowly. “It was worth it, though. I still can’t believe it.”

“No one will believe us,” Jessie said.

“Welcome to my world,” Bones said.

“Tell me about it. I’ve got a story to write and what do I have to prove it? Nothing.” Amanda shook her head. “I suppose I could go back, but it just seems wrong, you know?”

“And dangerous,” Bones said. “I don’t think visitors would be welcome a second time.”

“Speaking of danger,” Krueger said, “I guess I need a new identity.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Shame. I liked the Roswell museum.”

Jessie looked up a Bones. “Do you think we’re in danger from ICE?”

Bones considered this. “They know my name for sure. Just to be on the safe side, I think I’ll touch base with a friend. She can deal with them. If that doesn’t work, I’ll personally take care of the sheriff and his friends.”

A contemplative silence hung in the air until Jessie forced a laugh.

“On that happy note, what now? Do we just go back to our ordinary lives?”

Bones put an arm around her shoulders. “I hate to tell you, but that’s pretty much how these things work.”

“So, I sit around for two weeks, waiting for summer classes to begin, and trying to figure out how I’m going to cover tuition next year.”

“I think you’ve got that covered,” Padilla said. “We’ve got a bit of the Glade Treasure left. Even split five ways, you should be in good shape.” He glanced at Bones. “We found it on government land, but I’ll bet our resident treasure hunter can help us out there.”

Bones nodded. “My uncle owns a casino, so I’ve got connections.”

The others nodded approvingly and resumed their trek back to Bones’ truck, but Jessie held him back.

“This is amazing. Thank you!” She lowered her voice. “I don’t suppose I can talk you into hanging around for a while?”

“I’ll come back for a visit,” he said, “but once we’ve gotten Mari taken care of, I’m going to Vegas.”

Jessie stuck out her lower lip. “All alone?”

“My friends are waiting for me there. You can come along if you like. Just remember, what happens in Vegas...”

Jessie laughed. “I don’t think that would be much fun for me. Just promise you’ll drop by on your way home.”

Bones smiled. “It’s a plan. Just don’t hold me to a date and time. I don’t go out of my way to find trouble, but it always seems to find me.”


If you enjoyed The Book of Bones, try Blood Codex, A Jake Crowley Adventure.

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